Owen #12

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Mystery Girl and I talked the rest of the day. She was smart and seemed to be wildly under appreciated. She was already working in her dream job, she was just going to school for the eduction and degree. She sent me some examples of test logos or samples she had done. They were so talented and professional. I admired her, felt for her. I even envied her, I wasn't where I wanted to be in my life.

My mom always told me not to compare my life to other and others to mine. We all have different time lines. Some people graduate college at 22, some people don't even graduate high school. Some people marry at 35 and some start having kids at 16. Who am I or anyone other than themselves tell them they are not on their right path. Even those who go through hard times or make bad decisions. Sometimes, things have to get worse before they can get better. Sometimes you have to go south to go north. We're all just cars with different destinations.

Mystery Girl: Have you seen the moon tonight? IT'S BEAUTIFUL!

This was probably the most romantic things she's ever said to me. I got out of bed and rushed to the balcony. The sky above was cloudy and not a speck of light from the moon.

Me: I don't see it, it's cloudy.

Mystery Girl: Made ya look!

I laughed to myself. She wasn't necessarily romantic, maybe funny. I'm glad she was though. Her joke got me outside. The night air felt good.

Me: You know what, it's okay, it feels good outside.

Mystery Girl: Doesn't it?

Mystery Girl: Can we also take a moment to think about the fact that "doesn't it" means "does not it" and that doesn't make sense.

I laughed out loud to myself. She wasn't wrong, I found a lot of the English language to be confusing and frustrating. Like ain't being a word, what does that even stand for?

Me: You must have read my mind, I was just thinking about that.

Mystery Girl: Sarcastic or genuine?

Me: A little of both but mostly genuine.

Mystery Girl: Well pleasure to share a thought with you.

Mystery Girl: Thats kinda creepy sounding.

Me: As if we haven't made enough creepy comments to each other thus far.

Mystery Girl: LOL! You're not wrong.

Me: I like talking to you. You feel refreshing like this night air. It feels good.

Me: Does that even make sense?

Me: Did that text read as does not it?

Mystery Girl: LOL! No it doesn't(does not). I feel the same.

Me: Good.

We stayed up through the night talking back and forth. We finally decided to go to bed after watching the sun rise. Oddly it was romantic. The strange things has been happening lately. I've started dreaming of her, Mystery Girl. She wasn't a person though, she was a feeling.

Last night I dreamt that Mystery Girl and I were outside looking up at the stars and the moon. I could hear the crickets and the wind as it blew around the complex. I could hear that. I could see the moon and star. I could see some far away clouds and the occasional airplane. I could see those. She was something I couldn't see and couldn't hear but I could feel her. Her hand was warm in mine, my arm tickled with electricity from her so close to me. When she talked her words were like subtitles in front of me. I think the weirdest part of it is, it doesn't feel weird at all.

It was well into the afternoon when I made it to the cafe. My friends might call that normal, but I find it annoying. Why did the world like to sleep so much? I was always an early riser, Mystery Girl on the hand was not a morning person.
"Owen!" A voice called behind me. I turned around. Angelia and Kimberly were sitting together drinking coffee. My stomach churned a little.
"Hey." I waved awkwardly.
"Come sit with us!" Greg looked at me wary. Sometimes he could be so quiet I'd forget he was even there.
"Are we going to?" He mumbled.
"Do you want to?"
"If you don't want Angelia, can I have her?" I smiled at Greg.
"Yeah, go ahead." We ordered our coffee and slid to the end of the counter.
"Why do you want Mystery Girl so much?" He asked tenderly.
"Well, it's weird. I can be myself and she likes me still. She sees me before all the rumors follow. I'm not this crazy party person that all these people think I am. There is more that meets the eyes."
"I can understand that." He nods. "But have you ever thought about if it's all fake?" The truth was, I hadn't. What if he's right, what if it's not. What if she's weirdly cat fishing me. Our conversation from last night bubbles up from my memories. All the other conversations followed in reverse. It was real, it had to be.
"I'll deal with that when it comes, if it comes." I assured him. I grabbed my coffee and we walked towards Angelia and Kimberly. I think they were more fake than. Mystery Girl could ever be.

The girls talked our ears off. I think I would rather listen to nails on a chalkboard and Baby by Justin Bieber simtaniously, it might be better. Angelia make flirtatious comments towards me but I pretended not to recognize them as such. My phone sat face down on the table, it buzzed.

Mystery Girl: So I was thinking, tonight is supposed to be clear skies, do you actually want to look at the moon and stars with me?

I must be smiling down at my phone because Angelia was glaring heavily at me. I cleared my throat uncomfortably. Greg read over my shoulder. He shook his hand with a smile.

Mystery Girl: I promise I'm not tricking you again.

Me: In person?

Mystery Girl: Nice try, same as last night.

Me: Deal.

Me: I hope you know I will wait as long as you make me, but I will figure you out Mystery Girl.

It was true, I would wait as long as she made me. She was special. I could feel that. The coffee shop bell dinged for the dozenth time since we'd been in her. Chyanne walked it. Then there was her too.

Mystery Girl: Promise?

Me: Promise.

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