Hello there, Stranger.

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"What happened to me?" Madeline slowly regained conciousness on the ride midway to the hospital. "Dont tell me I drank too much again and blacked out?" She groaned in disgust. She was laid at the back so the first face she saw was Michelle's.

"Well, not really, but thats a good thing. Atleast this time you weren't in bed with a fuckboy." Michelle chipped from the back.

"You bitch." Madeline snapped. She gave out a groan and slowly sat up straight. Rubbed her eyes and grasped the passenger front seat slightly. "Where are we going, Brad?" She paused , "Brad?? What are you doing here? Where are you taking us? And are we in your VAN?! With all that Alex dumb-fuck Kale merchandise you take pride in back there?"

"Relax , Drama Queen. We are just going to the hospital." I rolled my eyes. Last time she was on my car -specifically like half an hour ago- she saw the goods and vowed to never enter my car again.

"ALEX KALE MERCHANDISE? WHERE??" Michelle screamed in excitement. She jerked her head back and to make her wishes into more of a reality: shirts of all sizes, perfumes, hats, coats, bags and even video games.

"This is HEAVEN!" She then dived at the back and probably swam through the old failed merchandise or unsold stock we had that they dumped into my van. Stupid KNY records.

"For real, why the hell are we going to the hospital at 7 pm?" Madelines voice was stern now.

"Because you fainted at the sight of Michelle's blood." I shrugged mid-drive. I cut a left by the road and now we we're kilometer away from the hospital.

"Michelle's blo- oh shit you mean back in her apartment?" She got back to her senses. I saw her shudder from the rear view mirror. She turned and gave Michelle a cold hard stare but Michelle was probably drowning in pure bliss.

I'm guessing Michelle's an extreme Alex Kale fan. Who knew? I'm glad she believed my story back there. I wouldve been torn apart!

Honestly at this point its 7 pm. School was a mess, Michelle almost finding out about my secret and now this. I guess this is my life now.

As we got there, I parked by the lot and we all went out. Michelle whimpered begging me if she could stay with the merch or possess them but we had more dire matters to attend to, not play with me.

I meant, play with my goods.

No, not those goods!

We rushed by the hospital and Michelle's wounds were starting to bleed less. Thankfully we got good service and she was taken to the nearest doctor and room who then patched her wounds up.

"Kids these days. Thinking death is the new trend. Please next time, scream into your pillow, tear pieces of paper. Channel your anger elsewhere and not to your body. That thing is precious y'know." The Male doctor said dissapointingly.

"Does this happen a lot?" I asked.

"Yes pretty much." He sighed," And the fact that they never learn from it and end up killing themselves hurt us more. We warn them but there they go carving their skin like Gordon Ramsay would to his beef."

"I'm sorry sir, I hope it wont happen again." Madeline said as she glared at Michelle. The patient smiled sheepishly.

The doctor nodded and dismissed us. We went back to the car and expecting all of us to be in our seats, Michelle went to the back and again, drowned in my face and scent.

"I dont how and why the hell you don't love this man." Michelle groaned in ecstasy , her rhetorical question directed to Madeline.

"Just go die." Madeline replied.

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