Chapter 15

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Sunflower walked on towards her mother, tugging at the bottom of her dress, "mama, mama."
Maria looked down at Sunflower, smiling softly, "what is it sweetie? Mommy is trying to work."
"Can I go play outside?" Sunflower asked with pleading eyes.
"Sweetie, I told you about that," Maria let out a sigh, "the outside world is dangerous."
"But I asked Nala and she told me there weren't any monsters outside." Sunflower frowned.
"I told you not to listen to Nala." Maria scolded her, "I'm sorry mommy." Sunflower looked at the ground with a saddened look.
"Let me tell you about the outside world." Maria turned her body, facing Sunflower, "the world is a nasty dangerous place. There are monsters who will eat you, they like to gobble up children. You could get hurt out there. There are men with razor sharp teeth who like to sneak up on you when you're playing." Maria explained, looking down at her horrified daughter sternly.
"That sounds scary!"
"It is scary. That's why I don't want you going outside, do you hear me? There are people out there who are willing to go that far to hurt you. I don't want my sweet, little daughter to get hurt," Maria put her hand on her head, caressing her hair gently, "sweetie, promise me you won't go outside, alright?"
"I promise, mommy."
"Dia, you seem tense." Sunflower would say, turning her head to the black-haired girl, the girl turned her head to Sunflower, "If you're talking about my bags, I've had them since I was born."
"No, no, no- not that." Sunflower frowned, "then what is it?" she'd reply briefly.
"For some reason you ain't being random, usually by now you would've done something weird, or random."
"I've known you for fifteen years. You're my only understanding friend. Of course someone like me would be nervous after they're getting engaged. It's simply nothing to worry about." Dia explained, turning her attention forward.
"Instead of talking to me, shouldn't you be spending time with the others?"
"Yeah, but for old times sake I'd like to spend time with you. My life is going to change after this whole thing is over.." Sunflower looked down at her hands, catching Dia's attention, "are you not satisfied with Ray as your life choice?"
"It's not that," she shook her head with a troubled expression, "I just sometimes wonder what things would be like if they were different" she'd look back down at her eyes with a weak smile, "they aren't able to celebrate with me."
Dia narrowed her eyes to Sunflower, before averting her eyes away, "I think you're worrying too much about what they'd think. I know you're thinking they'd hate you for engaging Ray after you just abandoned them, but, surely they'd have to be happy for you. If they really cared, they'd understand where you're coming from." Dia explained, crossing her arms, "they aren't here though, are they? Focusing on what you have now is better. You need them," Dia put her hand on Sunflower's shoulder, pointing at Ray and the other girls, Sunflower's troubled expression faded into a twinge of heartbreak, "and they need you." she'd state, focusing back to leaning on the wall, "It's best if you make a decision now then to beat yourself up over it. I'll support any decision you make." Dia states briefly.
Sunflower brought her head up, looking forward.
She frowned.
These roiling feelings of confusion are really getting the best of me.
At first; I was excited, I was happy and excited that me and Ray were engaged.
But. Now that I think about it..
I wonder if I can run from this.
Is there no exit?
I'm afraid.
I'm afraid for my future.
She'd look down at her hands.
I don't know if I'm ready for this. Especially since I've left all my other friends, and the other person I've deemed as my fate. What are they going to do when they find out I've moved onto another person?
Would they be angry? Mad? Scared?
I'm anxious about what others would think of me after this all goes down.
Especially them.
Like what Dia said- If I'm happy, surely they'd have to be as well.
"What's wrong?" Ray would say, reaching out her hand to put it on her shoulder with a frown, "are you feeling alright?"
"Well, anxious in all."
"Hey- don't worry, I'm anxious too." Ray would say nervously, rubbing the back of her neck with a wobbly smile, "I've never actually known this would happen- It's like a dream. Well- It isn't a dream, obviously-," she cleared her throat nervously, "I just never expected this to happen. Here I am just crushing on you and now we're getting married- ain't that just mind blowing? W-We even had.. Y'know, sex.." she whispered the last part, averting her gaze away with blush fluttering on her cheeks, "I-I don't... remember much of it.."
"We could always do it again if you want." Sunflower looked up at Ray, she was quickly aroused, "Yeah we could- wait, what am I- uh- I'm sorry, I wish I wasn't- I-." Ray's entire face was reddened with blush, she turned her head away, avoiding current eye contact, "I-I'm awkward..."
"I love that part of you, so I don't mind how awkward you are." Sunflower smiled while she looked at the girl, "why not turn this way so I can look at you?" she'd ask softly.
"As much as I love your awkwardness, I love your cute face. I want to see you, so turn around." Sunflower pointed out with a gentle smile, a surge of warmth running through her heart as she watched Ray turn around. Ray's face was fluttering with blush, "T-Thank you.."
"Wow, I never knew Ray was a bottom." Rory would say, munching on her fruit grumpily as she watched the two girls, Sunflower quickly looked away while Ray stared directly at Rory; embarrassed, "y-you shouldn't be watching couples when they're flirting-."
