Chapter 2

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Skye walked down the hallway, she was alongside the person she was with yesterday.
The mysterious person was named Ray, a very rare name.
She found it surprising that this person was a girl, and not a boy.
Ray looked pretty handsome for a girl, her eyelashes weren't very long, and her chest was pretty small, so it was hard to tell from close up.
Any person in the distance would've thought she's a boy, but when they're hit with the reality they're shocked.
"So, you're going to be something called.. 'Support'?" Skye turned her head to Ray.
"It's the least I can do, nobody deserves to be sad." Ray chuckled.
"Well, of course." Skye cleared her throat.
"She just.. Ain't really in the mental state, to be.. Supported."
"Nonsense, that is exactly the reason I want her to feel better, didn't you say she felt down for two weeks? She needs the most support in these troubling times," Ray turned her head to Skye, giving her a friendly smile.
Skye slightly nodded.
Ray and Skye walked down the hallway, they were heading to Sunflower's room, walking in awkward silence on the way.
Once they reached the door, Skye put her hand on the handle and began to sigh.
"If she says anything about Pigeon Ocean.. It was where she was before, and she grew quite attached to the place, and the people there. Just be cautious." Skye says as she turns the knob.
Ray nodded with a smile.
Skye opened the door, looking around the room, she saw Sunflower sitting on the windowsill, looking out the window.
"Good, you're awake. How was your sleep?" Skye walked in the room, motioning Ray to follow her, the taller girl closed the door behind them.
"I'm home sick." Sunflower muttered, bluntly.
"What do you mean? This is your home?" Skye had a confused look appear on her face.
"No, Pigeon Ocean is my home."
"At least, it was.. Or so I thought. I don't believe I have a home anymore, because each time it was taken away from me." Her grip on her legs tightened.
Ray couldn't help but frown as she looked at the girl.
Skye stayed quiet, not knowing what to say, or how to change the subject.
Ray walked on over to Sunflower, catching Skye off guard, she walked towards Sunflower and crouched down beside her.
"Do you remember me?" Ray smiled.
"Of course I do." Sunflower mumbled as she looked at her.
"Good, I'm sure you already know my name is Ray, so we got that part covered." Ray chuckled.
Sunflower was confused as she continued to look at the girl.
"Whenever I feel sad, or down in any way," Ray shuffled around before taking the guitar case off her back, she then laid it in front of her, "I like to sing my worries away."
"Sing?" Sunflower blinked.
"Mmhm, this is my acoustic guitar, we've been together for a few years." Ray pulled out an acoustic guitar from the case, holding it in front of Sunflower.
Sunflower looked at the guitar, it was somehow recognizable, or somewhat nostalgic in a creepy way.
"Mind if I sit next to you?" Ray smiled.
Sunflower had this odd warm feeling flood into her mind, a light pink blush appeared on her cheeks as she nodded slightly.
Ray stood up from the ground, sitting by the girl.
Skye couldn't help but smile from watching the scene, she turned around and walked out of the room.
"So, from the last time we met I've grown taller, I'm sure you could've noticed." Ray says with a smile as she adjusts the tuners.
"Well, I'm five foot three, how tall might you be?" Sunflower questioned the girl.
"Eh.. I'm six foot four." Ray had an embarrassed look that looked cute to Sunflower.
"Oh-." Sunflower was surprised, but not shocked. She was taller than Kate.
The thought of Kate and her goofy ways made Sunflower frown when she remembered the girl.
Ray looked down to Sunflower with a warm smile.
"How about I sing you something? I'm sure it'll make you feel better," Ray put one of her legs over the other, placing her guitar in a comfortable place on her lap.
"Hm." Sunflower glanced at Ray.
"I'm gonna sing an old song from my childhood, I'm not sure if you'll know it, just tell me what you think about it." Ray gave Sunflower a friendly smile as she nodded.
Ray began to strum her guitar, playing note after note.
Sunflower got a sudden interest, she then glanced at the girl.
For some reason, she is making me feel.. Nostalgic, and all warm inside.
I don't think I knew her in the past, it's something else.
Something so creepy, but yet so nostalgic.
"You never know, when someone you love might go down, never come back up.."
Ray sang in a soft voice as she strummed her guitar.
"So, take that chance, say what you can.. Life never goes as we plan."
"And on one day, you won't have to say, why didn't I say.."
