Romanogers: getting you back

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Word count:580

Warnings: endgame spoilers?

Requested by @Gabbyromanogers

Hope you enjoy! Please don't forget to comment and vote!!

Summery: where steve would do anything to her back.

He stared into the horizon. Tears streaming down his face. He had lost Peggy. Bucky. Then Tony and half of the team - his new family. Now Nat.


"See ya in a minute"

It was the last time he saw her. Her smile. The look of hope and determination glistened in her eyes. It inspired him. She inspired him. He had lost so much in his time, but he never thought he would lose her too. It worried him constantly, but he knew she was able to protect herself, even with out a suit or super soldier serum. And she was everything to the team- to Steve.

He remembered feeling amazing when returning to the compound after getting the stone. He remembered the look on everyone's face as they smiled beneath their helmet. Then he saw Clint.

Tear stained eyes.

He fell to the floor, clutching the stone, more tears falling down his face. He dropped to his knees, breaking down. He had witnessed his best friends death so they could win this war.

Steve remembered blaming himself. He knew tony did as well. He lost a good friend. So did bruce. So did Clint. Even Thor refused to believe she was actually gone. She was the force holding the men together. But now they would fight to make sure she didn't die in vein.

So he stared off into the distance, remembering all the times he had spent with her. All the times he could have told her how he felt, but was too shy to do so. He had loved her- and he lost her as well.

He could only watch as the rest of his team broke down around him. No one could help them like she did.

' what ever it takes'

He should have known. The clues were all there. ' a soul for a soul.' It was always Clint or nat. They should have been more careful. It should have been him.

They fought the war, side by side. The avengers reunited once again. And they won.

But for Steve it was never a true victory.

How could it be?

Peggy was gone.

Bucky was unstable and wanted all over the world.

Nat was dead.


Everyone would leave him. Clint has a family and was retiring for good. Thor was going off world with the guardians and Bruce.... Bruce was getting his life back together.

But there was hope. They had Spider-Man, ant man , black panther, falcon, wasp, Wanda , carol. The world would be safe in their hands. They didn't need a man out of time any more. But there was somewhere he needed to be.

He volunteered to take the stones back after the funeral. He knew pepper would be okay- she was one of the strongest women he knew, and he knew a lot of strong women. He said his goodbyes, and left.

Once the stones were returned, he looked down at his wrist. He only had enough to go one more place.

He knew what he wanted to do. He knew what he should do. So he took a deep breath, and set the time.

He stood outside a building. The avengers tower. He was suddenly nervous. What would he do? What would he say?

It he was forced out of his thoughts when a certain red head came into view.

" morning captain."

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