Chapter Ten: Do You Like It?

Start from the beginning

“Look Dani, you should have just given the girl an autograph. She was asking nicely and she’s one of my fans. I think she deserves it.” I said, cutting into her endless story.

“But she interrupted my lunch! I don’t go running up to her and interrupt her private time.” She whined.

“I’m sorry love, but you knew the consequences of our relationship. This sounds like one of the better situations to be in.” I explained calmly.

“Ugh, Liam you don’t get it.” She said and hung up the phone. Well then. I let out a groan of annoyance. I wasn’t even going to bother calling her back. I wasn’t in the mood to put up with her honestly. That in no way made me feel better. It didn’t remind me on why I couldn’t be with Alex. It didn’t remind me that I loved Dani. It just gave me another reason to believe the lads in that I should consider ending it. It made me question my feelings for her again.

It just added on to my damn confusion.

Alex’s POV

I turned the volume on the t.v. louder in hopes to drown out the sound of my still racing heart.

Focus on the show Alex. Focus on the show.

I didn’t even know what I was watching. I let out a groan when I realized it was some sort of paid programming. I put on Nickelodeon because I’m just that much of a child and leaned back into the couch. I didn’t care what show it was. As long it wasn’t trying to sell me work out videos I’d freaking watch it.

I let out a loud groan when I saw that it was iCarly. I didn’t really care about that fact, it was just that it had to be the episode with the boys on it. I bit my lip as Liam came into view on the screen.

I quickly grabbed the remote. Okay, anything but paid programming and this.

Before I could change the channel I heard footsteps approaching me. I turned and saw Harry walk in giving me a weak smile. I sighed and returned it.

“Just can’t get enough of us?” he chuckled pointing to the t.v. I rolled my eyes.

“I was just going to change the channel. I’ve had enough of you all.” I said and stuck my tongue out playfully. He pouted and put his hand up to his chest acting hurt.

“That hurts.” He whined.

“Sorry Haz. You know I’m just messing though.” I told him. He nodded and came over and sat down next to me on the couch.

“Of course you are. You would never mean something like that.” He said and waved his hand dismissively.

I just nodded my head and turned my head back to the t.v. It was still the same episode of iCarly. I smirked slightly and turned to Harry.

“Did she just say butter sock?” I quoted Zayn. “Is that a sock…” and Liam, “filled with butter.” And of course Lou, trying to pull off the British accent, yet failing. Harry just shook his head at me. I giggled.

It's More of a "Hate, Hate" Thing... (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now