"Hey, I think you're special. And I've been meaning to tell you that..."
Ray's voice trailed off into a simple echo in her head, becoming more silent as the seconds drew by, Sunflower's heart began to pound lightly.
How can a stranger be so familiar?
I don't know anything about her, what's going on with me?
I can feel the throbbing in my chest, it's not signifying that i'm in pain, or rather shocked, It's a warm feeling developing in my heart.
Ray, why are you making me feel somewhat creeped out, but happy?
"Hey, you're spacing out, are you al-."
Sunflower had tears going down her eyes, she closed her eyes shut, feeling embarrassed.
She began wiping her tears with her sleeves.
"I-I'm sorry, I really am- I can't help but be selfish-."
She stopped wiping her tears, looking directly at Ray.
"Do you need a hug?" Ray asked softly, a friendly smile appearing on her face.
Sunflower stared at the girl, more tears went down her eyes, she couldn't help but smile a bit before frowning with a saddened expression.
She wiped her tears with her sleeve, "Y-Yeah, please.." She then felt her embrace, a gentle, warm embrace, an embrace that she needed.
"Don't leave me, please.." Sunflower sniffed, her grip on Ray tightening.
"Of course." Ray smiled, carelessly letting herself deepen the hug.
What am I even saying?
What am I even doing?
If, if only she could know what I was feeling, all of these cloudless thoughts in my head, are more harming than what I'm doing to myself.
If, if only she would have known of how selfish I was when it came to her.
I miss you, Jesse.
I really do, I long to see you, hear your voice, and feel your touch again.
Even if it was just once, I'd accept.
I miss you more than the others, you held a special place in my heart that was not replaceable, I'll always love you.
Even if one day I eventually get married to someone that isn't you, I'd still think of you every day, I'd still be wanting you.
Sunflower let go of Ray, she looked at the girl.
Ray smiled with her eyes closed.
Sunflower felt her heart throb as she looked at Ray.
She now understood that nostalgic feeling, the feeling she was dying to figure out.
"How about we hang out? I want to get to know you better, you give me this odd feeling, it intrigues me to know more about you, what do you say? We can hang out, I can also introduce you to a few people."
Ray zipped up her guitar case, she turned her head to Sunflower, a curious look appearing on her face.
That very feeling, made her feel very ill, as she remembered previous actions in the past that were compared to an odd coincidence.
"Well, of course.." Sunflower put on a weak, but warm smile on her face.
She reminds me of...
Sunflower walked down the hallway with Ray, feeling slightly discomforted as the maids walked by them, whispering and giggling.
"Ehehe, I sure do love gossip." Ray turned her head to look at the paintings on the wall as they both walked forward.
"What do you intend on us doing today?" Sunflower muttered.
"Actually, why don't we do what you want to do today?" Ray asked.
"Well, uh. If you don't mind, why don't we get parfaits?" Sunflower glanced at the taller girl, she was surprised at her confused reaction.
"Sorry, I don't think Rocky Lagoon has parfaits. There is a bakery though-."
"Eh- no, we're not going to the bakery."
'Well- we can get drinks at Aphids-."
"Okay, y'know, enough of that. Weren't we going to meet 'friends' of yours?"
"Oh yeah, you're going to love them." Ray chuckled.
"What are their names?"
"Well, there is Belle, Rory, a-."
"Belle? Belle Gladiolus?" Sunflower blinked, looking at the girl.
"Huh? Yeah, how did you know?" Ray turned her head, looking down at her with a curious look.
"Belle was supposed to be my personal guidance helper back when I went to visit the mansion, but things were mixed up and apparently Dia was my personal guidance he-."
"You called?" Dia appeared out from out of nowhere, "Jesus-." Ray jumped back, her heart pounding as she was startled by Dia's appearance.
"Ah, there you are." Sunflower greeted the girl.
"Yes, I've heard the whole conversation. If you'd like, I can order a parfait stand at once." Dia suggested, walking alongside Sunflower.
"That'd be really helpful." Sunflower smiled, nodding to Dia.
"I see that you've somewhat recovered from the shock of leaving your loved ones, do you need a shoulder massage?" Dia questioned.
"Uh- does Diana always appear like that?"
"Call me Dia. Diana is a somewhat girly and embarrassing name, plus it's a long word, wouldn't wanna waste a second and fifty eight miloseconds just to say it." Dia blinked.
