Chapter 55 - Conclusion

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24 years later...

"Honey, you haven't eaten a bite of your dinner. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

She sighs...

"I know it's today. You can't keep going on like this every year; you need closure. I know you said not to say anything anymore about this but, the General still sends letters. They want you there. This business can't run with you thinking about her and what you could've done or had you not been involved. This tea shop was for her and she wouldn't want you ruining it for your ridiculous thoughts of what if."

"I don't know. I haven't been there since my speech and the poitics. I'm worried about how things are going there and I want no part in it. You know once I'm there, I'd want to help or they'd want me back."

"We don't know that. Maybe it really is just a thing for the soldiers. To meet a hero would be a once in a lifetime opportunity for them."

"I'm no hero."

"Y'know what? You're going! I am serious, dear. You need this. Just go this once. You need the closure. You can't keep living the rest of your days with this stress and weight on your shoulders."

"Fine, yeah-yeah. I'll go. You're right honey. I'll go tonight. Give her a call for me and I'll be on my way."

"Really? Oh, I'm so proud. Thank you, I know you won't regret it."



"They're here. Be safe, okay?"

"Sure thing, Vanessa."

We kiss and say our goodbyes.

"Bye, daddy!"

"Bye, kids. I will be back home sooner than you know it."


There's a fine black limo here to pick me up.

I am greeted by the driver who opens the door for me and tries to help me in.

"I don't need your help. I'm not that old yet."

"Uhh, y-yes! Of course, sir."

He gets back in and drives off. I wave my kids and wife goodbye.

"It's an honor to meet you, sir."

"Listen... I'm no greater a man than you. We are all only mere humans."

"Wow... So you were the legendary soldier who killed Claw? How'd you do it? What finally worked?"

"Nothing. He just had intelligence and intel to keep him ahead of the game forever."

"You mean through the old General, Carter Jones?"

"S-Sorta... Enough talk, please. I need to relax."

"Yes, sir."


"We're here."

"Woah! This place has really changed since I was last here, huh?"

"Guess, so."

A group of Steel Guards begin to escort me towards the General's Office.

A few of them seem to be male! Well... maybe not best to assume that.


"Here you are, sir!"

"Thank you."

I walk up the steps and walk inside.

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