Chapter 7

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Sunflower tilted her head to the side, "Uh- why is Kassie and Darla following us?" The four girls turned their heads to see the cowgirl and the lover girl behind them, "Now, now, we just wanted to see what y'all were up to after school."
"We're going back to the mansion, it's like our hang out place now." Ray explained with a shrug.
"Oh- well, see y'all later, also-." Kassie went on over to Sunflower, handing her the drawing, Sunflower looked down at the drawing, "Oh wow-."
"This is amazing- I look hot," Sunflower was surprised at how Kassie was so good when it came to sketching, she was impressed, "I'm surprised ya know what hot even means." Kassie chuckled.
Ray narrowed her eyes to the two girls, "Well, there must've been another reason for following us from that whole way." Ray says bluntly.
Darla pushed Kassie forward, "Eh-."
"I uh- was wonderin' if you'd like to hang out with me on some day." Kassie asked, smiling.
"Ah-," Sunflower was about to agree to the idea, before she was interrupted, "She uh- we're going to be busy this week- like, band practice in all." Ray says, going in front of Sunflower, staring down at the cowgirl with a stern gaze.
Kassie squinted up at Ray, she noticed her arm was in front of Sunflower, defending the girl, and basically claiming and trying to expose the fact that she was the one who was going for her, letting out a quick sigh, she closed her eyes and shook her head, "Well, ah see how it is, take it easy sweetie." Kassie waved at Sunflower with a friendly smile, before walking off with Darla.
"Ah see how it is," Rory intimidated Kassie, "Pfft, she's one of those play girls, just don't pay attention to her." Rory shook her head, clearly disappointed.
"She seems really sincere." Sunflower blinked, watching the cowgirl and the lover girl push each other in the distance, "Don't let her charming personality take the best of you, that's just how play girls and boys do it, they sometimes make others see the best of them, before presenting the worst of them, it always ends up in heart break when you're around them, so I don't recommend going around her."
Sunflower put her hand on her chin, she began to think of the endless possibilities that she might've been a play girl, she was reminded of all the things she did in the past, with all those different people.
She narrowed her eyes to Ray, "Thanks for doing that, If Rory hadn't told me about play girls, I might've got my heart broken again." She gave Ray a sincere smile.
"Well, any time." Ray smiled warmly, the blush fluttered on her cheeks as she looked at Sunflower.
"Hm," Sunflower began to think, she was going to ask Ray and her other friends if they wanted to live with her until she was actually fully functional with her emotional activity, the main thing she was stuck on was if it was a serious question, or a simple question.
"Sunflower, hey, hey," Reika poked her shoulder nonstop, Sunflower became irritated, she turned her head to the 'childish' girl, "Yes?"
"Me and my mom won't be here tomorrow, we're going to go for a walk by the river." Reika pointed out with a smile, Ray began to tense up while Belle had a disturbed look on her face.
"Ah, really?" Sunflower blinked.
"Mhm, so don't worry if I come tomorrow." Reika smiles cheekily, putting her hands behind her back.
An image of Lavender appeared in her mind as she looked at Reika's current pose, a wave of despair and anguish conquered her mind once she was reminded of the girl, the same energetic, outgoing personality and the same familiar feeling of nostalgia always hit her once she was made aware of the odd coincidences that bestowed her very eyes.
It wasn't healthy for her to think about these things, it wasn't good for her to think about using them, she couldn't openly admit to them that they reminded her of her past friends, she couldn't decide whether or not she wanted to tell them about them, she didn't want them to know that she left them, that she was the one to blame for her undying emotions of despair and longevity.
I shouldn't have left them; my loneliness is killing me, the desire to see them again, the concerning desire of the point to use her current friends to pretend that they're them.
I shouldn't have let her go- I shouldn't have let them all go, It was a decision for the cost of nothing, I didn't gain, but lost, it was a split decision divided into my own choice of doing so, of listening, of obeying, and the other half is the part of me that I can't control when I have the last name 'Havenster.'
An attachment that I can't get rid of, but only be ashamed of.
In the deepest depths of my heart, I will always remain a Minafile, and not be driven to become something I'm not, a Havenster is built up of shame, and boldness.
The confidence and the joyful memories of being a Minafile will always linger in my mind, that part of me that I've lost in the outside world, will still be inside me, and drive me to become a proper woman that I could be proud of.
