IronStrange : You down there

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Word count:  476

Summery: Fluff between Strange and Stark- Height difference. Stark survives the events....No spoilers!!!...and is living with Strange and the rest of the avengers in the tower.

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Tony had yet another sleepless night after the events of the whole 'Thanos' situation. But at least he had his friends around him.

He sleepily walked into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He saw Strange looking around the kitchen, and he smirked- his plane was coming into play. He watched from a distance as Strange was searching the cupboards for his favourite mug. He was searching everywhere, and Tony couldn't wait anymore.

"Try the bottom draw." he said as he walked in and took a seat at the table, smirking still. Strange gave him an unsure look, but continued to look in the bottom draw like Tony had said.

Tony watched in amusement as when Strange bend down to  look in the draw, Stark had the perfect view of his back side. But it was over too soon when Strange stood up quickly with the mug in his hands.

"Thanks Tony."

"wow, you're on first names already?" Sam said walking in, noticing what was happening between the two.  It was amusing to him as it took even Steve a while to stop calling him 'Mr Stark'.

Strange smiled and poured out his coffee, " do you want one Tony?" He asked.

"yeah sure." he stood and went to find his own mug. He always pit it in the same place, in the middle cupboard ( Because the team would always mock his lack of ability to reach the top one) He opened the door, and to his horror, it wasn't there. Strange noticed the look on Starks face and smirked, knowing HIS plan was coming into play.

Sam was watching from the table realising what the both of them were doing, and stayed to watched the events play out.

Tony continued to search for his mug, not wanting to use anybody else's, but at the same time not wanting to look in the top cupboard. He chose the latter, reaching up to open the door, and there it was- his ironman mug. He huffed, but before he could say anything, he felt Strange's body pressed against his, his arm reaching up, picking the mug down with ease. He turned to see Strange standing there, holding the mug out for him.

"You alright down there?"

And for the first time in history, Tony Stark blushed. Strange smirked at his achievement. 

Tony took the mug and muttered a thank you, but before either could register what was happening, their lips were connected.

"Get a room you two!" Sam shouted and Tony blushed.

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