Chapter 18

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Dia leisurely walked along the hallway, the shine of the moonlight shafted along the walls of the hallway, she'd then proceed to stand by this specific door; Sunflower's door, the daughter of Maria and George Minafile.
It was apparently nightfall, her father took a break and now it was her responsibility to watch over the door of Sunflower. Of course it wasn't easy.
The girl would often open the door and run off, or rather sneak out the window. For the past two days she hasn't done either of those things. I'm quite skeptical over this, but I'd rather get this done quickly before anything else.
I'll get to spend more time with Maria and George. They've welcomed me into the family as their own child; although. Sunflower is quite the opposite; she's a troublesome girl.
I feel a tad sorry for the girl, her parents have found me to be the 'perfect' placement, as to the point where George and Maria called me their 'daughter'.
I find it quite unfair that they'd leave out their own daughter like this.
It's mildly abusive.
Dia kept a straight posture, eyeing the maids that passed by; although, they couldn't tell she was looking at them because of her metal armour.
The modern times are a thing, but the townspeople prefer this town as old fashioned and so do I.
Seeing futuristic, bright things is harmful to the eyes; It's too shiny and plain out a dumb idea.
At this moment; things are much better- I hear something.
Dia turned her head side-to-side, her reflexes were impulsive.
Nobody is coming.
She then began to hear soft sobs.
She turned around, staring at the door; Dia went closer towards the girl, leaning against the door on her side to hear;
"I'm... s.... upid..." She couldn't make out what she was saying, she peered in closer.
"I sho..ldn't of ki...ed that little boy." Dia would then proceed to freeze to place.
Did I hear that correctly?
"Lottie... wa.. right."
Dia narrowed her eyes to the side.
That name is too familiar, but It's not like I did not expect it. It was going to happen in the near future, and I suppose I've guessed it correctly.
She's a flea-ridden pest, a young girl with the mind of a dirty swindler. She disoriented Sunflower's feeble mind into thinking stealing was alright, she took advantage of that.
I find it quite pathetic.
Lottie's immoral ways shall be put to an end soon, but I feel like I could have fun with this.
If It's for Sunflower, I'll get rid of her naughty infraction with Lottie.
However, the death of that little boy was caused by both Lottie and Sunflower?
I don't get how the lines add up, but I'll know soon enough.
If Sunflower and Lottie really did murder that little boy, what would be in store for the two of them? Surely they couldn't go unharmed, but I'm cautious on what they'd do to Sunflower.
The girl doesn't deserve anymore abuse whatsoever.
What'll I be able to do?
Dia strolled along the sidewalk, she looked around. If I were Sunflower Minafile, how would I find this 'Lottie' girl?
I'd ask the girl for help, but that would be a horrible idea considering the trauma she has, she'd also be quite suspicious and freaked out over the fact someone else knew what happened that day.
The idea of Sunflower murdering a little boy is a mild thought. It's unsupported.
If that were to actually happen, of course it'd be hard to believe.
Dia looked on over to the bushes, she'd have to figure out a plan.
Surely attempting to ruin their friendship would be a brilliant idea, but I'm baffled on what to do about the 'little boy' part of the whole situation.
I could blame Lottie, but Sunflower would have every right to defy that.
I could frame G- no, I couldn't do that.
Maria and George are like platonic parent figures that I've grown attached too whilst spending time with them. It'd be highly regrettable and I'd feel twice as guilty as a normal person would.
If it does eventually come to that... I won't be happy with it.
Dia walked and entered the thicket of the woods, she began to move her head side-to-side.
If I were the equivalent of a rat, where would I stay?
Dia strolled around in the bushes, nothing caught her eye, but she found this oddly trashed clearing.
I'm assuming one of them did this.
She'd then proceed to look around, she couldn't help, but lose a tad of hope in finding this girl.
Maybe I'm searching the wrong bushes.
Surely she should've been here by now.
Dia immediately turned her head to the side, the so-called pest 'Lottie' was standing at the far-end of the clearing holding this crumbled up cardboard box.
"I never knew other people came around here..."
She couldn't stand the thought of staring at that 'innocent' look on her face; the thought of knowing this girl is a potential murderer disgusts me.
"Are you going to say something or just stand there? This is my turf."
"I am Diana Wellner, the daughter of the head of the guard; as well as Sunflower Minafile's second-hand guard. There has been a lingering thought or rather assumption that only you could answer. If you could kindly remove any available 'weapon' on your body I'd gladly appreciate it." Dia's frigid stare was enough to make Lottie drop the box on the ground in shock.
"Great, I'd like to ask you some questions. Answer them honestly and we won't have any problems." Dia went on over to a sawed log, she sat down; her ablazing glare made it quite hard for Lottie to focus.
Dia crossed her arms, she closed her eyes whilst she began to speak, "I was guarding Sunflower's door last night when I heard her mumbling some... questionable words. She said something about a 'little boy' dying If I'm correct. While hearing her, she muttered the name 'Lottie' which was quite familiar to me," she'd open an eye to see Lottie horribly trembling, she was intensely sweating with baffled eyes.
"So... can you tell me anything about that?" both of Dia's crimson eyes fluttered open, catching Lottie off guard, "I-I.." The girl miserably stuttered, "It's okay if you don't tell me now. We have all day to keep you terrorized." Dia impulsively smirked, but she soon stopped herself, averting her gaze away.
