// Chapter 24 //

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I sat on my bed thinking about how I missed luke so much. My chest hurt every time i heard his name and i couldn't stand it any longer. I felt bad

i picked up my phone while i sat in my room alone. i bit my lip while debating weather or not to call luke. i pressed his contact and it took a couple rings for him to pick up. "michael?"

"hi, can we meet up?" i bit my lip again. "Sure." luke said simply. I hung up, got dressed, and made my way to luke.

- - - -

we met up at the pizza parlor that we had or first date at. "what did you want to talk about?" luke asked taking a sip of his soda. "i wanted to apologize." he rolled his eyes and began to stand up. "Luke, please hear me out."

"luke, i'm sorry i was such a terrible boyfriend. i was such an idiot for breaking up with you i was just so sad. i wish i could take it back. i still love you so much." I said placing my hand on his. He snatched it away with a look of disgust on his face.

"it's a bit late for that." he stood up and walked away.

"Please..." I said chasing after him until i ran out of breathe.

- - - -

i made my way home. when i got home, i decided that since he wouldn't listen to me, i'd write him a long text.

[To: Breadstick]
[6:41 P.M]
I hope you didn't delete my contact but if you did this is michael.
Listen, i'm so sorry and i know you don't want to hear me out, but please.
I love you so much luke and i don't even know how to put it into words. You are such a wonderful person and i just want to hug you all the time and kiss your face and just be with you.
You don't need to forgive me completely, but please don't stay mad at me forever. I can't handle you hating me.
Please luke...
p.s. I really love you luke

I pressed send and with tears in my eyes i made my way to bed. I woke up every couple of hours because of my nightmares that contained luke and death.

this sucks but i just wrote it

chapter 25 question:
do you celebrate thanksgiving?

- ashley xx

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