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Karthik's point of view

" Catch these bags ". " Is it a request or command ? " " What does it look like ? " I didn't question further and took the bags from her. Once we reached back home she set all the things in their places. " Do you want to stay for dinner ? " " My pleasure. I will just go and take a bath and come then ". " Okay. Fine ". I then went to my house and took a nice shower and changed into comfortable clothes. This time I locked it from the front and went to her house. I rang the bell and she opened it after a few seconds. Even she took a bath I guess, since she was in different clothes as well. I was sitting on the sofa and watch the television for some time. I got bored and went to the kitchen. I sat on one of the chairs of the dinner table. I rested my face on my fist and was watching her. 

She was moving swiftly in the kitchen stirring, blending. A thought crossed my mind. Will it look like this if we both were a couple ? What ? What was I even thinking ? I didn't know why I even thought of it. But the thought made me smile. Before the clock struck 8:30 she placed different kind of items on the table. She prepared aloo kurma, sambar, tomato chutney, curd and rice. She would be a very good wife one day. I wanted to say that thought out loud, but she would kill me if I said so. " Wow. You are really a great cook ". " Thank you ". She served each item with rice and we were done eating. She cleaned the table and put all the dishes into the wash basin. " Thank you so much for the food. It was very tasty ". " No need to thank me though. It was nice having company. More like a date ". 

I was surprised by her words. Even she was as shocked as I was. Her eyes were of the size of space ships. " Yeah it was a nice date ". I could see the blush on her cheeks. " No, it's just.." She was struggling to get the words out of her mouth. She was really cute. I just laughed at her. " It is fine. As I told you I loved the date ". She bit her lower lip. " I would like to go on more with you ". " Then how about I cook lunch for you tomorrow ? " She had an expectant look on her face. Her eyes were shining even with little lighting. " Sure ". I could see the excitement in her. " Bye, then. See you tomorrow ".

The next day I woke up late in the morning. It was almost 11 when I woke up. I didn't feel like having any breakfast. I could just drink some milk. I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. I finished my morning routine, took a nice bath and I was done. I went to the fridge, took out some milk from it. I heated it up for some time and then I drank it. It was a little past 11:40, by the time I was done. So I went to Chandu's house. I went to her front door. I checked myself once again in my phone and then rang the bell. She opened it after a few seconds. " Hi. Good morning . " " Good morning ". I entered the house and she came behind me after closing the door. Then we both went together into the kitchen. I saw that there were already a few utensils on the stove. 

" You already started cooking ? " " Not long ago. Just a few minutes back ". " So you cook for yourself whenever you stay alone ? " " Most of the time. If I don't feel like it I just order something ". " At what age did you learn to cook ? " " I don't remember exactly though. Maybe when I was around 12 ". " That's really nice ". Then we were talking about different kinds of things. From different food items to our subjects, we spoke about everything. It was 12:45 when she finished cooking. Today she actually made fried rice, sweet corn Manchurian, capsicum curry and curd. She could just become a chef at some 5 star hotel. " Did you cook these ? The same items all the time". " No I cook different kinds of recipes when I am alone ". " It is really tasty. Will you teach me ? " " What should I teach you ? " " Cooking. Please. Will you ? " " I don't want my house to be on fire ". 

I gasped at her comment. She laughed at my expression. " We will see. If we have any free time I will teach you for sure. When will your parents be back ? " " By evening. Maybe by 4 or something ". She just nodded. Once we finished eating I helped her in cleaning all the dishes. Then we just chatted for some time and I thought I will go back in case my parents come early. " Thank you so much for the food and the second date ". She opened her mouth to say something but didn't say anything. I really loved her cute expression when she is so clueless. I pinched her cheeks to just make them even red. She pouted and rubbed her cheeks. " See you again ". " Bye ". Then I walked towards my house. It was a nice date. She cooked really delicious food. Things do have changed between us. So maybe it was something more than friendship.

Chandu's point of view

It felt different from what we were before. I always cooked for myself when I was alone at home. Even though I tried different cuisines, I had no company to share it with. So it always felt so lonely. After I lost the most important person in my life, I never wanted anyone to get closer to me. But he tried his best to know me and he sure is successful in it. He knows a lot about me than what the people around me know me as. They only see what is there on the surface. But the depth of it doesn't matter to the world. They all like me for what they see, but not for the truth. But he is different. He knows what I am. He even saw me breakdown in front of him, but never took advantage of it. I felt really nervous to cook for him. I really hoped he would like it. Even though I tried to act cool, I lost at the end. God knows why I let my mouth flow like that in front of him. And I even said I felt like it was a date. What was I even thinking ? He is sure going to tease me for it.


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