I shouldn't do that.
Lottie was immensely sweating, "I... It was an accident.." she spoke through a lump in her throat, averted her gaze to the ground; avoiding eye contact.
"She just... we were fighting."
"She... I pushed... Sunflower and the boy... he fell down."
"So that's what happened." Dia put her hand on her chin, she turned her gaze away.
"Look- you're the daughter of an organization that affiliates with famous figures-please don't tell anyone, please, please don't. If I have to- do anything, I'll do it- I don't want to be thrown in jail or anything-."
"First of all. The law of Rocky Lagoon doesn't allow inmates younger than sixteen, but they wouldn't go unpunished. However, if you and both Sunflower were in the act and it was 'deemed' as an accident, the Minafile family would serve grave punishments, considering Sunflower is the daughter of two political figures... It'd make them look bad."
"What are you trying to say." Lottie frowned.
Dia turned her head to Lottie, her eyes flashing, "have you ever framed someone?"
"So, it only happened because Sunflower didn't love you?"
"I thought she did... ever since we were younger we've always been together, we even told each other that we were going to get married and have a kid named Sory Minafile."
"That certainly would've been interesting."
"It made me mad that she didn't really like me despite the fact we've been together for eight years."
"I hope you understand that Sunflower doesn't get the affection she deserves. She's constantly forced to isolate in her room and the inside of the mansion. It'd only be natural that she doesn't understand 'love' just yet, she doesn't get any love of the sort."
"I know that..."
"I don't want to admit it, but most of that 'love' and 'affection' she's supposed to get mainly comes to me. Maria and George Minafile think of me as the perfect replacement of a daughter."
"That's dumb." Lottie turned her head to Dia, she looked slightly pissed off, "Sunflower is their daughter. It's unfair."
"Well, I'd blame you for that. If Sunflower focused on her studies I wouldn't have gotten favored like I do now. Sunflower would be like Skye; a demure figure among her family, an inheritor of serendipity."
"She doesn't want that," Lottie muttered, "she wants to be free of her family, she wants nothing to do with it."
"Nonsense. Who wouldn't want to be in a wealthy family?"
Lottie glanced at Dia, "I wonder."
"So, what's the plan?" Lottie turned her head to the girl, "I've been thinking hard about it, but we're most likely going to frame someone. If word got out that Sunflower was the one who murdered that little boy, of course the family wouldn't be trusted. They'd assume Maria and George are keeping it a secret and they'd be the bad ones as well."
"That's not fair." Lottie murmured,
"The law and society aren't fair."
"Who'd we frame then? I don't get how this'll work."
"I already have a plan commenced in my head, just do what you're told."
"That still doesn't answer the question. Even if we tried to frame someone it wouldn't work out. Do you have an idea of who to blame this on?" Lottie's gaze was uncertain.
"Well, I technically don't have any enemies other than the locked up prisoners, do you have anyone you despise?" Dia glanced at Lottie, "well, If I were to say..." Lottie murmured, the girl began to think while she looked at the ground, "I hate both Maria and George Minafile-."
"Can't you think of someone else?" Dia impulsively interrupted her, catching Lottie off guard, "But, this is me we're talking about. The only people I could think of are Maria and George. Sunflower and perhaps Skye don't deserve heartless parents. They deserve better." Lottie seemed to be a tad riled up, she stared at Dia with an irritated gaze.
"It'll affect the whole family. Even if we did try to frame them what choices would we have? Maria and George are practical isolators. It's not like the guard or the police would get a lead on that." Dia had a threatening facial expression, she coldly stared at Lottie.
"Well what else are we supposed to do? You can't just defy all the people we have a chance on."
"You only stated two people. Those TWO people are my platonic parent figures."
"Well, maybe those are the only two people I hate." Lottie leaned forward threateningly, her gaze was roiling in anger, "the only people I've ever had a problem with are Sunflower's parents, they've separated me from her, they've isolated her, and they even split us apart by force. I'll never forgive them. They're really, really bad parents. I don't get why you can't see that. You're supposed to be close to them!" Lottie's voice rose unintentionally, although talking about the two abusive parents seemed to make her mad.
Dia stared at the ground, her gaze seemed to perk in irritation, regardless of her hostile gaze of pretense, she looked a tad guilty, "It's different. You wouldn't know that."
"You're right, I don't know how it feels to have parents, but I know the difference between wrong and right." Lottie muttered, she didn't avert her gaze away, but simply stared.
"Maria and George are our only choice." Lottie would say, kicking a pebble forward with the tip of her shoe, it leisurely strolled away, they both watched it roll away, "I don't want anyone else to suffer because of their bad parental choices. They're horrible parents."
"I'm not certain if this is the right choice or not." Dia murmured, she rested her fingers on the edge of her chin, she had a complex expression, but it wasn't unreadable; she looked troubled.
"We could get rid of just one, but I believe the safety of both Sunflower and Skye is our priority."
"That's easy for you to say, you're in love with Sunflower."
"I'm not doing it because I love her, I'm just doing it because I want what's good for her. She really doesn't deserve this, anyone can see that." Lottie spoke in a soft, vapid voice.
"You're oddly calm."

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