It still doesn't stop the pain, having the confidence to move forward in order to distract yourself, the pain will always remain, the life I had there, was something I took for granted, considering I thought that I'd be able to stay, and I let myself go at that very moment they called me one of their 'friends'.
"Sunflower? Are you alright, you're spacing out again?" Reika says, concerned for the girl's current wellbeing.
"Eh- I'm fine, I think I'm just tired." Sunflower forced a smile on her face.
"If you say so, whatever you say I'll take it to heart!" Reika hugged Sunflower from behind, wrapping her arms around the girl, "Eh- Isn't this a litt-."
"You don't really know how to have fun do you?" Reika stated out bluntly, the girl stopped moving.
Sunflower felt her heart pound in her chest.
"Come on, leave her alone." Ray pulled Reika away from her, Sunflower looked at the childish girl.
Reika stared at her for a few seconds before smiling, she rubbed on the back of her neck, "I'm sorry, I just thought that since you never seem to want us around you."
"Well, it certainly does seem like that," Rory looked down at her hands, before looking at Sunflower with a shady, burning gaze, "She seems to only think, and the only person she thinks about, is the person she's always trusted, but since we're here, I don't think she gets the jiff if we're not the only friends she's gonna leave eventually." Rory's amber gaze burned into her's.
"What- no-."
"Must've been tough leaving them, old friends and childhood trauma not so much." Rory stared at her, she was very intimidating, so much it scared Sunflower to be around the girl, she knows so much, but I never knew her in my past life, how could she know? Just how?
"Rory!" Belle smacked the back of her head, "Ow-."
"Ты монах, крыса, прекрати говорить ей такие глупости, ты позор, когда дело доходит до разоблачения людей, почему ты такой?" Belle raised her voice, glaring at Rory.
"Ah, there she goes." Ray let out a sigh.
Sunflower was blissful, she then took a deep breath, Belle saved her.
She didn't want that conversation to go any further.
Rory knew too much, she didn't know how, or why, but the girl wasn't safe to be around.
Sunflower then felt the realization hit her.
'Lottie began dragging her finger along the wall in a wavy pattern, she turned her head with a smile.
"Before we have a kid, we'll have to get married first, but I think Copper will be a name for a boy, and Sory for a girl?" Lottie suggested.'
It was there all along, It was always there, I wasn't the only one.
I wasn't the only victim in this whole thing.
Me and Rory's name is just mixed, she told me this several years back, Lottie wasn't just associating with me, she was friends with Rory too.
That would explain why Rory was so shaken when she saw me, but why?
If she was so intimidated at first, why is she so hostile now?
I need answers, and I need them now.
Sunflower stared at Rory with a weakened look of guilt.
Just what did Lottie do to you?
The door slowly creaked open, Sunflower peeked her head out, looking side to side.
She closed the door, before going to the closet, she walked into the closet, she bumped into someone, but she knew who it was.
She closed the doors, before looking into the darkness in front of her, "I didn't see anyone walking over here, we're okay for now." Sunflower let out a sigh of relief, smiling.
"That's great." Lottie's voice was heard from the other side, which was close.
The closet wasn't that big, nor small, it was just the right size for fourteen year old girls.
"So, why did you want to come in here? You said you had a surprise, but what is it?"
"We've been a couple for nearly six years already, and we haven't actually done anything a couple would do, so I want to do adult stuff!"
"Isn't adult stuff bad?"
"Kissing is adult stuff, nothing else."
"Lottie.. Is kissing naughty?"
"Well, we're both bad girls if it is naughty, and if we do get caught, but don't worry," Lottie smiled proudly, "If someone comes, we'll just say we were eating."
"That's great! You're so smart." Sunflower smiled at the girl, impressed by how smart she was, she admired that she had a smart partner.
"Okay, so, first we have to get ready," Lottie moved her around in the closet, before touching Sunflower's face, she moved her hand to Sunflower's left shoulder, "I have to put my hands somewhere, eh- I don't really know, but then after that you put your hands somewhere."
Sunflower raised both of her arms, her hands going on Lottie's face, her palms against her cheeks, she kept her left hand on her right cheek, while she put the other on her forehead.
"Am I doing it right? Is this how I do it?"
"Yep, and now we just lip smack."
"What's a lip smack?"
"It's another word for kissing."
