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Chandu's point of view

I was waiting for her to come. It was 12:30 and she neither called me nor told me about being late. I didn't know why, but something in me was not fine with her coming here alone. But she never listened to me. So I decided to call her. The phone started ringing but no one picked up. I was panicking while trying to call her again. This time they picked up after 5 long rings. " What do you think of yourself ? Can't you just pick up my call for a second ? " " Hello ". I heard a faint voice coming from the other side and I recognized it to be her mother. " Sorry mom. I was just worried about her, so I yelled at you. Where is Satya ? " 

We referred to each others'parents as mom and dad like our own. They never felt it was odd. So we were fine with it as long as they were. I didn't hear a reply from her. I could only hear sobs. " Mom ? What happened ? " There I was literally freaking out. My voice cracked at the end. I didn't know if I would dare to listen to another word. " Where are you right now ? " "City hospital ". My mind went blank after that. I didn't even hear anything else. I dropped my phone and fell on the floor on my knees. I didn't realize I was crying until a few drops fell on my hands that were on my knees. I ran out of my house locking it. I took an auto to the hospital. I called my parents on my way. I was still crying on my way to the hospital. 

I just hoped that it was not her. It shouldn't be her. I don't know if that would come true. But some part of me hoped it was not her. I reached the hospital. I paid the driver in a hurry and ran into the hospital. I asked for her name and they said that she was in one of the emergency wards. My heart was beating faster than ever. I was a little weak since I didn't have anything since I woke up. But I could careless about my health right now. I reached the place she told me to go. I saw her parents sitting on the seats outside the door. Her father's head was hung low and her mother's head was resting back on the wall. Tears were flowing out of her eyes. If it was not the both of them then it was Satya. 

The bitter truth which I was refusing to believe since then came true hitting me hard. I fell on the floor leaning against the wall with tears falling uncontrollably from my eyes. I picked myself up with the little courage and went up to them. They looked as broken as I was. If she was my friend then she was their daughter. I couldn't even imagine the pain they might be going through right now. They looked up at me with bloodshot eyes. I sat beside her mother and held her hands." It will be fine. She will be fine ". I didn't know if it was the truth, but I wanted to assure her. She hugged me tightly and started weeping again. I hugged her back and a few tears leaked out of my eyes. After some time I left the place to go the cafeteria of the hospital to get something for them to eat. It was evening and getting darker by the minute. My parents arrived in no time after I reached the hospital. 

They were sitting with her parents comforting them. I went up after buying some sandwiches and juices. We found out that Satya needs to be in complete observation for a whole day. She actually got into an accident when she was coming to my house in an auto. A truck hit it from the side and she got injured severely. She got her left hand broken and some of the ribs were fractured. She even got hit on her head and it was a hard hit. Even though we knew the truth none of us wanted believe it. My parents requested them and convinced them to have some food. That night we took her mother and left for our home. My father and her father stayed at the hospital itself. She was not even in a situation to speak anything. She managed to take a bath while my mom cooked dinner for us. 

We persuaded her in having some food.I tried my best to not cry in front of her. She went to sleep in the guestroom. I went to my room and sat on my bed. Just looking around my room made me emotional. There were a lot of memories of us in this room. I sat on the end of my bed. I heard a soft knock and my mother entered my room. She sat beside me on the bed. Looking into her eyes, I couldn't stop myself anymore. I started crying hugging her. " Tell me this is not true. Wake me up from this bad dream.Please mom ". I cried harder. She sat there patting my head and telling that it was going to be fine. I cried while I fell asleep. The next day we had breakfast and then left for the hospital again. By the time we reached there we noticed that her father has changed into a fresh set of clothes too. 

My mom gave my father clothes to change. He left the place and we all sat in absolute silence. The doctor came for the check up. He didn't say anything in front of us. He just left the place by shaking his head. He said that she was conscious and anyone who wanted can visit her. Her parents went inside and came out after 5 minutes. They were still crying. I was the next one to go inside. 


From, to you to for you (unedited but completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن