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Third person point of view

The next day was a very special day. Everyone was waiting for the day to be over. Even she was waiting for the day to be over. And they actually had a half day because of the match. She texted him to have proper lunch and be careful to not get hurt. She wished him all the best for the match. He replied with a smiley and a thank you. He asked if she would give him any gift if he scored a goal. She said that she wanted him to score at least 3 goals and then she would think of it. He said that he was going to do it for sure and be prepared to gift him something. She agreed to it. She wore a light blue jeans and a black full hands t-shirt. She opened the package and wore his jersey. It was bigger size than hers but she liked it. Since their college jersey was black and white stripped t-shirt she paired it perfectly. She finished it with black vans. She checked herself in the mirror once again. She adjusted her high ponytail for the millionth time and then went downstairs to wait for her classmates. 

4 of the girls, along with her planned on a carpool. Once they arrived, they went to the college grounds. There were a lot of students. The stands were divided into two, one for their college and the other half for the opposite team. It was almost full and there were still students arriving. She saw their team enter the field. He was searching for her in the huge crowd. When their eyes met both of their faces broke out in a huge grin. She gave him a thumbs up to which he nodded. Then the match started. Everyone was busy shouting their college name when they hit the first goal. Everyone in their stands stood up and were roaring. Even she was very happy. Even she stood up and was cheering for their team. The match went on well. By the time first half ended the score was 3-2. Their college was leading. She was really happy that one of the goals was scored by Karthik. 

Everyone was shouting his name when he scored it. He became the star in an instant. The break was over and the players were on the field again. She was reminded of her challenge with him. He had already scored one and not to lie he was a good player. He executed all the tactics very well. Even the defense strategies he was using worked out well. He became a star with one match. There he scored another one. She was also cheering on him but she didn't really plan a gift for him. So she was a little nervous about it. The match was going head-on-head. Both the teams had equal score. The time was also coming to an end. Everyone was standing and praying for their own teams. And there Karthik kicked the ball and it went past the goal keeper and they scored the points. He was really fast to react and kicked the ball in the correct angle. Their college won the match. 

Everyone was shouting their college name and then Karthik's name. He blew a kiss towards her. It was a little too much but she liked it. Their college won the cup this year. Soon the players left the field and he had texted her to meet him near the changing rooms. She, along with her friends went to that place. By the time she went there a few guys were roaming around shirtless. The girls were busy drooling over them and flirting with them. The guys were absolutely enjoying it. She just waited outside near the door. She congratulated the guys if they walked past her. She noticed that Karthik was standing at one of the lockers and he was shirtless. He put his t-shirt above his head and wore it while turning around. She had a good view of his back but not the front. He sure worked out well. She could tell it from the little she saw. She turned away. Her cheeks were burning right now. She felt hot as if she was in a sauna. Then he came out of the room. 

" Hey ". She turned to look at him. " Congratulations. You played really well ". " Thanks to someone who actually trained me this well ". " Even if I did, you were the one who had the potential to learn and execute well. So it is your effort that made you successful ". He was grinning at her the whole time. She returned his grin. " Enjoying the show ? " She was confused at his question. He then gestured towards the guys inside. " As if ". She huffed at his question. He just laughed and shook his head. " How are you going to go home ? " " I came with them " She pointed towards the girls who were busy in conversation with some guy. " God knows when their flirting would end " " Come I'll drop you ". She turned towards those girls and they were still busy talking. So she thought it was better if she left with him. She sent a text to one of the girls, saying that she was leaving. She saw the text and raised her head in search of Chandu. 

Chandu waved at her and gestured her that she was leaving. The girl waved back at her and they both left the place. They walked towards the parking lot. He started his bike and then she sat behind him with her hands on each of his shoulder. And they left the campus. She didn't know what she could give him as a gift. She was totally clueless about it. They arrived at their house and he stopped his bike in front of his. She got down from it and stood beside him. " Thank you for the ride and congratulations once again. But why didn't you go with them ? They are going to have a party right ? " " I am not really interested and I don't drink ". " Really ? " He just nodded. But she was beyond surprised, by his statement. " Nice. See you tomorrow ". He caught her by her wrist when she was about to leave. " Where is my gift ? Trying to sneak away, huh ? " She didn't know what to say. 


From, to you to for you (unedited but completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora