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Third person pov(;

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Third person pov(;

A week later

"I'm so boring" Kyhra mutter

A knock hear from Khyra door room, "came in" Khyra respond

"Your Highness, King call you to have a dinner with him" A maid say gaze down.

"What make he think i would love to eat with him" Khyra mumble.

But why not, i'm sick with this room.

"Okay, i'll be there in minutes" Khyra say then walk to her bathroom .

The maid walk out to inform Taehyung who's waiting for her.

After minutes

After being lost again in this palace Khyra finally arrives the dining room.

"You lost again didn't you" Taehyung says, when Khyra already sit beside him at the long table.

"This palace is just too big" Khyra mumble without looking Taehyung, Khyra tie up her hair in ponytail and wearing silk blue pyjamas.

She don't care about what's the maid think and even the King think, she just being herself and it's not a big deal for wearing pyjamas to dinner.

Maid come with their dinner and it's a steak but Khyra just so not into steak nowadays since she been eating it whole days.

"Can i not eat steak today, i want to eat ramyeon" Khyra says looking toward Taehyung

"Sure as you wish" Taehyung gaze the maid behind Khyra to take Khyra order.

"Please add 2 egg, sorry for troubling" Khyra cheek a smile as the maid smile back to her feelings wonderful because Khyra says sorry for troubling her.

"You can eat first, my majesty" Khyra says.

"As a gentleman, i shouldn't do that" Taehyung says.

Gentleman my ass! if you a gentleman you won't lock me here, i know you have a fabulous palace but still i need fresh air and i miss my parents

Khyra dozed off looking toward the dining room window. Taehyung who's read her mind staring her blankly.

"You wanna go out tomorrow?" Taehyung suddenly ask

My King || Kim Taehyung Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat