Chapter 17

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Rory pulled Sunflower up by the collar of her shirt.
Blood trailed down her mouth, to her chin, before dripping on the ground beside her foot.
"I've.. always wanted to do this." Rory's eyes flashed in contempt, the girl clenched her left hand, bringing it back.
Sunflower's eyes widened in terror as Rory had a brutal grin upon her face, the short-tempered girl raised her fist up, her amber eyes full of hatred; her pupils were small, enough to petrify the 'supposedly' demure girl.
Her eyes were full of pure hatred, something that she was familiar with and something she was scared of.
She was intimidated by Rory's amber eyes of pure anger, the girl let another grin slip upon her face; clearly berserk, her state was driven by anger at this point.
"You listen to me now." Rory's eyes flashed as she threw a punch at Sunflower's face, the girl's cheek stung in pain from the sudden impact, causing her to cry out loud.
"You listen to me, and nobody else." Rory threw the girl on the ground, the impact from the ground was enough to make Sunflower cry out in pain.
"So helpless.." Rory got on her knees, sitting on top of Sunflower, half of her face shaded dark, while her amber eyes glowed as she vindictively looked down at her.
"Ray.. Isn't here to help you now, is she?" Rory creepily grinned as she sucked in the ravishing sight.
Sunflower was breathing heavily, she put her arm in front of her face, tears trailing down her eyes, while the blood trickled down her chin, and onto her clothing.
She trembled rapidly, slightly whimpering.
Rory held a firm grasp on the collar of her shirt, before violently pulling her up towards her level, Sunflower's eyes widened in terror as the two girls' made direct eye contact.
She whined out in distress, using her strength to get the girl off her.
Rory let go of her collar, Sunflower's head crashed down onto the floor, she cried out in anguish.
Rory grabbed both of Sunflower's wrists violently, holding them up against the wall.
Sunflower closed her eyes, shaking her head around in terror, avoiding the look in the deranged girl's eyes.
Rory grinned before dropping her hands, she raised her fist in the air, her eyes glowing with the thirst of revenge.
"This is..." Rory's eyes flashed, "what you get.." she closed her eyes, but soon opened them, her eyes were watery and full of hatred, "for taking everything away from me!" she raised her voice, tears trailing down her cheeks.
The short-tempered girl forced her fist down.
Sunflower's eyes widened.
"Do you think I wanted to be the bad one?!" Rory cried out in pain as she stopped her fist mid-way.
"Do you think that I wanted to end up like this?!" Rory's eyes were full of torment, trails of tears went down her cheeks as she looked down at Sunflower.
"I never wanted to be this person!" Rory's nails dug into Sunflower's shoulders, the short-tempered girl slouched forward, her tears falling on Sunflower's face.
"I never wanted to hurt you-." Rory shot back up, wiping her tears with her sleeves, "I never did.. B-but- you took away my life, you took away my friends, and now-.. I want to hurt you so bad, and it's scaring me!"
"I-I used to be so good for everyone," Rory looked down at Sunflower, with a forced smile upon her face as torrents of tears went down her eyes, "But.. when you came, I wasn't good enough. You stole my friends, my dignity, my life, and most of all; my happiness. You don't know how it feels to be drafted out, do you..?"
Sunflower couldn't speak, she struggled to, but ended up wincing as soon as she attempted to lift up her head.
"Today, is the day where you'll regret everything. I'll mess you up so much, where you'll want to leave, where you'll want to die. I'm not scared or terrified of the sight of blood, especially if it's coming from the person I really hate. It makes me happy to see you like this," Rory's eyes flashed as she looked at the blood dripping down her mouth, she used her thumb to wipe the blood away, "this isn't enough to make you feel the same as how I felt. It's not even close."
Rory put her hand around Sunflower's throat, holding it firmly, Sunflower's eyes widened in terror as torrents of tears went trailing down her eyes, she squirmed around, attempting to kick Rory off of her.
"Seeing you powerless, is my new happiness." Rory lowered her head towards her ear, "It always has been."
Rory's grasp was firm, and hardened as she squeezed her throat.
"This is what you deserve. Soon, after this is over, you'll be scared. Scared of me, and scared of the things around you," She held her neck tighter, "You ruined my life, and now I'll ruin yours."
Ray took a deep breath, she looked up determinedly before opening the door, "I'm back hot stu- sweetie," Ray says with a smile, she then noticed the room was empty.
"Sunflower?" she'd say, looking around the room, she then began to rub her neck; ending it with a sigh of relief.
I wouldn't have actually been able to say that, if I saw her sitting down I would've froze in place.
I'm sort of glad she wasn't able to see.
She then averted her gaze towards the desk in the near corner, the work-chair seemed to be tilted and empty.
The bed sheets seemed to be in great order, although the girl wasn't in sight anywhere.
I wonder where she could be.
"What are you looking at, Ray?" Reika appeared behind her, taking a peek inside the room, "nothing, I'm just wondering where Sunflower is." She'd say before turning around, "I'll check if she's in Belle's room."
"She's probably around somewhere." Reika closed the door to Ray and Sunflower's room, she lumbered on towards Ray, not really knowing what was going on, "what if she's just working with Dia?"
"Well, probably. I've been looking forward to seeing her all day, I want to see how she's doing." Ray leisurely walked at Reika's pace, the taller girl had a more energetic productive than the small girl, "that's cute." Reika was about to squeal, but soon stopped herself, "yeah, cute."
Ray and Ray took a short stroll down the hallway, they both reached Belle's room; Reika quickly knocked on her door, "if we were Dia we'd probably open the door without knocking." Reika giggled, "no kidding." Ray let out a sigh.
"What was that about Dia?" Belle opened the door, peeking her head through with a curious look on her face.
"We were just talking about how Dia opens doors without knocking." Reika pointed out.
"She did that to me a few times, but that probably ain't what you're here for, do you two need anything?" Belle cleared her throat, looking at the two girls.
"We were looking for Sunflower, I figured she'd probably be with you." Ray tilted her head slightly to the side, Belle seemed to copy what she was doing, "no, she'd most likely be too busy to hang out with me, but I did see Rory and Sunflower walking down the hallway together earlier- oh, oh dear.." Belle's look of confusion faded to concern, "what is it?" Ray frowned.
"Well... in a short summary, Rory hasn't been feeling.. Very good, If she went off with Sunflower I don't think this'll end well." Belle frowned, "when she's angry she tends to take it out on others."
It's my birthday today.
Rory waved towards her mother, "I'll see you later, I'm going to visit Lottie." She'd walk out the house, "Be back soon." Her mother called from the inside, "we're going to sing for you."
Rory casually nodded; she began walking down the cemented pavement, which soon became a gravelled road; the impact of the shoes on her feet made a mild crunching noise.
I'll be turning fifteen.
Today she wore her gray sweater, and her grayish-pale blue shorts. Rory's hair was pretty short, but she still managed to tie it into a low, messy ponytail. Her thick bangs made her think she was pretty today.
She felt like today was going to be amazing, It wasn't going to be 'special' just because of her birthday, but rather 'because she was old enough to date her.
Rory smiles cheekily while squealing in excitement, bringing her arms towards her chest whilst fangirling.
I can see it already; me and Lottie standing side-to-side in front of the ocean while she kisses me and we both stare at the waves together.
We'll be such a great couple! I'm so excited. It's like our romance already had a jumpstart and today It's going to be official. I don't have any doubts that she doesn't like me; because It's obvious, ever since we both first met we've practically been together the whole time; love at first sight.
Rory sighed dreamily as she began to envision endless thoughts of her and Lottie; bittersweet, wholesome memories- or rather predictions, or maybe they aren't predictions; they'll definitely happen.
Rory began to twirl her thick bangs; she began smiling sweetly, her heart warming up at all the beautiful thoughts she could think of. It all ran through her head like a daydream.
A daydream with her and her dear. It's like red carnations dazzling in the sun, swarming around the two of them with the purity of sweet, scented bellflowers.
We've both been waiting for this day, I just know it.
