Winteriron : first drink

963 19 4

Word count: 1106

requested by @JessieLaxton

Summery: Tony is Bucky's seemingly nerdy boyfriends, who has never had much fun in his life. What happens when the group take him out to a club to celebrate his first drink with him?

The bell rang, and echoed Down the hall way. The corridors were silent, until a serge of movement caused the floor to shake.

Tony slung his bag over his shoulder and hung his head as he walked it of the door. He was pushed and shoved the whole way to the canteen, where he met his boyfriend, and his friends.

Tony was two years younger than the other kids in his year, meaning they were all (legally) allowed to drink (but that didn't stop the from drinking before), which usually meant they all went out while tony went home and down that nights home work.

He gently put his bag down and sat next to Bucky, who immediately saw the smaller boy and wrapped his arm around his smaller figure. He held him like that everyday - much to the others amusement.. they would tease them, calling the 'love birds' and 'sappy'. Tony didn't mind, but it only made Bucky pull tony that bit closer to him.

The two sat, enjoying the others company and warmth, as they listened to the others bicker and mock the other younger kids. This always made tony fell slightly uncomfortable, as he never had a problem with anyone but since he started hanging out with 'the avengers' as they called the sleeves, he started to get looks and extra taunts and pushed in the hallways. It was bad enough that he was short for his age, but being surrounded by kids 2 years older really emphasised his insecurities.

Bucky seemed to sense this, and threw his sandwich at Clint, who immediately shut up. The conversation soon digressed into something else.

"Hey love birds!" Nat shouted across the table at the two sitting quietly in each other's arms, " we're gonna go to the club tonight... you wanna come?"

Bucky glanced at tony with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He lent forward and whispered something in his partners ear - making the other smile.. Surprising the others, Bucky looked up, shouting back...."yeah, we'll be there."


The group pulled up out side the club in Steve's new car.

The were all buzzing and Tony gripped onto Bucky's hand like his life depended on it. Bucky kissed the side of his head, and run his other hand through his hair- knowing it calmed him down. He instantly calmed under his boyfriends touch, and lifted his head up a bit more - gaining confidence.

They walked up to the doors, and the bouncer let them in - and nodded at tony - as he was a friend on the stark family. The others smiled and nudged tony as a way to thank him, and soo ran off to enjoy the night.

Tony looked in the place, his eyes taking a while to get used to the lack of natural light. There were beams of brightly coloured lights illuminating the dark room. His ears rang when he began to hear the bae of the music and the thump of screams from inside. Once again he gripped Bucky's hand together, and his boyfriends reacted by pulling him into his side, letting him know he was still there.

The double doors were swung open and the two walked forward into the mass of bodies. It was crowded and they had already lost the others o the crowd. The masses scared tony. He didn't want to lose Bucky, and gripped is hand tighter.

Half an hour later, they had met with the others again, and they all crowded around tony. They patted him on the back, and eventually convinced him to go to the bar. He didn't really want to, but it was his firs drink! they wanted to celebrate it with him.

"come on tony!" Clint shouted above the music already slightly tipsy. He pushed him towards the bar, where another group of teenagers were crowded around some one- seemingly chanting.

"okay, " nat sat down on a stool next to tony, looking him I the eye as Bucky held back, watching with an amused grin on his face. " so... to order your first drink ,you have to rap!"

"are you serious, " tony looked at the red head with a unamused expression. Steve and Thor behind were laughing together, having to hold each other up, and Bruce looked at them with an annoyed look on his face -almost disgusted at their behaviour.

"yep!" she said popping the p.

Tony glanced round at Bucky who had a hand over his mouth, tying to stop the laughs becoming too obvious.

"fine, " he said, " what do I have to do, "

Nat pulled out her phone and pulled up the lyrics to the song she wanted him to rap. Tony glanced down at it, and looked up at Bucky who was failing.

The music behind them changed and tony took the opportunity to begin the song, he opened his mouth and began the first verse:

Can I get that Tron, can I get that Remmy
Can I get that coke, can I get that henny
can I get that margarita on the rock, rock, rock
can I get salt all around that rim, rim, rim, rim
trey, I was like trey?
do you think you can buy me a bottle of rosee?
okay lets get it now,
i'm wit' a bad bitch, he wit' his friends
I don't say hi, I say keys to the benz, keys to the benz, keys to the benz.

Before that moment the group had always wondered what attracted the two together, but ow they knew they were more similar than they originally thought. The bar tender pushed a drink over to where tony was sat, and he downed it in one go.

Bucky walked up to them, and while the others watched with their mouths open, he leant don and attacked is boyfriends lips. It got heated quickly, and the others excuse themselves quickly.

Bucky pulled away from tony as soon as hey had left and sat down where Nat was a few minutes ago. " that was worth it," he said.

Tony laughed at his boyfriends mischievous nature. " why didn't you tell them you took me here on my birthday?" he asked.

" now... where's the fun in that?" he kissed him again, and whispered in his ear, " now... how about we get out of here - and you can finish that song at home?"

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