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Third person point of view

" I brought it ". " Then where is it ? " " Um.. Close your eyes and I will give you ". " You are not trying to run away, are you ? " " Why would I do that ? " He narrowed his eyes at her, but decided to believe her and closed his eyes. She bent forward and kissed his cheek. His eyes were wide open when he realized what happened. They were the size of saucers. He looked at her dumbfounded. " There goes your gift ". She smiled at him and ran towards her house without even looking back. He was so stunned that he stayed in the same position for a few minutes to realize it was not a dream. Then he parked his bike and went inside. He was still a little dazed when he entered his house. He came back to reality when he heard his mother call him from the kitchen.

On the other hand Chandu ran into her house. She calmed down herself and then rang the bell. Her mother opened the door to see her daughter smiling. " Why are you smiling like that ? " She shook her head at her mother and entered the house. " It's nothing. I will change and come ". She ran upstairs to her room. Her mother was surprised to see her smiling. It has been a while since she her smiling like that. She wished silently that she could be back to herself again. That night Chandu was zoning out every now and then. She was reminded of the times when he kissed her and when she kissed him. She instantly blushed at the thoughts. 

As time went on they both grew even closer. But none of them dared to admit their feelings. They were scared that if the other person didn't feel the same towards them, they would end up losing their friendship. It would just get awkward for them whenever they see each other in the college or their neighborhood. So they were just admiring each other secretly and loving each other in their hearts.

Karthik's point of view

In the past few days after the match, we became even closer. I wanted to confess all my feelings to her. But if she didn't feel that way, I would just make it awkward for the both of us. I will tell when the time comes. I just finished my assignment. It was just getting too tiring. It was 11:30 at night. The lights in Chandu's room were off, but something in me told that there was something wrong. I texted her asking where she was and waited for her to reply. If she didn't reply it meant that she was asleep. If not there is something suspicious. My phone screen lit up, telling me that I received a text from her. She replied that she was on her terrace. What was she doing on the terrace late at night ? I replied that I will come there. I put on my hoodie and went downstairs and out of my house. 

I couldn't go through the gate of her house since her parents were home. So I jumped the wall and went running upstairs. I went up and looked around. She was sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall looking at something in her hand. I went and sat beside her to see her crying again. " What happened ? " She just stayed silent and tears were flowing continuously from her eyes. She gave me her phone. There was a photo of two people, sitting beside each other and a happy smile on their faces. One of them looked familiar. It was Chandu. Maybe it was a photo taken 2 or 3 years back. She looked much younger and they were of the same age from what I could guess. " Who is this ? " " Satya ". She just gave me a one word answer. I looked back at the photo and then at her again. I could see the pain her eyes held at that moment. " Would you like to tell me ? " She nodded.


Author note : So yes this is it. The darkest secret of Chandu's past is going to be revealed. So guess who it can be! Who is SATYA ? 🤔 What was that person to her? And the thing that everyone is curious about. What is the gender ?  😅😂🤭Please do comment, so that I can know the views of my readers as well.🤗

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