Chapter 8

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Sunflower narrowed her eyes to the boxes beside her.
She was now ready to leave.
At least she didn't have to leave after some kind of dramatic scene again, she didn't want to do the same thing to Ray, Belle, Reika, and perhaps Rory.
She just found it a waste; she only knew them for a while.
She also believed her and Ray had some kind of special bond, though at the same time, the wavering harmful thoughts surrounding her whenever she was by the girl were the worst.
I can't just use Ray because of my heartache.
It's bad to use someone, especially if it's still a good reason.
She also had an urge to touch Ray all over, and perhaps attack her, like a wolf.
She didn't quite understand that part either.
The movement of her fingers, the movement of her hands, it made her feel this odd feeling that she couldn't really understand, but it always made her feel hot; hot and bothered by the way she flexed her fingers, up and down, side to side, it drove her insane.
I just wish I could find out what I was feeling.
That's a journey for another time, for now I have to load my boxes onto the 'truck' outside.
She picked up a box from the ground, she went towards the door, the side of her body facing the door, she twisted the knob and opened it.
Once she was about to go out, she noticed Ray directly in front of her with a big smile, Reika, Belle and Rory were all there as well, behind the girl.
She was confused, she was confused on why they looked so happy, and why they had luggage beside them- Ah.
"We're going with you." Ray beamed as she looked down at Sunflower, a big ecstatic smile was upon her face as she stared down at the girl.
Sunflower let out a sigh, putting one of her legs on the other, "So, why are you coming?"
"We thought you'd be more happy if we'd come, but you clearly aren't happy." Rory scoffed.
"But how- I need an explanation-."
"Ray and Reika lived together if you didn't know. " Rory crossed her arms, glaring at Sunflower.
"And don't get the wrong idea, I don't really like you, and we aren't friends, but since Belle's parents allowed her to go, I'm going since I want to be with her, and not YOU. Alright?" Rory rose her voice as she pointed at Sunflower, an angry look upon her face.
"A-Ah- right-."
"Come on, lay off." Ray pulled Rory back, making the girl sit still.
"So, how and why are the two of you comin- Reika, stop clinging onto me." Sunflower shooed Reika away, causing the childish girl to squabble more.
"Well, y'see." Ray cleared her throat.
"Me, Rory, Belle and Reika are all a band, and we stick together, obviously y'know." Ray said with a big smile on her face, "We got permission from Skye already, so everything is fine. Remember when I told you I lived with a friend? Reika was that friend, and since our apartment is literally falling apart, we're going to live in the mansion with you." Ray explained with a smile.
"Why would you all go that far for me? We all barely know each other." Sunflower blinked.
Reika hugged Sunflower from behind, basically squeezing the life out of her, "Because you're our FRIEND. We don't ditch friends!" Reika squealed, smothering Sunflower.
"I'm with Reika on this, she knows what she's doing." Ray crossed her arms, smiling with a quick huff.
"Oh please, Reika's all about friendship, and all that childish shit." Rory scoffed, crossing her arms with a grumpy vibe, "I mean, your anger issues make you look childish, with an attitude like that i'm sure nobody can take you seriously." Belle gave Rory a smug smile.
"Oh be quiet, you can't even speak without yelling at us in 'russian' which is very mature of you." Rory shot Belle a dirty look, Belle crouched down in front of her, pinching her left cheek on her face, "I know you love me."
"uGH- SHUT UP!" Rory whacked Belle's hand away, faint blush plastered on her cheeks.
"Okay, okay." Belle chuckled.
"Plus you have a boyfriend, why are you saying you love.. m.." Rory's voice trailed off as Sunflower's attention moved to Ray.
"So, you're fine with living with me in the new mansion?" Sunflower questioned Ray, looking at the girl.
"Well, of course I am," Ray looked down at Sunflower with a warm smile, "I can't ditch someone like you all alone, I like you a lot." Ray put her hand on Sunflower's head, smiling.
Sunflower's face sparked red.
"But-," Ray took her hand off of Sunflower's head, blush on her face, "A-Anyone would do the same- I'm sure- yeah, they would! Hey- is that a box right there?" Ray trailed off, hiding her face with her hand.
Sunflower watched Ray have her gay panic with an amused look on her face, she couldn't help but think Ray was a little too obvious, and very adorable.
She had a sudden change of emotions as she looked down.
Just like Jesse.
They're practically the same, but Ray seems to be more awkward.
I'm sorry, Jesse.
But she's smarter than you when it comes to dealing with people's problems.
She felt her heartache once she remembered that exact moment;
"I'm probably gonna sleep soon." Sunflower says as she stretches her arms.
Jesse frowned. "Aw man, I was looking forward to spending more time with you." Jesse sulked.
I don't wanna hear that from you.
"But, if you are gonna sleep I'm gonna sleep with you!" Jesse laid on her side, looking at Sunflower.
