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Chandu's point of view

We then went into our respective houses. I went to have breakfast and then take a bath. This time he brought his bike more like my bike. " Where are we going this time ? " " Do you mind if I give you a surprise? " " Not at all ". " Then tie this to your eyes ". He gave me a piece of cloth. I liked surprises. " Come on, tie it ". I was looking from him to the cloth in his hand and then back at him. " I will not kidnap you, so do it ". "Did I say that ? " He laughed at my serious face. " I don't know if you will like my surprise. But if you don't have this you will guess it. So I want you to tie this ". " I will always love any surprise from you ". I gave him assurance. I took the cloth and tied it across my eyes. 

Then I carefully sat on the bike with each leg on either side. I put my hands around his waist and held on to him. I rested my head on his back as he continued to drive. I could feel his hand holding mine at times, maybe when there was a traffic signal I guess.After a long drive he stopped the bike. I actually missed its sound for a longtime. I slowly got down again holding onto his shoulders. He then removed the cloth that blinded my view. It took time for my eyes to the bright light. I slowly opened them to see that I was at my academy. I turned towards him and then back at the academy. " How do you like my surprise ? " " I love it ". I answered sincerely with tears in my eyes. 

It has been a few months since I've been here. The end of my fourth year I was busy with my college and other stuff and I resigned to the job since I had to move places. We then walked inside. My mind was flooded with all the old memories. I spoke to sir again after a longtime. Then he took me to the company, then to aunty and uncle and at last even to the cafe. I felt very happy that I have tears just at the thought of it. I cannot be more grateful to him in my whole life. We went to a movie at the end of the day. It was 10 at night by the time we reached home. " Thank you so much. It means a lot to me ". " Are you happy ? " I nodded. " That is more than enough for me ". I smiled at him and went towards my house. I went and had a bath. I wore a v neck t-shirt and some pajama pants. 

 I went down to have dinner. I didn't have much of an appetite, so I had a little and went up to my room. My parents and sister finished their dinner too. My parents were in the living room and reading newspaper. My younger sister has the weirdest habit that I hope anyone would never possess. She freaks out too much during exams. She actually starts playing music out loud at highest volumes as if there is a party going on. The sound is so much that it is heard all over the house and to the neighbors. And I being on the same floor just made it worse. She reads till mid night and then turns off the music. I went to the balcony to see Karthik standing there looking straight at me as soon as I opened the door. 

" You really scared me ". He laughed at my expression. I put my hair in a bun. " I wanted to ask you something ". I turned around to close the door. I didn't bolt but just put them together so that mosquitoes wouldn't enter. " What is it ? " I didn't finish my sentence when he jumped over onto my balcony. I was utterly shocked to say anything. But he was totally enjoying it. " Why do you have to do that ? " He just shrugged. He then started walking closer to me as I was taking steps backwards. I could feel that I will hit the door if I take one more step backwards. But he was still walking towards me.


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