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Chandu's point of view

I was going upstairs to sleep in my room but stopped after walking up two stairs. " Karthik ". I called out for him and he turned around hands in his pockets. " Yes ? " I hesitated for a bit but decided to say it anyways. " Will you up to my room to sleep ? I understand if you don't want to. Just that there will be mosquitoes in that room ". My cheeks were fuming right now. He chuckled at my shyness making me cover my face with my hands. I heard footsteps coming towards my way. He removed my hands from my face but I couldn't look at him. " My pleasure ". He held my hand in his and we walked up to my room. I switched the lights on as we entered the room. He was looking around the room. 

My room was pretty simple. I wanted this as my room because there was more sunlight in this room. A bed to one wall, the same wall has the bathroom door too. There was a closet to the wall which had the door to the entrance of the room. There was a couch just below the window. There was a dressing table beside the closet. " You sure changed a lot ". I was confused at his words so I followed his line of sight. He was seeing the makeup materials on the table. I chuckled at his statement. " It was all because of this great person beside me ". I nudged him with my elbow. " Me ? " He questioned frowning. I nodded with a smile. " Yes, you. Remember that day at my house when you gave me hickeys ? " I was blushing hard and his lips formed a smirk at the mention of it. " Yeah, I do ". " I actually got caught that day. Seeta thought I hit my head and went crazy, because I was wearing a scarf when it was so hot. So she has her ways to get things done and she found out ". 

He was laughing when I said that. I hit his arm. " So I used it to cover them. It was better than a scarf ". " That makes sense ". By now we were sitting on the bed. He put his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He nuzzled his face into my neck giving me kisses. Butterflies were going wild in my stomach at the touch of his lips. Just his touch ran electricity in my veins across my body. I bit my lip stopping myself from moaning. " I would like to do that to you again ". I pushed him slightly making him chuckle. " No way. You know I can you throw you out right ? " He smiled but it was almost a smirk. " You love me too much to do that ". He stated it in a 'duh' tone. " Lucky enough ". I said huffing. He laughed at this and gave me a kiss. Then we slept cuddling into each other.

The next morning I woke up to see his beautiful sleeping face. He had a small smile tugging at his lips. I slowly got out of his grip careful not to wake him up. I slipped out of his arms and made my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and then came out to see him still sleeping soundly. I didn't want to wake him up since he had nothing to do anyway. I went down and started preparing lunch.Once I was done I took a shower and dried my hair and leaving it like that. I wore white blue jeans with a black v-neck t-shirt and I thought I will put on my white shirt later when I leave. With these thoughts in mind I went into the kitchen once again so that I would make his coffee. I prepared it as soon went back up into my room to see him still asleep. I went near the bed and put the cup on the night stand. 

" Wake up Karthik ". I called out but not too loudly.He didn't even budge. So I tried calling again but there was no movement. "Better wake up before your coffee gets cold ". With that I started walking towards the door and heard a groan on my way. I knew he was awake and laughed at it. " How did you know ? " I turned around with a smirk. " As I told you,you are a bad actor ". He scoffed at my words before glaring me and picking up his cup. " I knew you were trying to trick me to come and shake you awake,weren't you ? " He looked surprised by my guess. I knew I was right. " You can never trick me ". I said with a raised eyebrow like I was challenging him. He raised one at me. " You think so ? " I shrugged. " Let's see then ". I walked out of the room after it. 

After a few minutes he came down and placed the cup in the wash basin and sat at the table. I was cleaning a few dishes I used for cooking since I might not have time today after work. " Actually there is something I wanted to ask you ". He never spoke in that tone. It felt different from his cheerful tone making me frown. " What is it ? " " It's just that.." He didn't complete it, so I turned off the water flow from the tap and removed my gloves. I wiped my hands with a small towel and turned around to face him. The moment I turned around water splashed onto my face. I gasped in surprise before I could take in the situation. I heard him laughing. " You are the one who says I suck at acting yet you fell for it ". 

This bastard. I picked a glass full of water and threw it at him while he was still busy laughing. Now it was my turn to laugh. But in a few seconds he threw another glass of water at me. I couldn't get another glass so I started chasing him. I started running after him around my house, still water dripping from my face. He was running all around the living room. Once I caught his t-shirt, but he just wriggled out of it. Ughh!!!! I was panting hard after all the running. Then he finally went into his room. I slowly went in and turned the knob to find it unlocked. I entered slowly tip toeing in to the room. I took a few steps into the room and turned around when I heard a noise. As I was about to turn he caught my wrists and pinned them above head to the door. 

I could feel his heavy breathing on my face because of our close proximity. His body was pressed against mine. My eyes traveled down from his face his hard chest and perfectly shaped abs. He was a sculpture. Sure he worked out well. I couldn't take my eyes off of his perfect body. But I reluctantly pulled away my eyes from him and met his piercing gaze.His eyes traveled from my eyes to my lips.


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