🤠🗿Extra Chapter🤠🗿

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This is going to be right after they got groceries, cause i don't feel like making a time skip 🤡
"Taetae! Help me put the groceries away!" Yoongi complained, dropping the bags of food onto the table.

"Noooo, i wanna sleep..."

"Stop being lazy and help me! You know i'm not that strong! And since i got them here, YOU put them away, have fun!" Taehyung just gave Yoongi a look and started going the asked task, putting away the groceries.
"Okay old man, i'm done."


Yoongi was now laying in the couch, with a grumpy Taehyung towering over him.

"Come here." Yoongi patted his chest, signaling for Tae to lay on it, which he did.

Yoongi started to gently scratch Taes head, which resulted in him purring.

"My big kitty tired?"


Yoongi laughs and continues to scratch his head. Soon enough, the tiger falls in a deep sleep. The older didn't mind if he could barely breath, it was his Taehyung for goodness sake, he didn't have the heart to move him off.

He continued scratching his head, soon falling asleep himself too. And it's the best way to fall asleep if you ever ask him.
"Yoongi. Wake up~" Yoongi woke up to Taehyung staring right down on him. Taking this chance he lifted his head quickly and pecked the hybrids lips, making him all flustered and getting off of him. Yoongi chuckled and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Why'd you wake me up, Tae?" He asked.

"Because- uh, i don't know. Probably cause i was awake and bored."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, but soon his expression turned into a happy one.

"You big baby." He stated, making Taehyungs head snap over in his direction.

"I'm not a baby! i'm taller than you!" He yelled.

"I'm older than you!"

"I'm not sharing anymore of my sweaters with you anymore." Taehyung crosses his arms with a smirk.

"You can't do that!"

"Oh yes i can. I bought all my new ones so they're all mine!"

Yoongi scoffed, "Stop rubbing in that you were by yourself for awhile! It was t my fault anyways! Those stupid cops didn't even look into it!"

"And? You were still taken away from me! do you know how clueless i was?" Taehyung yelled.

"For the last time they didn't let me explain! they didn't even hold a trial or anything! they just threw me in jail!" Yoongi replied.

"Why didn't you write to me?!"

"I would've if i could've!"

Taehyung was on the verge of tears. He scoffed and ran to their now- shared room, shut the door and fell onto the bed, crying and hugging a pillow like a highschool girl whom just got rejected by her crush.

He heard the bedroom door open, but he didn't mind it since he was filled in his own tears and thoughts. He felt the bed aloud meaning someone has sat on it, obviously Yoongi.

Before Yoongi could say anything, Taehyung sat up, his eyes still having tears fall and his face now
red and puffy.

"W-why did they take you away from-from me..." He sobbed, but continued,

"I-i finally found my l-love and they take that away too! It's like they d-don't want me-e to be happy..." He cried. Yoongi just stared at him with a sad expression.younger has been holding this in for so long he needed to let it all loose.

once he saw the younger was finished, he wrapped his long arms around him, pulling him into a deep hug.

"Shh, it's okay, Taehyungie, it's okay. I'm here now.
Nothing is going to take me away..." He reassured.

Taehyung slouched, and his breathing became even, telling Yoongi that he's not asleep.

Yoongi carefully laid his love down on the bed, then carefully cuddling up next to him.

"I love you."

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