Rory chuckled softly at all the past moments she's had with Lottie; like how they jumped around in puddles together whilst walking hand-in-hand as the nightly stars of dusk shone upon the both of them; how dazzling and beautiful her smile was that day, each time she turned around to look at me the butterflies flew and fluttered in my stomach immensely.
'I'll never leave you,' I'd hear her call out to me each and every night we were apart.
'I'll always love you,' I'd hear her say as we both intertwined our fingers and strolled leisurely around the woods.
'I'll always be there for you,' she'd say whenever I was hurt, or sad.
'I'll never leave you, my dear,' I thought as I experienced the gracefulness of her pure smile.
I hope that your eyes could lay on me, and the landscape around you as we both experience these thoughtful, profound intense feelings for one another.
I really can't wait.
Rory lumbered on towards the woods; she was making her way towards their private meeting place. Every day I'd take up my time to go see her; it didn't matter if she wasn't there, I'd always just wait and wait till I could see her again.
I'd always go after school, or sometimes during school which I got in trouble for.
It didn't really matter to me If I had to miss school. All I wanted was to see her again.
However, sometimes she'd come to my window and invite me for a midnight stroll, but she hasn't been doing that for a week. I'm guessing she was busy with her family.
Rory reached her destination; she began turning her head side-to-side, Lottie wasn't sitting on the branch, the log, nor in the middle of the clearing.
She began to leisurely walk around the clearing, tracing her finger along the bumpy texture of the wood stump.
It was not that long until she heard faint chattering in the distance, she perked from the sudden surprise.
That voice seems familiar.
Her finger faintly dragged off the wood stump as she impulsively walked forward towards the familiar voice.
The voices became louder in a matter of seconds, she went to an open clearing where the sun blinded her eyes; she couldn't see until she walked out of the shrubs around her.
She immediately froze in place, her eyes flashed as she saw Lottie.
She quickly went behind the tree that was beside her, her heart pace quickening; what am I doing? Why did I hide?
Who is that person with Lottie?
Rory peeked her head from the tree, her squinting eyes soon began to widen; Lottie was shaking gently whilst chuckling softly, she was leaning against the wall while talking to this unfamiliar girl.
The unfamiliar girl had pale blue hair that was tied into a braid, the unknown girl was smiling with crimson blush fluttering on her cheeks.
Rory felt this gnawing in her heart, jealousy slowly rising in her stomach; they both looked so happy.
A sick feeling began to rise in both her stomach and mind; her facial expression slowly began to broaden, looking at the ground with a saddened frown.
They're happy.
Her eyes glinted in heartache.
A sudden realization hit her as she watched the both of them talk and smile; Lottie never actually looked at me that way before.
Out of all the times, it was only really ever me.
Why do I feel so..
Rory looked down at her hands, her fists slowly conjoined; clenched.
"So, I'll be coming tomorrow my sunshine," Lottie chuckled, which soon faded to a smug smile, "unless you want me to stay overnight again."
Sunflower put both of her hands on Lottie's cheeks, stretching them, "don't tease me you snog," Sunflower sulked as she stopped pinching Lottie's cheeks, "ouchie my ouches..." Lottie rubbed on her both of her cheeks with the palm of her hands, overexaggerating a fake cry.
Sunshine? Again?
"It'll be alright, it's not like my mother is going to punish me again. She doesn't know about the secret meetings we have every day, so we'll have to keep it that way. If you stay overnight she'll be skeptical, y'know? And maybe she'll kick you out again." Sunflower pointed out a logical remark, she crossed her arms with a content frown, "yeah.. I know that, but I'd really just rather stay overnight. If she catches us she catches us, but none of that really matters because I want to spend more time with you," Lottie crouched down on the ground, looking up at Sunflower with a heartwarming smile, "I have nothing to do today, so maybe now is a chance?"
Rory couldn't bear looking at the scene, she began to slowly back away; what was that?
'I have nothing to do today'
What about me, Lottie?
What happened to me?
Did you forget that it was my birthd- our special day?
What suddenly changed?
Why was I replaced?

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