"Well, I enjoy Dia's random appearances, it makes things more interesting."
"That's one way to say it."
"So, I heard you say, Belle Gladiolus. She is a somewhat interesting and well mannered specimen, doesn't she come from a family of greenery?"
"Mhm, Belle is polite and a very reserved girl for her age, she is going to take over the greenery shop in a few years, she's sometimes strange as well. She likes to compare people to flowers since she knows the true meanings for the plants."
"She seems very interesting, she is also half russian if I'm correct?"
"Yeah, sometimes she talks in russian to curse at us or say her opinion, we don't really understand what she says half of the time."
"She sounds lovely." Sunflower smiled.
"Ah, hold on. I am inviting myself to your little developing friend group, I do not take no as an answer, for I want to be a part of something with you." Dia explained, glancing at Sunflower.
"I'm not sure if i'm ready for a friend group yet-."
"Nonsense, you're fully ready, I'm sure during those two weeks you've at least figured out something." Dia blinked as she looked at Sunflower.
"Even if you didn't, that's alright as well, we don't really expect you to agree to everything we say, you do you." Ray smiled, making Sunflower feel this odd feeling.
Ah, there it is again.
That very same, exact look you keep giving me.
"Well, thanks." Sunflower forced a smile on her face.
It makes me feel very ill of myself, a thousand thoughts are running through my mind.
Honestly, she really reminds me of Jesse.
So much it's making me think about these selfish thoughts, if Ray is almost like Jesse, maybe I could take this opportunity and use it.
"So, who's this Rory?" Sunflower cleared her throat, turning her head to Ray.
"Uh-well, she's pretty nice, but she can always get the wrong ideas of things. She is sort of strange, just like Belle. I'm not really sure about what happened, but about a year and a few months ago, she started becoming more aggressive? She also likes to sketch and water paint, isn't that sweet? What else.. She also plays the drums! She is super good." Ray chuckled, putting one of her hands in the pocket, using the other to hold her guitar case strap.
"Rory and Belle both sound like nice girls, but don't they have any flaws?"
"Eh, Rory likes to run away from her problems a lot, she is very doubtful and sometimes retorts against mostly everything. Belle, on the other hand, is a hard worker, her sleeping schedule is very bad. She gets all stubborn about it, but the main reason she stays up all night is so she could get her work done, so yeah, she ain't really a morning person. I can also admit they're both very obsessive with certain things."
"Belle sounds reliable." Sunflower says, turning her head to Dia.
"Is she reliable?"
Dia narrowed her eyes to the side, "A bit." She muttered.
"I have a feeling you'll like them despite that." Ray turned her head to Sunflower, a big smile appearing on her face, a bit of blush was in sight.
Ray, you remind me of my once loved one, Jesse.
I really miss her, more than I could possibly miss anything else.
I think I've known her, but I hardly know anything about her.
I couldn't have fallen for her because of her looks.
Was it because she was nice? I understand that this was love at first sight, fate brought us together, but what am I missing?
Why in the first place, was she ever supposed to be the one for me?
She isn't any better than Aqua, nor Lavender.
I could've chosen one of them, but I ended up choosing Jesse in the end.
Sunflower looked at her hands, intertwining her fingers with a shady gaze.
I'll never really know the actual reason why, I'd find it out by myself, but i'm not with her.
She took her eyes off of her hands, and began looking up at the stars with a pained, saddened gaze.
Jesse, I know that you're out there, and I have no idea what you're doing, but how are you? If somehow someone, or something gave me a sign to show me that you're alright, do you know how happy I would be?
If we've felt the same all that time I was there, I can't imagine how much pain you're in, that's why I need to know if you're alright.
Please tell me.
I can't keep living like this, worrying over you, worrying about us, worrying about my very future without you.
Everything is changing so fast around me, so fast I can hardly keep up.
What I really want right now, is you by my side again.
I want a future with you, where me and you live together in our own house, we'll have a bath, and we'll be able to see each other every day and night when we both sleep and wake up.
I'll be able to wake up, and see you beside me.
Maybe, just maybe.. We'll have our very own kid to look after.
That would be...
A dream-
"Ma'am!" A maid bursted through the door, nearly across the hall.
Sunflower was startled, Ray was drawn back while Dia froze in place.
"It's your mother!" 

Purple Violet Flowers: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now