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Karthik's point of view

WHAT WAS HAPPENING ? The first goal. Chandu kicked the ball and it went into the goal post right away. She was at the speed of lightning. Dodging the players, tricking them and there she had another one in her score. She was escaping the defenses very easily. It was like a cake walk for her. They were trying their best but they were not even able to take the ball from her, let alone scoring a point. She was moving from left to right and right to left and ughh!!! Her third goal. This should not be happening. They were all panting and sweating by now. Then the ball came to one of our players but then he missed it and she got it again. THIS WAS SO NOT FAIR!!!! NOOOOOO!!! The fourth one. How come she is playing it so well ? Like she has a lot of experience. Her skill was perfect and her tactics & tricks were professional. She was a pro in the game. She was like a world star playing it. There she goes. 5-0. We lost the match. 

I was stunned by her performance. She walked back to the seats and sat back on. She threw her head back and was breathing heavily. She then bent forward with her arms on her knees and taking deep breaths. I went to her and sat beside her. Her beauty was truly distracting. Even now she was looking *coughs * sexy *coughs* . No, stop it. " Why didn't you tell me that you knew how to play football ? " She just shrugged. She took out a water bottle, bent forward so that her dress wouldn't get wet and poured the water on her face. She then wiped it using her scarf. " I used to play it a long ago. But I didn't play since few months. I played it when I was in my school ". That makes sense now. But she was awesome at it though. " If you don't mind I need a favor from you ". She raised her eyebrows at me. 

I looked at my team members and then back at her. Even though I hesitated I need to tell her. " Please don't tell anyone that we lost a match to you. Please ". I was pleading her with the best puppy face possible for me. She laughed at me. " I will think about it though ". She said it as if she was not sure about it. I looked at her bewildered. I could notice the hint of mischief in her eyes. She laughed again. " Don't worry. I will not tell anyone about it ". I was still giving her that suspicious look. " Come on. Don't give me that look. It is a matter of pride for everyone. Why would I run around telling everyone about something like this ? You really have to believe me. When I say I won't, I won't. I promise ". She was right I had no choice but to believe her. So I turned towards my team and nodded my head at them. And they nodded back. She took out the books and gave them to me. She then tied her shirt around her waist and started walking away. I put the books on the seat and followed her. 

" How about you train us in football ? " " What ? I told you I won't tell anyone right ? " " It is not about that. It is just that you are extremely good at it. So if you train us in your defenses and kicks, we would become better players right ? So will you ? " " But you have a coach right ? " " Yeah but, he will not be there during evenings when we practice ". She was watching me like I was trying to trick her or something. " Oh, come on ! Just, please ". " I will think about it ". That was enough for me. I will try convincing her any way. " How are you going back ? " " My bike". She showed her keys. " Oh, okay. Bye then. See you ". " Bye ". With that I started walking back towards the ground and she went towards the parking lot. She was really something. It is always different every time I am with her. She shows different shades of her every single time. And the most surprising thing about her was she rode a bike. The Royal Enfield. And when I asked her why, she said that she likes it a lot, so she drives it. She is a very good biker. I still have a lot of work to complete. I looked at the notes she gave me.


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