"Ah, that's so cool!"
"Just remember, I heard my mom say if you put the tongue in, you'll get pregnant and have a baby, but we have to wait till we're older, so don't use the tongue." Lottie warned the girl.
"You're so smart! I'm so glad you're my friend."
"Hehehe, I am a pretty good genius."
"Now let's do it! I want to lip smack!" Sunflower was excited.
"Okay, let's do this."
Lottie scooted closer to Sunflower, she went closer and closer till they were a centimeter apart.
She could hear Lottie's pounding heartbeats.
She wondered if her heart was pounding.
Lottie pulled Sunflower closer by the shoulders, Sunflower felt her heart skip a beat once she felt a soft pair of lips go onto hers.
The kiss; the lip smack, whatever they wanted to call it.
Sunflower was truly fascinated with the results, but disappointed that it didn't feel like anything, was it supposed to be special?
Lottie broke the kiss, before leaning in again, kissing her a second time.
Sunflower didn't mind, she loved all these new things.
She felt Lottie bite her bottom lip, it sent shivers down her spine, the butterflies rising in her stomach.
With Lotti pinning her against the closet wall, their bodies were pressed up against each other's, she could hear the passionate heart beats coming from her chest, it was loud enough to hear, and she was close enough to feel the pressure, beat after beat became faster as the seconds drew by.
She wondered why her heart wasn't beating as fast as hers.
Sunflower couldn't stand the endurance to break the kiss and catch her breath, but at the same time she wanted to keep at the pace because it felt good, and it brought a feeling to her she never knew she had.
It brought out her inner wildness, and it scared her to know that she could feel that way.
It was a new emotion, something that isn't naturally recognizable.
Sunflower pushed the girl back softly, "Uh- I couldn't breathe there-."
"Makes sense- also, I'm sorry for that-."
"It's alright- It was nice, and I really liked it."
"I liked it a lot too." Lottie chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck.
"Let's do it again sometime-." Lottie smiled.
"Of course," Sometime.
Sometime never came.
It was an expectation of the both of us.
It didn't come to be.
That's when It all happened.
The bad things that made us further apart from each other.
It's all because..
We were foolish.
Indescribable feelings drive me towards confusion.
Sunflower narrowed her eyes to Ray, the taller girl was tuning her guitar while sitting by the windowcell, she then glanced at Reika, the girl was bouncing around on where she was sitting while she looked around innocently, Rory and Belle were sitting by each other, minding their own business.
I make split decisions based on the only options I get.
She looked down at the book she was reading, she let out a low sigh.
I am driven to the wildest part of my brain that tells me;
I need freedom:
I need to be happy:
I need to succeed.
And once I succeed.
These confusing, bottled up emotions will finally be free.
Broken down into what I like to call;
Happiness and success.
I know that once I reach what I've been searching for, what I've been working for..
I'll be let go of what I clung onto after all those years of fighting and being controlled.
She was reminded of all the things that made her want to improve; the whole situation with Lottie, with how obsessed she was, and how strong her feelings were when it came to her; my mother, how she disowned me at the age of twelve, once I left that's when I realized I wanted to make her proud; My father, how he was brutally killed in front of me, I let go of those nightmares long ago, I stopped blaming myself for his death.
She then let a smile appear on her lips, while looking worried.
I'll be happy with myself.
Of what I've become in this modern society.
Sunflower found herself in a dark void, it was all blank, though a shiny light began to form in the distance, it became brighter, and more bright as the seconds passed, it soon became dark and stopped glowing.
I'm almost there, but yet it's still so far, it feels so close, so close that I feel like I can touch the fate of what I've been waiting for with the touch of my fingertips.
Sunflower lifted up her arm, reaching towards the light.
But each time I try to do something, my place becomes so distant.
The light began to get farther, and farther away from Sunflower.
So far from where I want it to go.
I just know that with my dedication and confidence I'll be there soon.
Her grip on the book tightened.
She smiled weakly, closing the book slowly, an image of Maria began to appear in her mind.
That's right.
It is right.
It's not there.
It's not there anymore.
Dia looked down at her watch.
It's time.
She opened the closet door, the door slammed to the side, she began walking out once the closet door fell on the ground, broken.
"Sunflower, are you not going to pack?" Dia questioned as she wiped the dust off of her sweater.
