Father figure

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Word count: 1802

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I'm sorry it took so long to write ... but I hope you enjoy it never the less... I may do  part two to this.... but please let me know what you think!!!

Summery: where the important men in Tony's life save him from Steve in Siberia.

" sir, you are not going to win hand to hand!" Friday spoke desperately, worried about her boss. But no matter how may times she warned him, he continued never the less- fuelled by anger. Rage. Betrayal. Grief.

It wasn't looking good for the stark. Even with the suit, as weak as it now was, it wasn't going to protect him from the equally as raged super soldier- currently weakening his only suit even more.

He was tired... he was losing faith . The pain burnt through him, it. Made him lose. Everything-   So much so that he no longer felt the pain, the betrayal , he was empty, with no one left to help. -not anymore. Thanks. To Steve rogers, Lost.  Everything.

His eyes flickered open, the light blinding him instantly.. he was confused... he first thing he remembered was the pain he had felt moments before. He remembered. 

He had happened so quickly. It was almost a blur... but the face.. he would remember his face forever. He had saved him. Risked his life for him. And he would have down or again in a heart beat... and he knows now- he may have to.

He was alive- meaning he was needed once again.


" sir you should really go upstairs to bed... you have been working non stop for..."

" shuuuush shuuuuush," the man turned around on his chair and held his finger to the others mouth. " shhhhh"

" J I've nearly finished..." he slurred. He was exhausted and may be a little intoxicated. He patted his butlers shoulder and giggled slightly , before turning back round to his work, and carrying on before.

" sir I really must insist...."

" Jarvis! Please I'm working." He smaller man was hunched he'd over and concentrating fully on the machine in front of him. Te butler watched over him, amused by his employers determination to finish the small device. He was used to seeing him creating something massive and dangerous looking... but this- this seemed almost... innocent.

Being deep in thought , the butler almost didn't hear the distinct laughter of his favourite child. He small boy came running down the stairs and stopped suddenly in the door way as soon as he saw his father in that state. His large brown eyes found Jarvis standing not too far away, and he flashed him his famous grin. Jarvis he never understood his boss- but since the boy was born, his absence from the outside world increased. He first thought it was because of his son, but as time went On- the job fell to Jarvis to look after the boy. But he want complaining.

He was full of life and happy. He adored his father, but he knew when to leave him alone. Jarvis always suspected the boy would be the same as his father- he was smart.

Jarvis smile back at the young boy and motioned for him to join him. He run over and was greeted by the warm embrace of the butler. He lifted him up and held him close to his hip. They both stood in silence, and watched the older stark work. The young boy rested his head on the butlers shoulder and slowly felt his eyes shut. It was only a small gesture- but it was one that would stay with them both for a long time.

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