"So what's what you are? I could hardly tell you're a couple." Rory played around with her pineapples, looking back at Ray with a scummy look, "you two didn't confess to each other, right? Surely you two aren't actually a couple if you don't know if the other actually loves you, or even has feelings." Rory shot an eerie look at Sunflower, catching the girl off guard. What is Rory even doing?
Rory flicked a pineapple at Sunflower with her fingers, her amber-crimson eyes had a sharp, bitter gaze; as sharp as the edge point of a knife, it was uneasy; but mainly odd.
"W-What are you trying to say?" Ray chuckled nervously until it faded into an uneasy frown.
"I'm just saying.." Rory eyed Sunflower with murky eyes; Sunflower drew back a bit, feeling her whole world crumble into darkness as Rory began to speak bluntly, "you don't know if she actually loves y-." A hand appeared at the back of Rory, swiping at her back; causing the girl to yelp in surprise, "I'm sorry, she doesn't know when to shut up."
Belle appeared beside the feisty girl; Rory immediately turned her head around violently, glaring at Belle.
"Why'd you interrupt me..." Rory's voice faded into a soft monotone voice in her head as Belle faintly yelled at the girl.
There was a lingering, awkward silence between the two girls, a lingering silence that made them both uncertain.
She'd look down at the ground with her eyes, her hands somehow began to feel light; they dropped lower, going further down. A spark of fear twinked in her eyes as the ground began to crumble beneath her. She could hear loud pitched, and distorted voices screaming at her; the faint voices were trying to speak to her. Trying to lure her into the darkest part of her mind, her heart pace was leisurely pounding, but soon started to accelerate. She felt the void gnawing at her legs, bringing her deeper down into the abyss.
She was scared; she was truly scared.
"Sunflower." she'd snap back to reality, looking at the concerned looming faces around her, "h-huh-."
"I think I should bring her outside." Ray murmured, placing her hand on Sunflower's shoulder with an anxious smile, though regardless of that forced smile; the grip on her hand was tense.
"Is Sunflower alright?" Reika appeared from behind Belle with a bright, sanguine smile.
"I hope so.." Belle's voice trailed off as she looked up at Ray, the girl looked anxious; her shoulders were hunched up in a tense manner.
Sunflower had a feeling she had something to say.
The two engaged girls walked along the moonlit pavement, walking along leisurely while the glow of twilight shone upon them; the light of the night sky began to dim, slowly beginning to become dusk.
Sunflower silently turned her head to the side, only to see Ray staring back at her, "Oh-."
"Look, I'm sorry for suddenly bringing you out here," she averted her gaze away, "you looked a tad freaked out. So I just wanted to bring you out here to avoid any panic attacks is all." Ray murmured.
"That's a good call." Sunflower cleared her throat, "I've probably had a panic attack before, but up until now that feeling is unfamiliar to me, so I wouldn't know whether or not I'd have one." She'd say while looking at Ray, she smiled slightly.
"I also wanted to ask you.. If you were alright or something..." Ray muttered, narrowing her eyes to Sunflower, "oh-."
"It's just that- this whole day you've been spacing out, and once the party started you seemed anxious; like you were caught up in a daydream or something.." Ray explained with a frown.
"It really did seem like that did it?" Sunflower let out a sigh, "I'm anxious surely, but everything else is fine." She'd say with a weak smile, staring down at the ground.
Ray stopped walking, she stood there with a troubled look on her face.
Sunflower immediately noticed this, she looked behind her, "what's wrong? Did I say something?" she'd frown.
"It's just that.." the taller girl had a complicated facial expression, "whenever I ask you what's wrong, you always tell me you're 'fine' and I.. I'm bothered by it.."
"Well- I am fine, so It's really nothing to worry about-."
"Look. We could call it off if you want." Ray muttered, looking down at the ground with a saddened look, "what do you mean?" Sunflower was panic-stricken as she looked at her.
"I mean- come on," Ray put her hand on her head, ruffling her hair; her eyes watering, "You.. you don't.. Love me-," Ray spoke with a painful lump in her throat, she gulped while her voice quivered, "You.. you don't actually.. Love me, do you?"
"I keep hearing these stories about her- that girl; Jesse, Jesse, is all I ever hear now- If there's something else you like, or at least love you could always tell me that- I'm not the one to be a second choice-."
"Ray- it isn't like that, you aren't a second choice to me-."
"Jesse was there first- I'm just in the way, aren't I?" Ray's voice was shaking, a saddened shudder went through Sunflower's body as Ray used her wrist to wipe her tears, "Ray, I promise it isn't like that.." she'd say, her eyes glittering in heartache.
"Then what is it like? I-I never felt this way towards someone before-." Ray removed her hands from her hair, she began quivering on the spot, her eyes watering up, "I've never- loved anyone before- not like this I- I just.. I've never actually loved someone like I love you- m-... I-I'm scared, Sunflower-." Ray's voice shook in despair, tears trailing down her cheeks, "I'm scared to love you- I d-don't know a thing about this- I'm so fucking scared.."