Sunflower stared at Jesse with a blush on her face before sighing. "I guess so. It wouldn't hurt." She says before going to the door and turning off the light.
"Wait are you serious? You actually wanna sleep with me?" Jesse was shocked.
"IF you put it that way it'll make things awkward." Sunflower mumbled as she sat on the bed.
"Let's cuddle." Jesse smiled and spread her arms to both of the sides.
"How are you so confident in saying that?" Sunflower questioned.
"I'm not sure, i'm used to it I guess? I kinda got more used to it when you were on top of me at my house." Jesse explained.
Sunflower blushed, looking away. "L-Let's not speak of that time." She cleared her throat.
-Sunflower's face became red once she remembered the moment, she began to fidget around, twirling her bangs around with her index finger. I want to cuddle with you again, or whatever it was called.
I want to fall asleep in your arms again, where you stroke my hair, and I hug your waist, and while the sun is going down and the moon shines in the room, I want to fall asleep where I know you'll be there.
I never expected that I'd lose you so early, It.. Had a major impact on me.I'm sure that you're feeling so.. Sad, and full of despair too.
Thinking of that makes me want to be with you, where we can both comfort each other, where we'll hug and spend time with each other again, and this time I'll be able to say; '
I won't lose you again.'
"Oi, oi, Sunflower, you look sad." Reika tugged at Sunflower's shoulder with a frown, "It's nothing, I'm just sad about leaving this place, old memories in all." She gave Reika a weak smile.
"Awe, It's going to be alright." Reika had a reassuring smile appear on her face."What my mom always told me, it's always okay to try new things, and you shouldn't be afraid." Reika made a peace sign while smiling cheekily.
"Ah, really?" Sunflower gave Reika a weak look, the childish girl began to look around, "Between you and me, don't tell Ray, for some reason mom isn't here today.." Reika whispered to Sunflower.
"Wait, you and Ray are siblings?"
"Hm? Nope! But it would've been nice to be Ray's sister." Reika smiled, her usual upbeat attitude.
"Don't you have any siblings?" Sunflower questioned, quite curious to see if Reika had any more family than just herself, and her supposedly 'mom'.
"Uh.." Reika put her finger on her chin, before an odd look crossed her face, "I might've..? I never really got to see if I had any, or if.." Reika had a saddened look on her face appear, causing Sunflower to shiver, freaked out and concerned for her change of attitude. "I'm.. not sure." Reika had a shady look on her face,
"Even If I did once, I'm sure they wouldn't have been able to meet me, and I'm not even sure if they'd actually like me for who I am, I mean look at me. I'm too childish for a teenager, I can't even grow up at all, it's probably why everyone avoids me, and doesn't want to be around me, or my fri-." Ray put her hands on Reika's shoulders, startling Sunflower from her sudden appearance.
"Don't worry, I'm sure everyone is just shy to meet you, you're a great person and fun to hang around. Remember what I told you, just take a deep breath and avoid what other people think about you." Ray hushed the girl, she had a reassuring smile on her face, calming Reika in the process.
"You're right," Reika muttered, looking at the ground with a shady gaze, "I just can't remember." Sunflower was deeply confused. Reika had this sort of tragic backstory persona, but she doesn't remember anything? She's childish, and she has an invisible mother? She doesn't know if she has siblings? What's going on with her?
Why is she so odd, and acting so weird?
"I'm sorry! I let my stupid feelings get the best of me." Reika grabbed both of Sunflower's hands, basically pleading for forgiveness. "Ah, no- I'm the one who brought up the question." She felt nervous as Reika grasped her hands, her intense staring was enough to weird out Sunflower.
She was confused on her behavior, and why she had these sudden depressing moments whenever she was asked about her past, or her own family.
Her mom isn't in the picture either, I'm sure Ray and the others noticed this, that whenever Reika introduces her mother, nobody is there, but she always seems to make direct eye contact with this invisible entity that's always beside her.
This one time she hugged the air, and stopped herself mid-way while she was jumping, like she wanted to hug something, but she couldn't.
This is my theory, and I'm not sure if I'm right or wrong, but; The reason why she is like this, is because something happened to her, and she can see things that we can't, and she can talk to things that we can't hear.
I didn't want it to come to this.
I don't want to think about something so sickly.
Did Reika's whole family die at some point in her life?
The wind currents blew their hair side to side as they began to get on the truck.
"We're riding in this?" Sunflower questioned, clearly confused.
"Do you know what it is?" Rory muttered, narrowing her eyes to the girl.
"Of course I know what it is, i'm not that stupid."
Ray, Rory, Reika, Belle and Sunflower all got their own truck to themselves, with the driver anonymous they were unsure of who it was.
"Do you know how to put on a buckle?" Ray asked Sunflower from the back seat.
