Sad Ending

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"Who is she?" Jimin ask Jieun, Jieun look over Luna and Luna smile, she approves to telling them her identity.

"She a Vampire Seer" Jieun say looking to Jungkook

"What!" Yugyeom, Bambam and Jungkook gasp

"All this time?you never tell us?" Bambam said

"You never ask" Luna chuckle

"You got a point" Yugyeom massage his temple, suddenly feel nervous seeing Luna

"So why she here?" Suga ask, clueless what is Taehyung plan

Luna just smile

Jungkook hold Jieun hand and bring her out from the scene

"What is this?you just told me to shut the fvck up?" Jungkook ask

"It's nothing"

"Its not nothing tell me if not im not going to let you go in there" Jungkook ask half mad

"Jungkook please, im okay with this so you have to be okay too" Jieun look down to her feet

"No..what are you planning? " Jungkook more to begging her to tell the true

Jieun tears just falling down

"I said tell me!" Jungkook half yelling

"I will make sure that this will work, don't worry everything gonna be fine" Jieun assure

"If not? what will happened to me?" Jungkook glassy eye staring to Jieun soul

"Moon trust so i have to complete my mission" Jieun say

"Jieun" Jungkook hug Jieun tighly, a Seer mate is hard because a Seer have their own responsibility

"You know who's in there?" Bambam ask Luna..Luna take a deep breath

"Because i know here, she once saved me so im here to payed back" Luna say looking to the door

"What are you gonna do?" Jisoo ask, Hanbin hold Jisoo hand

"Trying to bring her back" Luna whisper to herself but everyone hear her.

Jungkook and Jieun come, Jungkook let go Jieun hand..Jieun smile to assure Jungkook and Luna look Yugyeom and Bamban and smile to them

Jieun open the door and both walk in.

"Your highness favour is here" Jieun say, Taehyung peck your head and slowly walk away from you.

He walk out from the room to give the 2 seer space, he don't know if this will work but like Jin said "trying won't hurt"

Jimin pat Taehyung shoulder. Mrs. Lee feeling pity over you and Taehyung whatever happened she here for so long and Taehyung is like her own little brother.

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