// Chapter 43 //

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"michael, i don't know if we're a match made in heaven. i don't know what the future holds for us. i don't even know if you still love me. the one thing i do know is that i love you. i love so much that my heart break at the sudden glimpse of your tears. i know you're the person i can't help, but always seem to run back to no matter how hard it gets." tears fell from my eyes and i just stood there in awe. "michael, i can't promise forever, but i can promise you until the day i lie on my death bed and slip into an eternity of darkness, i will love you. I know we've only known eachother for a year or so and this may seem impulsive will you marry me?"

"luke i-" he cut me off, " i know this is sudden michael and i know we still have things to work out, but i love you so much and there isn't anyone i'd rather spend the rest of my life with."

"yes." michael said simply. "really?" luke smiled and got up. "yes" he ran up to t michael and hugged him so tight michael could feel all of his broken pieces stick back together again. he was happy. he was with luke. "and i promise i will try every day to make up for all the crap i put you through-" michael covered lukes mouth. "luke?" luke nodded, "please just kiss me."

luke blushed slightly and pressed his lips against mine and we stood there with lukes hands on my hips and my hands cupping lukes face.

he just wanted that moment to last forever. in his mind, it did.

- - - -

they walked down the street hand in hand. nothing - and i mean nothing - could stop them from their haze of love. it was if there was a shield around them, keeping all negative things away so that life would be positive.

so when they saw calum, the shield broke. "luke, it's calum." michael whispered. he didn't know what to do. apologize for stealing his boyfriend or avoid him. before he could make up his mind, ashton appeared. they were laughing and calum was blushing awfully hard.

"hey guys!" they waved and started towards them. michael smiled and luke did the same. "you all know calum." ashton said as they came closer. "hey calum." calum didn't seem to mind luke or michaels company, he couldn't take his eyes off ashton.

"calum, close you mouth before you catch flies." ashton giggled and lifted calums chin. calums cheek grew re and ashton laughed "so, what're you guys doing out at," ashton checked his watch, "8:37 at night?" he wiggled his eyebrows. "well, we were celebrating valentine's day."

"as are we." ashton said. "the two most single gay people on the earth." calum had a sad twinkle in his eyes, but he still smiled. it was obvious that calum liked him.

"do you guys want to go out for drinks or something?" calum asked as if he'd forgot the fued between him and michael and the relationship between him and luke.

all the boys spent the whole night drinking multiple rounds of beer and taking shots. they thought it was time to be childish and thy played truth or dare. ashton made out with calum for 5 minutes. that was lukes apology for being such a dick to him.

they spent the rest of the night laughing and dancing. they were so happy and drunk that they couldn't remember a single thing in the morning.


i hope you liked this chapter because it's one of my favorites!!

-ashley xx

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