// Chapter 3 //

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In the time that we sat on a bench on the side of the road, I learned that his name was Michael and that he was extremely sorry. He'd apologize nearly every 2 minutes and I'd say it's fine.

"Why help a random stranger?" He asked, finally done apologizing. He was ashamed of what he'd just done and I could tell because he picked at his nails and bit his bottom lip. "Why wouldn't I save you?" His eyes were still bloodshot from all the crying. I'd seen this boy before, even before the party. I believe he was a high school dropout. He was a year older and wasn't really popular amongst most of the school. So, I didn't mention it and I was sure he didn't even know who I was, but I was okay with that. "I don't think I want to talk about this anymore. I should be getting home." He began to walk, still slightly tipsy. I was too worried about Michael to let him walk. "No, let me drive you home. Where do you live?"

He told me his adress and I drove him home. In the car, we talked a little. There were small conversations here-and-there. "What type of bands do you like?, Have you lived here your whole life?, Do you like pizza?" He never fully answered the questions. He either said "yes" "no" or "I don't know." Which made it harder to find things we had in common. He seemed awkward and anti-social.

"Can we forget this ever happened?" He asked unbuckling his seatbelt and slowly getting out of the car. I nodded (still slightly worried) and he hopped out the car, making his way up to the door. I waved goodbye, but he didn't seem to see me.

I drove home and watched Friends alone on my couch. When I got bored I texted Harry, but in the end he said he "had to go because Alexa needs him." I'd thought of colleges recently and how Harry would probably go to a college closer to Alexa. Tuesday has decided she wants to the US to peruse her career as an actress. Though it was slightly naive, I never questioned it. I still didn't know what I wanted to do or who I wanted to be.

I took out my journal that had all the careers I'd thought about since 9th grade in it. I looked through the list: astronaut, scientist, marine biologist, doctor, join the military, and more ideas that were out of my league. There was nothing that made me happy. I added teacher to the list. I also added councilor. I wanted to help people. I wanted to help people like michael. I wanted to hell michael.

Updated: June 28th, 2015 and August 14th, 2015 and April 29, 2016

I'm listening to the album c: ITS PERFECT KGLHL. bye

Btw luke only lives with his mom here oKAY

chapter 3 question:
what's your opinion on the album?

Finding Home // MukeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