ThunderScience : Snowday

878 22 3

Word count: 730

Warnings: Just some cute fluff between Thor and Banner. ENJOY!

Summery: where Thor helps Bruce feel more confident in himself, and unleashes his inner child.


It was a cold December morning, and Snow was silently falling out side of the avengers tower. Bruce was sitting n the lab with his head on his arms, just looking at his work. Nothing was working. He struggled to keep his emotions at bay, the monster inside of him threatening to come out. He let out a shaky breath attempting to calm himself down.


Mean while, the avengers ah just woken up, and where gathered around the window, watching the snow fall from the sky.  Seeing as this was the first time Thor had stayed on earth in winter, he had never se or experienced snow before. The team could just see how exited the god was of the falling snow flakes. They were getting ready to go outside, when Thor spoke up.

"where is Dr Banner, He should come too." He bellowed.

Every one looked at Tony, his science bro. "Whaaa ... erm ... I haven't seen his for a few days... he must still be in the lab." He said, feeling under pressure from the glares of his team mates.

"fine, i'll go and get him, " he sighed knowing their was no way of winning that argument.


Bruce stared at the blue prints, his mind racing, thoughts circling and spirling out of control. He was pulled back into reality when he saw Tony standing there. He lifted his head and looked at the man in front of him.

"we're going outside. And your coming." Tony said and Bruce followed him up stairs.

"Dr Banner, So good for you to join us!" Thor shouted and Tony cringed. "we are going out side. And we couldn't go with out you. " Bruce smiled at the gesture of kindness from the god himself.

They waited for Bruce to put on his coat, and he was exited to go out in the snow. He handed enjoyed snow since he was a child.  He laughed along with everyone else at a joke from Tony, and he didn't notice how close Thor was to him. Everyone was enjoying the scenery around them, and they walked into a park. As they were covered by their coats, scarves and hat's no one recognised them.

Bruce was violently thrown from his trail of thought as a freezing cold ball of snow collided with his neck. He jumped at the impact and turned to see thor standing their smiling at his good aim. Bruce was shocked, but it didn't stop his from picking up a ball of snow him self and throwing it at Thor. He ducked and it ended up hitting Tony on his nose. He screamed and stared at Bruce, and wasted no time launcing a ball at him. Typically I missed and hit steve.

Soon enough, the whole team was throwing snow balls at each other, laughing at the good hits and Tony chasing Steve around trying to get him back from his last shot.

Steve and Tony were fighting with each other, while Nat was attacking Clint. She had pinned him down and thrusted a handful of snow down his coat.

That left Bruce and Thor together. After a while, they were tiring. Bruce threw himself on the ground and started to make a snow angel. Thor sat next to him and down the same. His was much bigger than Bruce's.

"Thanks for inviting m Thor. It's been great!" He turned his head to look at the god and he smiled back at him.

" I couldn't experience snow for the first time without you here, Bruce." He said and started to close the gap between them. Their lips collided in a passionate kiss, and Thor moved his hand to the back of Bruce's neck to keep him on him.

"wwhhhhooo! Go on Brucie!" Tony shouted at the two, and Thye pulled away. Thor glaring at Tony for ruining his moment, and Bruce turning a deep shad of red.

"Tony, Shut up!" Bruce said.

"Oh no, im never letting anyone forget this... priceless, absolutely pri...." Tony's comment was interrupted by steve kissing him passionately.

"you were saying?" Steve mocked, and tony opened and closed his mouth a few times before huffing and walked off, Steve's eyes never leaving his ass.

"So.... Was it good?" Bruce asked referring to the snow.

" the best."

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