Owen #14

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Tonight was beautiful. The stars were bright and the glow of the moon lit up the yard. With the door closed to the room, the party behind me seemed to dissipate.

Mystery Girl: Did you know that no matter where you are in the world, the moon is never bigger than your thumb.

I held my hand up and cover the moon the my thumb. It made me smile thinking where ever she was, she's be doing the same.

Me: Thats pretty romantic.

Mystery Girl: LOL! Thanks, I got it from Nicolas Sparks. He's the true romantic here. Can't claim that as my own.

Me: I wouldn't have know the difference.

Mystery Girl: Plagiarism really isn't my color.

Me: You really are a stickler for the rules aren't you?

Mystery Girl: Well isn't that why they are called rules? They are meant to be followed.

Mystery Girl: I don't know. When I was a kid, I always thought that if you followed the rules nothing bad would happen, but it died. I remember when my grandma died, I was only 13. I told myself I would always follow he rules. She was such a rule breaker. She did all this crazy stuff in her life but later on she didn't take her meds and she didn't listen to the doctors when they told her to rest. Now I follow rules religiously but I feel like I'm missing out on stuff.

Me: I'm sorry to hear about your grandma.

Me: But I think she has a point. Once you know the rules, you know how to break them. Life about experience and living. It's not enough to be born, you have to live your life. If you don't is it really a life at all? Don't you want to be 80 and telling your grandkids all the shit you got into? Not telling them how to live to 90 without anything smile lines to show for it.

Mystery Girl: I know, you have a point. I'm trying. I'm going out, making friends, doing new things. Baby steps is still moving forward.

Me: Very true.

The door opened and closed behind me. Danny strode in, more like staggered actually but I digress. He leaned on the railing next to me.
"What are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to get away."
"You left so abruptly." I nodded in agreement. "One minute your talking to Angelia and the next your gone. She said you told her you'd get her a drink and you never came back." I laughed, Danny did not find it amusing.
"Oh come on Danny, you and I both know parties just aren't as fun to me anymore."
"Yeah, since Mystery Girl." He mumbled. "I mean, what even happened? Why'd you dip?"
"I saw someone." I admitted in a low voice. If their was anyone in the lawn around us, I didn't want them to hear.
"Mystery Girl?" He joked with a slur.
"No, Chyanne?"
"Stevens?" I nodded. "She never comes to parties." He leaned on the rail next to me trying to keep his balance. "You know what, I think I saw her and Greg talking earlier.
"Yeah I saw that too then she disappeared."
"But Greg's still here!" He bluntly pointed out.
"Yes, I know. I didn't think he took her with him, maybe just took her home." I suggested blankly.
"I'll go ask him." He stumbled back to the door and left. I was alone with my thoughts again. Mystery Girl too.

Mystery Girl: Growing up is hard. How are we supposed to know who we want to be? What we want to be? I barely know what I want for dinner.

Me: LOL! It's rough. Sometimes I wish I could escape from the adult world and go play on a play ground.

Mystery Girl: Maybe one day we can.

Me: Go play on a play ground?

Mystery Girl: Yes!

Footsteps thumped above me. I tensed and listened. No one really knew about that room, most people forgot about this one.
"Hey." A soft females voice spoke. I recognized it but I couldn't place it. "I thought you dipped out on me for a second, then I read your text." A laugh rang from above. I knew that laugh anywhere, Chyanne. That's where she went to. I wish I would have gone to that room instead. Then it dawned on me that I was talking to Danny about her earlier, I hope she didn't hear me.
"I know better, you would have killed me." She answered her friend who I have now placed as Sandy.
"You ready to bounce?"
"Yeah, but I want coffee." I smiled to myself.
"Chy, it's like 1 in the morning."
"The heart wants what the heart wants." I had the hold in a laugh. Sandy scoffed a laugh.
"Whatever, lets go." I heard them cross the room. My heart pounded in my chest. I cleared the room in a few steps and headed back into the main area where the crowd was as, where Chyanne would be shortly. Her and Sandy were walking down the stairs. Our eyes locked and she smiled softly. My heart faltered in my chest. She was so beautiful. Where ever she was going I wanted to go too.

I grabbed my keys from the back and headed out of the party. Even though it was still alive and well, I didn't want to be here, Chyanne furthered that want to leave.
"Hey, where you going?" Angelia grabbed my arm.
"Yeah, I don't want to be here." I ducked out. My car was parked at the back of the house since I got here early. The nearest gas station was just down the road. I weaved one and out of car until I got to the road, then I headed to the gas station.

When I pulled in there was only another 2 cars in the parking lot. It was quiet out which was slightly surprising but it felt good. I was walking in and almost walked into Sandy and Chyanne.
"Hey, you were at the party." Sandy's words blurred together a little.
"I was." I looked between the two of them. Sandy's eyes were glassy but Chyanne were crystal clear. "Now I'm here."
"Wow, that's very adventurous of you." My eyes turned to Chyanne. She stared up at me with her coffee in hand, I could see the steam rolling out of the drinking hole. I could feel the smile slowly creeping on my face. A mischievous smile fell on her face, it looks door on her.
"Woah, it's getting hot in here." Sandy joked. Chyanne turned bright pink and her eyes dropped. My heart thumped in my chest, I wasn't crazy. There was something, Even Sandy noticed. "I want waffles." Sandy interrupted my train of thought.
"It's 1:30 in the morning." Chyanne looked baffled at her friend.
"You got your coffee, I want me waffles." She pouted. It was like watching an old married couple.
"Fine." Chyanne rolled her eyes. Our eyes locked again as Sandy left. I smiled at her again. She sucked on her bottom lip for a moment.
"See you around Owen." She pushes around me. My heart stopped when her arm brushed mine. I watched them get into the car. Sandy waved as they drove away.

Me: I am in a real predicament. I can't choose between Chyanne and Mystery Girl

Danny: Good luck, but for what it's worth, I like Mystery Girl. She's funny.

Greg: I like Chy.

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