Chapter 11 - First Day

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We're all finally grouped to begin our tests.

"Nathaniel, come with us for a bit. We need to prepare you before your tests."

Rosalin is hollering at me along with Becca looking bored as ever. I'm ready to begin testing already.

I head over with Becca and Rosalin into this somewhat small almost empty white room. It has a weird machine in the back of the room and looks as though you could put a body standing up in it. So, I'm sure I'll end up being that body soon.

Becca and Rosalin start doing... measurements around my body. Ahh!

I need to calm down. They are both close to, well, my private region. Oh fuck, please hurry up.

I can feel myself starting to get red hot!



They wrote down a bunch of numbers on some papers, my measurements I'm sure. Rosalin takes the papers and puts them into the back of the machine. It takes the papers much like a vending machine would with a dollar.

"Alright Nathaniel, almost done. Now, we need you to take everything off."
Rosalin demands.


"Come on! I'm not waiting all day for this."
Becca says impatiently.

"Do you two have to be in-"
"Hurry up!"
They both say in sync.

I can feel my face getting red. My body starts feeling really hot and I'm shaking. They both just look so impatient like they don't seem bothered with this. I mean it has to be because everyone has to do this.

Everyone does have to do this, right?!

I slowly take off the last of my clothes...

Holy fuck, I'm so embarrassed.

Woah! They're grabbing my shoulders!

They pushed me into the machine.

It closes. Whew. I'm a bit glad I can feel somewhat secure now since nobody can see me naked.

Gah! I feel a whole instant motion that I can only describe as if I were in a big rubber bag with all of the air inside getting sucked out of it at once.

Wait... This is my suit!

This makes sense now. I'm just glad I don't have to go back out naked.

Hmm? A bunch of lights just came on.


Holy shit!

I feel a sharp pain in my shoulders, ankles, and both sides of my pelvis.


This hurts so much.

I look over. I'm being impaled by sharp metal spikes!

I feel my vision getting blur-Argh!


My stomach was impaled by some clear tube with a green substance inside of it. I can feel myself regaining my strength again.

The machine opens and drops me out. I feel weak and I fall to my knees.

"Are you okay? How was it? Are you hurt?"

Rosalin seems concerned while Becca just leans on the far wall, ready to go. I think Rosalin is only worried due to my condition. I'm sure this is normal and she knows it's perfectly safe since everyone has to go through this. I mean I'm glad she's concerned, I just don't want people feeling pity for me.

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