Beauty And The Beast: #6

142 3 1

Word count : 792

Warning: last chapter!!!


Tony went to the west wing, he had his best soldiers scattered around the castle hidden in plane sight. Steve loved being in charge again, people started calling him 'cap' again.

Tony watched from afar as the doors were nocked down and the cries of triumph from the village people. It was quiet at first, then the attacks started. Soon enough half of the men were down, not dead- just... knocked out?

The beasts defences were holding them back well, but Obadiah managed to get past them and sought out the beast himself. He held his shot gun in his hand, a knife on his belt just in case. He checked every room. Nothing so far. He travelled higher in the building, and from the east wing, he spotted Tony on the balcony, looking at the last remaining petal on the rose. Stane jumped over the side of the balcony and ran across the roof of the decaying castle. He jumped in to a window a fw down from where Stark was standing, and made his way in side.

Tony watched the rose, he loved pepper. He never felt like this before and he knew. He had to protect her, and the rose. She would never love him back as a beast, who would.

He was so deep in thought, he didn't hear Stane creep up on him. He lifted the gun and hit him in the head, sending Tony over the balcony and crashing down onto the roof. He wanted to fight back, but what was the point? Steve and everyone else would live forever in this form, and he didn't want to live anyway. Maybe this was for the best. Pepper would be free to marry whoever she loved and every one would be happy right?

Stane jumped over the balcony and landed near Tony. He pointed the gun and shot him in the thigh. He roared, and pepper screamed. Tony heard it and thought she was hurt. He stood, a whole foot taller than the man in front of him. He picked him by the throat and dangled him over the side of the roof.

Pepper had ran down to the scene and shouted when she saw Tony. he moved his eyes aay from stane a moment too long, because he took the oppertunity to grab the knife and plunged it into Tony's abdomen. He stumbled back wards letting go of Stane. It wasn't a good idea, Stane fell down, missed the gutter o the building and plummeted to his death.

Pepper ran over to Tony, bleeding out on the floor.

She stroked his hair away from his eyes. She desperately tried to stop the bleeding, but it was too deep . She had tears welling in her eyes as she pulled tony closer to her.

"toyn, please. DONT GO! PLEASE TONY!  I love you." The petal dropped from the rose and the whole thing withered and turned to dust. Steve, Bruce, Thor, Clint, Sam and Nat watched, tears in their eyes as there hope died with tony.

In a desperate attempt to tell him again, Pepper placed her lips on Tony's and kissed him. She loved him and she would never, ever forget his sacrifice. She pulled away and kissed his cheek.

" we won, you can rest now." tears continued to fall.

Then suddenly a light appeared around Tony's body, he was lifted up in the air and was spun around. Everyone watched as The beasts limp body turned into  a human Tony Stark. He was the most handsome man Pepper had ever seen. He was placed back down on the ground and Pepper ran over to him oone more.

" tony," she asked

"P pepper?" he asked as he opened his eyes. " pepper is that you?"

"yeah, yes tony." He sat up and pepper pulled him into a hug, keeping him close. She helped him stand, and before anything else he pulled her body against his human form and kissed her.

"wow, I forgot what that was like." he said and rested his head on her shoulder.

Around them the others were returning into there human form too. Steve, then Nat, then Clint, Sam, Bruce, Rhodes and Thor.

Sam and Clint hugged each other so did Bruce and thor and Steve and Nat shared a happy glance.

Everything was okay. Everything was finally okay.




Thank you all so much for reading this, if any of you have any suggestions please leave a comment and let me know.

All votes and comments are appreciated, and they do inspire me to write more.

I really hope you all enjoyed this as much as I have enjoyed writing it!!!

thank you!!


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