She crouched down, putting her arms over her head as she trembled on the ground, "I-I can't do- I just can't!" Ray's voice rose in anguish, Sunflower's heart tore in two as she watched the girl sob on the ground, her chest tightening.
"I'm supposed to be okay with this but.. N-now that I know- someone else is in the picture, I-I don't know what to feel anymore- why do I feel like I'm ruining a relationship? Why do I feel like- I'm the only one who even loves the other? I just- I don't know-." Ray's voice softened, it was quiet; yet you could feel the pain shuddering from her lips.
Sunflower looked down at Ray, her eyes watering up.
It's a sorry subject.
Sunflower went on her knees, she went on towards Ray, wrapping her arms around the girl softly, "L-Look.." her voice quivered, "Jesse may have been there first, and that doesn't mean I'll stop loving her. If I said I stopped loving her, I'd be lying to you. But," she squeezed the girl, "what me and you have is a bond that can't be broken. I haven't been completely honest to myself in a while, but I know from what I feel around you; I love you, Ray."
"It may not.. Be out in the open like I want it too, but I want to experience this love together. What me and Jesse had is all in the past. I may never forget the burning love me and Jesse both felt for each other, but I have you, and you're all I need now.. I love you, Ray. And I want you to understand that." Sunflower could feel the girl softly trembling beneath her, her sobs were quiet. "You're perfect for me. You may not know that, but now you do. You've made me happy, the happiest I've ever been in a while. You're always so awkwardly cute.. The way you cheer me up from just looking at you from afar, your pure smile, I love it all." Sunflower spoke softly, she was caught a bit off guard as Ray wrapped her arms around her waist, but despite that, she loved her embrace.
"You don't need to be scared of love. It's a tender feeling that you should enjoy. If love is meant to be acknowledged, what point is there in holding it back? I want us to both feel welcome in each other's arms, I want us to both love each other, care for each other, hold each other.." her voice faded off as Ray sat properly on her knees, she put her hands on Sunflower's shoulders, looking directly into her eyes, "I.. I love you too."
A surge of warmth spread throughout her stomach, the butterflies fluttering around like a whirlwind; her eyes were beautifully entrancing, easy enough to make anyone fall head over heels for the girl.
Ray's eyes began to water, a few tears trailing down her cheeks, Sunflower reached her hand up towards Ray's face; wiping her tears with her thumb, she smiled warmly once she looked into her eyes, "I love you, Ray."
Ray's eyes began to shine as the two girls looked into each other's eyes, the distance between them seemed to become quite close, Ray leaned in closer; watching Sunflower's eyes close softly.
Sunflower put both of her hands on Ray's cheeks, pulling her in closer, only to kiss her on the lips. Ray slowly closed her eyes, a few tears trailing down her cheeks.
Sunflower broke the kiss, looking into Ray's tender eyes once again.
Ray placed both of her hands on Sunflower's shoulders, pulling her closer as she kissed her on the lips.
The two girls kissed underneath the starry sky of dusk.
The foreglow of the nightly stars shining upon the two lovers, a night so full of love, and emotion was not to be easily forgotten, or ended so quickly.
A tied bond between two girls has just begun.. Sunflower pulled Ray along by the hand, the two girls laughing in a riveting, sweet atmosphere; they both walked down the hallway, hand-in-hand.
Sunflower looked back at Ray, smiling warmly with a boisterous smile, her eyes were full of intense love; Ray's eyes shined as she watched the girl happily smile, her heart engulfed with love-struck, infatuated by the beautiful sight bestowed in front of her.
They both ran down the hallway, chasing each other playfully, frollicking about. I believe that; with Ray by my side I'll have no trouble.
Nothing to constantly worry about.
But yes, I was caught up in my own daydream.
When you're thinking about someone you love with intense feelings, you just lose it all. It's like you're floating in your own thoughts of that very person; thinking of that person intensely is like getting caught up in a daydream.
You just don't know when to stop.
Sunflower and Ray both made it into the bedroom, staring into each other's eyes.
I'm free now.
Ray leaned down towards her, kissing her neck passionately; the room began to get steamy, the two girls expressing their feelings; strong emotions of amorousness.
I don't need to worry about a thing when I'm with her.
Sunflower let out small gasps as Ray felt her all over; her hands going up through her shirt, Sunflower put her hand over her mouth, holding in the noises she was making from the physical body contact.
"Mm.." She couldn't hold it in.
She began to softly moan as Ray twiddled with her chest, groping her breasts with her hands, Sunflower felt a tingly, hot sensation inside her stomach, moaning slightly; it began to build up, making the room steamy, and stifling.
"Ray.." she'd call out her name, wrapping her arms around the girl.
I truly am caught up in a daydream.
But, what's a daydream worth without the real thing? 

Purple Violet Flowers: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now