Chapter 5

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Dia and Ray both walked down the hallway, they just came from the dining hall, they were taking Sunflower's lunch to her room, well they were supposed to but they had forgotten the food platter.
Ray was forced to hear Dia's ramblings, though they weren't at all that bad, the girl made some good points about politics and democracy, she wasn't very good when it came to politics and social in all, but Dia knew her stuff, very well for an eighteen year old.
"I honestly can't stand how the security has gotten, it's become so strict," Dia let out a sigh, she opened her little black skinny notebook, taking a peek inside, "Rule one; all orders are to be followed, nobody shall leave the mansion unless provided with a job; task; employment- I just don't get it at all-."
Ray poked her shoulder, Dia then looked up to the girl, "What?"
"We're here." Ray cleared her throat, pointing at the door in front of them.
"Ah, yes. Thank you for telling me." Dia put her hand on the handle, she was about to turn it before she was interrupted, "Ah- are you just going to turn it?"
"What do you mean?" Dia turned her head, staring at Ray in confusion.
"I mean- we have to knock before we do, right?"
"What? Are you eleven? Who even knocks these days?" Dia put her hand on the handle again, she began to twist it.
"Ah wait-."
"What is it?" Dia turned her head, staring sternly at Ray.
"There is something called personal space- plus to, her mother just passed away- do you really think she'll want to see us?"
"Look here.. 'Ray' I'm sure she's fine. Now, just let me," Dia put her hand back on the handle, turning it, "Wait!"
"What could you possibly want now?" Dia turned her head to the side again, glaring at Ray with a cold stare.
"We can't just barge in-."
Dia opened the door, slamming it open, "Too bad." Dia muttered, walking into the room.
Dia walked in, putting her notebook back in her left pocket, she turned her head to a lump underneath the blanket, she then went towards it, shaking it gently.
"Are you awake?"
Ray walked in, looking around the darkened room.
"We got some people outside, we want you to meet." Dia says, sitting beside the lump on the bed.
Sunflower's head poked out from the blanket, looking up at Dia, she had bags underneath her eyes.
"Ah, really?"
"You sound like a bull, and you look horrible."
Ray looked at Sunflower, a smile appearing on her face.
"She looks more like.. A lost child." Ray pointed out, before sitting beside the bed.
Sunflower blinked as she looked at Ray.
"I used to be like that, but that was long ago." Ray smiled, leaning her head back on the bed.
"See? Ray here is very relatable, would you mind a shoulder massage?"
"Relatable not so much.." Sunflower muttered, sitting up from the bed.
"Was that a yes or no for the shoulder massage?"
"Dia..." Sunflower sighed, "Just no."
"Of course-."
"I don't know If it's good to relate to someone- but both my parents aren't here either." Ray smiled softly, picking at her pants.
Dia and Sunflower stared at Ray, both of them giving her an odd stare.
"Welcome to the-," Dia stood up, doing a signature pose, "Family Problem," She turned her head, using her hands to copy the 'finger guns' pose, "Friend group."
"I never saw you do that before."
"I learned it from someone."
"Who is that 'someone' It's not like you'd do that-."
"That 'someone' shall remain anonymous for now."
Sunflower was in between Dia and Ray, her signature bodyguards, they were both pretty hostile and-
"So, the friends that we're going to meet are pretty nice." Ray pointed out, adjusting her strip on her guitar case as she walked.
"Wow... I'm so happppyy."
"You remind me of that girl, that old friend of yours." Dia pointed out, as she examined Sunflower.
"Oh- really? Who?"
"That.. Berlin? I forgot her name, she was easily forgettable since she was always an emo, edge girl. She was the one with that grayish-purple hair- Berlain? Arlen-?"
"Her name was Erlen."
"Oh, that's a pretty weird name."
"I thought so too."
"Uh- who?" Ray questioned, confused.
"Sunflower's old friend."
"Don't think too much of it.. It's not really worth talking about her." Sunflower muttered, she lifted her head to look forward, fixing her slouching posture.
"I remember, one of her friends, I forgot her name too, but she got everything mixed up, saying I slapped her on her ass cheeks, but it wasn't that!"
Sunflower cringed, once she heard 'slapped her on her ass cheeks' she was immediately reminded of Lavender, she'd do something like that.
"That does seem odd-."
"That was Lavender, she was really nice, but she could sometimes be.. A little too overly sexual. I didn't mind, of course, it was somewhat entertaining, she even took it far enough to kiss me- how I miss the old times." Sunflower had a warm smile on her face as she thought of the perverted girl.
A few memories came flooding back to her of the girl.
I really do miss her.
"What?" Sunflower questioned Ray, quite curious.

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