"Jesus- what are you doing here? You literally broke the door too-."
Sunflower looked at the closet door on the floor with a smug look, "It was going to break eventually..."
"I could tell, whenever I was in there it was so dusty, and whenever I opened it, it made a creak sound, so this time I broke it on purpose." Dia explained, before pulling out her black schedule notebook.
"D-Does she always do tha-." Belle stuttered, confused as she pointed at Dia.
Dia cleared her throat, "We're moving to another city, in case you didn't know there was a merge, with one of the rich families over there, and Skye is engaged to their son." Dia explained, putting the black notebook back in her pocket.
Sunflower was drawn back, astonished from the news.
"Before you say anything, if you've noticed the boxes laying around, we're getting ready to move, we're bringing mostly everything, but we're also leaving a quarter of things for another wealthy family, since we can't waste this whole place, also, if you're going to ask, we're moving to Leslin-."
"Leslin?!" Sunflower shot up from the bed, startling Ray, "That's so far- Are you sure we're going there and not anywhere else?" Sunflower frowned.
"I'm not dumb. I can clearly read what it says; it says Leslin." Dia sighed, handing Sunflower her black schedule book.
Sunflower's heart sank when she saw 'Leslin' It was a city in another country, it was far from Rocky Lagoon, the only way to travel there was by one of those constructions called a 'plane' which was cool, but that wasn't the point.
"When you got back from that vulgar place, Skye was already engaged, and once you came back we started preparing to leave, I thought you'd find out about it, but you didn't, so I decided to break it to you." Dia explained, crossing her arms.
Sunflower felt the anger boil in her head, her mind developed sinister thoughts as she tossed Dia's schedule book back to her, she then proceeded to get up from the bed, "Uh- you're alright, right?" Ray asked the girl, clearly nervous.
"Pfft, of course she Isn't, dumbass-." Belle slapped the back of Rory's head, the scruff-haired girl held onto her head and yelped.
"Oi, oi, are you okay?" Reika crawled on over to Sunflower, tugging at the bottom of her shirt with a saddened frown. 
Sunflower looked to the side sharply, glaring at Reika, causing the childish girl to back away in surprise, "I have.. Something to do."
"Excuse me, ma'am. Where shall we put these clusters of boxes?"
"Put them outside where the rest are, and make sure that team of people come with that truck, we're on a time limit here." Skye ordered the maid, the maid nodded and walked away.
Skye sighed once the maid walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.
She put her hand on her chin, trying to remember what she was supposed to do.
It seems like I'm forgetting about something. 
But what is it that I'm forgetting? 
The door was slammed open, startling Skye. 
"Why didn't you tell me we were moving?" Sunflower glared at Skye, her voice risen. 
"Ah, that. I knew I was forgetting about something, but," Skye cleared her throat, "I thought you would've known that. Once mom passed away, one of us would have to inherit the family name, so I took charge of that, and since I'm engaged to one of the sons in a wealthy family, it's my duty to merge with their family, and that means you're coming with us." Skye explained while she crossed her arms.
"You aren't engaged are you?" Skye stared at Sunflower, expecting an answer. 
"Well- y'see," 
"See? you aren't engaged, so therefore you're coming with us." Skye turned around, she began to rummage through the boxes. 
"Y'know, this isn't like you to make decisions like this." Sunflower says bluntly, staring down at Skye.
"If you were me, you would understand." Skye began putting the boxes to the side. 
"You complained about not having a home anymore." Skye stopped moving the boxes, she turned her head to Sunflower, "If Pigeon Ocean and Rocky Lagoon aren't something you can call home, maybe you'll find Leslin to be the replacement." 
"It doesn't work like that! I had a life here and there, moving to Leslin won't make my situation any better-." 
"Your situation? Think about the wellbeing and the survival of your own family, we're struggling, Sunflower." Skye sharply turned her head to the side, "It's stressful, and I don't like it one bit, you can't be thinking about yourself every time something changes, change is fatal, and if you don't like it, that's your own problem and you have to deal with it yourself." 
"I can't be thinking about your problems all the time, nor can I care enough to deal with them when we're this busy." Skye stood up, she grabbed a clipboard off of one of the boxes, grabbing a pen from the side of the clipboard, "If you don't have anything better to do, go pack up your things, we're leaving and there is nothing you can do about it." 

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