"Get my dad back." The woman told Barry, to which he nodded and then sped off.

"Barry, what's your ETA?" Cisco asked.

"All right. I'm in position." Barry told them.

"Wait for my signal." Cisco told him walking over to the other monitors.

"So the red, thats Barry?" Iris questioned. Leonard sent the woman a look, one she didn't see, were all of Chloes family idiots?

"Yes." Caitlin nodded.

"And the blue?" Iris asked.

"Is Grodd."

"Okay. Here goes nothing." Said Cisco, he then clicked a button and gas started to fill the sewers.

"The steams working. Grodds on the move." Cisco exclaimed.

"I don't understand. What is the plan?" Iris questioned.

"He's maneuvering Grodd into a tunnel 5.3 miles from Barry." Caitlin explained.

"So Barry can do what?" Iris asked.

"Same thing he did to Girder. Supersonic punch, baby. Hit it!" Cisco yelled to Barry.

"The supersonic punch failed." Cisco exclaimed.

"Its okay, Cisco. The headsets working." Barry told them.

"Yes. Okay, uh, try some speed punches on him." Cisco told Barry.

"It's a gorilla. He just tried to "supersonic punch" a gorilla and it failed. How the hell is he supposed to beat it now?" Leonard questioned. The team just sent Leonard a glare, the man putting his hands up in mock surrender.

"This isn't working!" Barry yelled.

"Okay, what if you try--" Caitlin was cut off by sounds of chocking.

"Barry!" Cisco yelled, there was no answer, "Barry!"

"Oh no." Caitlin mumbled.

"What?" Iris asked.

"The headsets offline." Caitlin told her.

"Sounded like it impacted with something." Cisco told her.

"He better not fucking die, cause then Chloes going to kill me." Leonard scowled.

"Barry's brain activity is off the charts." Caitlin told the others, "It's way worse than last time."

"You made a fucking gorilla angry. What did you think was going to happen? It would ask you out for dinner? It's a gorilla." Leonard said sarcastically.

"Dude shut up!" Cisco yelled, making Leonard close his mouth.

"What's happening to him?" Iris asked.

"Grodds attacking him psychically. He's paralyzed." Caitlin explained, worried.

"Come on. There's a service train coming." Cisco said, annoyed.

"Do something please!" Iris pleaded.

"I can't stop the train." Cisco said.

"Barry, you have to get out of there now!" The monitor started beeping like crazy.

"What do we do?" Cisco questioned.

Iris quickly went over to the mic, "Barry, listen to me, okay? You have to concentrate on my voice. Whatever is happening to you, you have to fight it. I know you can do this. I know how strong you are. Stand up to Grodd. You can do this. Please." Iris paused, "Barry, do it for me." After a few minutes, Iris asked, panicked, "Barry?!"

"I'm bringing him home."

"I SAID BE still. You have three fractured ribs." Caitlin told Joe, who was lying in a hospital bed.

"I'll be fine." He told her.

"Dad, you need to rest." Iris told her dad, softly.

"I can't believe Grodd became so violent." Caitlin spoke.

"Am I the only one who knows that it's a fucking gorilla?" Leonard questioned. No one answered as Cisco had this crazy look on his face and asked Joe, "What was his lair like? Did he eat the banana? Does he like King Kong? Hes more of a Planet of the Apes kind of ape?"

"Uh. . Terrifying. No. And I didn't ask." Joe listed off.

"Mm." Cisco nodded.

"Do you mind if I talk to my daughter alone?" Joe asked.

Cisco, Caitlin and Leonard all walked away, Leonard taking a seat in one of the chairs. Chloe had been in his mind for these past few long days. He just hoped she was okay.

"SO NOW WHAT?" Eddie questioned, seeing Thawne had finished whatever he had built.

"Now..." Thawne turned around, "I have the key."

"The key to what?" Both Chloe and Eddie asked, as the man walked away. He didn't answer simply just climbed up the ladder.

"Well that got us fucking nowhere." Chloe hissed in pain as she looked down at her wrist. They were starting to bruise, small drops of blood could be seen if you looked hard enough.

"I told you it would bruise." Eddie told Chloe.

"This is so not the time for an "I told you so" moment." Chloe growled, it didn't hurt that bad but the cuffs kept rubbing onto her sore wrists.

"This is so much worse than when Lenny kidnapped me-" Chloe mumbled.

"Your own boyfriend kidnapped you?" Eddie questioned.

Chloe shrugged, "I wasn't supposed to be there. He kidnapped Cait and I, it wasn't too bad. At least Cait doesn't hate him for it...." Chloe trailed off.

Eddie chuckled, "You live one weird life, Allen."

"That I do, Eddie." Chloe nodded.


AUTHORS NOTE | word count : 1615

Finally episode 21 is done-

Time for episode 22!

I don't even know how i'm gonna write it in since this is when lenny is canonically brought back into the show-

I'll figure it out, always do-

Uh Idk want to say- Hope you enjoyed though-

Favorite part?


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