"Like I said; I'm not that stupid, but right now I am. Help me with this buckle."
Sunflower, Belle and Reika all sat in front, while Ray and Rory were in the back. Sunflower was somewhat hoping that she and Ray could sit by each other, but at the same time she figured she'd feel guilty, due to the fact she believed she didn't want to lead Ray on.
And how she'd feel that 'warm' and 'alluring' feeling she'd get whenever she was around the girl.
She couldn't help but feel tempted, whenever she saw Ray's hand movement, the length of her fingers made it worse, and of course; she wasn't really knowledgeable in this type of thing, so she had no idea of what she was feeling. She always felt like pinning Ray to the bed, or ground, and just have her way with her.
Like what Lavender always wanted to do with me.
I feel like it's the same feeling, but the way Lavender spoke about it was with passion, because, of course she had feelings for me at the time, but for me. I don't really feel 'passionate' I just want to rush in with it.
She put her hand on her cheek, hoping to figure out the feeling, but at the same time she didn't want to think about it because of how much it was confusing her.
She was thinking hard about it; but still didn't quite understand. She then decided to change the subject, and hopefully get this off her mind.
She snapped her finger, getting the attention of the others, "Where's Dia? We can't really forget about her." She'd ask, looking around, counting the girls.
"I'm down here."
Sunflower began gradually confused, she looked behind her, before looking beside her on both sides, "I said down here not up there." she looked down at the ground to see Dia squeezed in between luggage on the ground.
"Ah, there you are."
"It's a really good view too."
"UgH-." Belle lifted her legs up from the ground, disgusted by her remark.
"Was she there that whole time?" Ray frowned, leaning forward to peek from the back seat, once she saw Dia's eyes sharply look at her, Ray was drawn back, clearly startled.
"Oh come on! This should be normal now!" Rory bonked Ray on the head, angered by her reaction, "You should be saying; Oh, we didn't see you there Dia," Rory leaned back onto the seat, her arms crossed, "But noooo. You decided NOT to be normalized by it, seriously- are you just that du-." Belle swiftly turned around, smacking Rory's cheek with a newspaper, "BAD." Sunflower couldn't help but laugh, she loved Belle and Rory's relationship, they were both so goofy. Rory may have anger issues, but that's what's so funny about it; we can't really take her seriously, but at the same time we sometimes do.
"Stop fighting you guys!" Reika squabbled, throwing marshmallows at Rory and Ray.
Sunflower hid her face to laugh.
"Yum. I was hungry anyway." Dia appeared in between Rory and Ray on the back seat, catching some of the marshmallows, munching out on the ones she caught.
"How is that logically possible- you couldn't have just sneaked in between us without us seeing you-." Ray was confused at Dia's sudden appearance beside her.
"I'm just a supernatural being from beyond this universes understanding, include a mere pests knowledge of this world, they wouldn't understand, I'm advanced and I understand the big bang theor-."
"Look we're leaving now!" Reika leaned forward from her seat, placing her right hand on the passenger's seat shoulder, using her left hand to point forward, pointing at the road in front of them disappearing.
Sunflower immediately looked out the window, amazed by the slowed pace of the truck, it soon began to go faster, the sidelines on the road; and the scenery began to disappear behind her, but it was all connected so she always followed the thing she was focused on with her eyes, she saw people on the side, but they disappeared. She was fascinated with how the 'truck' worked, and she soon realized something; the sun was following them. She felt her heart beating at the discovery, she didn't understand how she could've missed so much things that were existing this whole time; finding about all of these discoveries made her happy, but that made her realize how much more things there was to discover, about the world; society; life itself, and her.
She turned her head to the side, to see the girls bickering.
She was grateful they came around, probably more than happy they decided to roll with it. They make me feel content, satisfied with the decision I made to be their friends. They weren't a disappointment, but rather perfect to me.
Even if they have flaws, or have a problem with me, I'm just glad they'd go this far for me.Especially with the situation I'm in, they're all so nice. I don't regret being their friend, they've made me feel better about leaving, they made me come to understand that part of myself that I need to move on and try new things.
Even if I am leaving my hometown, and moving more distant from all of my old friends, I still get to think of them, and still miss them, but that doesn't change the fact that they're not dead; They're just far from me.
I know that soon I'll be regretting something again, but I'm sure that the friends I have now will help me with it, help me get through with it.
That's how they all are anyway. I'll let it all go eventually.
Sunflower took out her luggage from the truck, "So, you're telling me that we have to ride on something called a 'plane' that'll fly in the," she pointed at the sky, "air, and that's the only way we can go to Leslin because travelling by car would take long and the driver doesn't know the exact coordinates for the way there?" Sunflower questioned Ray, the taller girl was taking most of the luggage off before looking at her, "Yeah, basically."
"Wh- existing things are supposed to stay on the ground, who in bloody hell would want to go in the air?"
