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Karthik's point of view

That night I couldn't help but think about Chandu the whole time. She was a totally different person the whole day. The best thing was her smile. It is not that I've never seen her smile but today was surely different. She was a popular student in our college most of the lecturers and students knew her. So when she walks down a corridor most of them greet her. She returns them a smile but it never reached her eyes. It was just the lips curving upwards. But today her eyes were shining with happiness. She had a different glow on her face because she was very happy to see every one of them. Her eyes were glistening with happiness. In fact it warmed my heart looking at her happy face. I even got to see a little mischievous side of her with her brother.

Chandu's point of view

I was back to college after that day and everything was back to normal at it has been a few days since then. And I was here sitting in Mrs. Sharma's class which was of course a little boring. I was like always in the back bench and Karthik was in the bench beside mine and he was trying to make a rocket. He made one and threw it but it flew in the wrong direction and hit one of the students in the front benches. The student turned around angrily ready to snap at them but Karthik was fast to react and apologized and he turned back again. I couldn't help but laugh a little at his helplessness. He turned towards me to notice me laughing. " What are you laughing at ? Do you even know how to make a rocket ? 

" I just tore a paper from my book made a rocket and threw it. Like I targeted it exactly went and landed right in Mrs. Sharma's bun. It went right into her bun and everyone started laughing lightly. She turned around and gave us a look that every lecturer gives to the teenage students. She might have thought we all have gone crazy, so she shook her head and then was back to her lesson. Karthik was looking at me wide eyed and totally surprised. I just winked at him and he bowed to me with his hands in the air. I just rose my hand and blessed him making the both of us laugh. It reminded me of old times when I did it with that person. I was lost in thought and didn't pay attention to the rest of the lesson. The day went by very quickly though.

The next day Karthik was nowhere to be found. He sent me a text saying that he had to practice football as he got selected for the college team. He asked me if I could give him the notes of today's classes. I told him that I will bring him the notes during the last period since our lecturer was not going to take that class. The day went by quickly and I found myself walking towards the football ground. By the time I reached that place they were practicing in the grounds. I sat on the seats that were placed near the ground, in the sidelines.

Karthik's point of view

I see her walking up to the seats and sitting there watching our game. She really has a good taste for clothing. Today she wore a deep blue shirt which had thin white lines forming a block pattern on it. She wore a white t-shirt. I noticed since she left the top three buttons unbuttoned. She wore black jeans with it and light blue sports shoes with them and a high ponytail. Classic, I liked it. She was in all her glory as usual. She watches it for not more than 5 minutes and then turns her head away. I could notice the frown on her face. She took out her mobile and was scrolling through it as though she was bored watching us. So I walked up to her and stood in front of her. " What happened ? " " What do you mean 'what happened' ? " She was now looking at me as if I was speaking in some other language. " Why aren't you watching the match ? " She let out a breath and looked up at me again. " It is too boring " 

WHAT ? How can she even say that ? " You mean to say football is boring ? " She shook her head. " The way you play is too boring and too cheesy ". " Do you even know how to play football ? Do you even know how to kick a ball ? " She raised her eyebrow at me. " If that is what you want to know then go and get your best 5 players. We will play a match and I will show you how it is done ". I stomped away angrily and spoke to my seniors about it and we were ready and I gestured her to come on to the field. She removed her shirt and placed it on her bag. For a second I was just looking at her. Her short sleeved white shirt, black jeans and shoes she always looked super cool in any kind of clothes. But I pushed that thought away and this time she was not going to get away with that arrogance. " So these are the top 5 players ? Hmmm, interesting. Why aren't you one of them ? " " They are my seniors so I have to respect them ". It was true I wanted her to know that it is not good to be cocky all the time. " So a five versus one game for five goals. Deal ? " They all nodded and they started the match. 


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