A Nightmare

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"No" you whisper

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"No" you whisper

He walk towards you, smirking.. you never thought the guy who always smiling to you is smirking now.

"Yes" he say in front of you

"Why?" you say but more to whisper, Jhope and Suga feel pity for you.

Yura cough echoing

"I told you to control yourself Yura" he yell in front of you but you already shock to shock again

"I'm sorry" Yura wipe her bleeding lips..even Yura scared of him that meant he the leader around here.

He just looking at you and you do the same its just different vibe, he happy but you sad.

"I SAID WHY!" you scream on his face, he laugh.. he slowly take steps back

"Because you a fool" he spit.. Any second after that thunder loudly bang outside

Jhope look at you "control your power Khyra"

Suga ammused seeing you angry, he know you more than this, he here only to protect you like just he said being your hero but he know more that you can protect yourself.

You mad, upset, angry and disappointed

"Wah surprisingly you know to control your power now" he clap

"I said why! why you do this!after all this time?" Your tears keep falling down" if you lose sense now, you will let your emotion control you

He laugh again

He annoyed you

Shakingly you shut your eye and wipe your fallen tears. The thunder stop

He dont worth your tears.

"Your blood.." he inhale your blood sweetness

"Been always drown me in" He walk closer to you, his face is close to you.. you want to punch him on his face so bad but your hand is tied

You don't know what he about to do but you know you have to be aware

He smirk, you gulp

He go to your neck and you suddenly feel his fang on your skin, he sucking your blood.

"Stop!" you whimper, the pain feel so unreal.. Jhope stand shakingly try to control his temper, Suga watch and Yura amused

You feel dizzy and you fall to your knee, he let go, he wipe his lips

"Sweet like i thought" He exclaims

"Bring her now!" he told the guard and they drag you to the bed

"No!!" Your vision is blur.. the pain on your neck, even Taehyung never taste your blood.

"Let me go!!" you screaming but pointless they already tie you to the bed

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