"Machines aren't really existing things, plus humans can't just grow wings and fly off into the air, and since we're not animals either, we can't really fly in the air without some kind of- I don't know, machine?" Ray explained, confused by her own words, "I'm sure that it would be much easier to drive by car, but we don't have all the answers, plus I'm sure Leslin is on another continent, so driving would lead us to the sea, or ocean. We wouldn't really want to drown." "Yeah, drowning looks pretty bad."
"Yeah, no shit sherlock.." Rory muttered, yanking her luggage from the back of the truck, and soon falling back on the ground once she managed to yank it out.
Sunflower narrowed her eyes to Rory on the ground, she stared at Rory for a few seconds before smirking, she began to look away, Rory took note of this, and found it offensive.
"UgH- What was that for?" Rory immediately got up, staring sternly at Sunflower.
"Nothing really." Sunflower looked back at the luggage, grabbing the rest of the bags.
"Want an orange, Rory?" Reika held an orange in her hand, holding it in front of Rory with a smile on her face.
"I guess so-." Rory snatched the orange from her hand, and began to peel it, "This still doesn't change the fact that YOU were going to, or wanted to make fun of me-," Once Rory was done peeling the orange, she threw a piece of the peel at Sunflower's face, " that isn't tolerated!" Sunflower looked down at the orange peel, before looking at Rory with a quick shake of her head, "You're supposed to eat the peel too, just not the stuff inside the orange," She grabbed the peel off the ground, "You better eat it right now, my father always told me not to waste food." "Wha-."
"Sunflower, sweetie, you don't eat the peel of an orange." Belle grabbed it from her hand, flicking it with her fingers.
"You eat the stuff inside of it, just not the peel." Belle explained. Sunflower looked at the side with a smug look.
If I were to find out about this before, surely Kate and the others would make me eat it without hesitation.
I guess they'd take it out on me because of the humor.
"I for one; think orange peels taste great." Dia snatched the orange peels from Rory's hand, chewing on the peel.
Rory and Belle both gave Dia a disgusted look as the girl ate the orange peels casually, she didn't shiver or shake in any way, she just ate them with no hesitation.
"Look, we've got a ride to catch, stop talking about oranges and eating orange peels, let's go." Ray shut the back door of the truck.
Sunflower held her luggage, the girls began to walk on the sidewalk.
"Where are we right now?" Sunflower turned her head to the other girls, "I think we're in New Collums City." Ray looked down at her paper, reading the manual.
"If we were at New Collums City, we would've passed Pigeon Ocean, but we didn't." Sunflower pointed out."You're right about that." Ray began turning the papers on the booklet.
"Are you guys that stupid? We're in a town, if we were in a city, there would be tall buildings and more people." Rory shook her head, clearly disappointed.
"I have to agree with Rory, this just seems like a peaceful town." Belle says, as she looked around.
"Seems to be, but what do I know." Sunflower shrugged, before looking at Ray, "What do you think?"
"Yeah, I'm puzzled. It's probably just a town then." Ray says, putting her hand on her head, scruffing her hair up as she began to think.
Sunflower's cheeks fluttered with blush."I mean, we can't really be wasting our time with just this, we need to get to the airport." Belle frowned.
"Uh- what's an airport?"
"You'll see when we get there, It's like a really big place and you could-." Belle stopped, interrupted as she nearly tripped over a rock, "Блядь!" She cursed at herself.
"Ray! Belle said a bad word!" Reika tugged at Ray's clothing with a frown, Belle immediately turned around, "No, I did not- I simply said-."
"If you say so." Rory narrowed her eyes away from the girl.
"I'm telling the truth-."
Belle, Rory and Reika began to squabble, arguing with each other.
Sunflower turned her head to Ray, before looking at the three girls, she looked back at Ray again for a few seconds before saying, "They look like our kids don't they? We're both the parents and we're looking after our children." Sunflower put her hand on her chin, watching Belle smack Rory's head.
"Ah-." Ray's face lit bright red.
"Me and Rory both have blue hair, and sure enough, she must've got the scruffy genetics from you. I'm not sure about Belle, and Reika, but maybe one of us cheated in the long run."
"What about me?" Dia butted into the conversation.
"I'm not sure about you, maybe you were our adopted families?"
"Being adopted into two families sure does seem inconvenient."
"Uh- can we not talk about families-." Ray waved her hands in the air, her face fluttering with blush.
"Why?" Sunflower questioned, "Don't you want to have a kid with me?" She frowned.
"Ah-." Ray looked away from Sunflower, hiding her face with her hand.
"A-At- this rate, w-we'll never be able to- y'know, reach the airport- so let's hurry-." Ray cleared her throat nervously, before walking forward with an odd posture.
She's quite cute for someone that tall.
She's actually really, really cute.

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