Cԋαρƚҽɾ ϝιʋҽ

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Cԋαρƚҽɾ ϝιʋҽ: It's her fault.

Kayla hadn’t realized that she had fallen asleep until the sounds of the Gumm-Gumm guards footsteps woke her up

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Kayla hadn’t realized that she had fallen asleep until the sounds of the Gumm-Gumm guards footsteps woke her up. She scrambled to her feet, determined to not look weak in front of such pathetic followers of the darkness.

A glare settled on her face when the face of the six-eyed troll came into veiw, she snarled out at him, “Je te déteste, troll poignardant le dos.”

"Attends la même chose de moi, dernier ange," Dictatious hissed back in the same language making Kayla flinch back.

The Last Di Angelo growled at the troll as he smirked at her, moving to the cell the hers.

Kayla hissed, "Combattez-moi alors, si vous êtes si confiant!"

The troll ignored her, of course. And the girl could hear the Trollhunter standing up, a gasp leaving his throat.

"At long last, here you are, Trollhunter," Dictatious smirked trumpiantly.

"You-You look like Blinky," Jim stammered out. Kayla could practically see the confused chiot-look that he would have on his face. "You're- You're Blinky's-"

"My brother has taught you well," Dictatious told the Trollhunter, "But not well enough."

Kayla spat a curse out at the troll as he walked away. "Briseur de famille!" 

"I should return those words to you, young Angel," Dictatious smirked at Kayla who froze, before walking away.

"What did you say?" Jim asked Kayla from his cell, "Why did he say that?"

Kayla didn't answer him, her body dropping to the floor of her cell coldly. How did he know-

No. He couldn't have-


"It's nothing, Jim," her voice was quiet, withdrawn.


"It's nothing."

Things hadn't been perfect at home before the Di Angelo's untimely denise. 

Kayla had run away from home, not once, but three times. Each time her anger getting the Best of the girl.

Each time, her older half-sister - they shared the same mother, who wasn't a Di Angelo by birth- , and older brother had cried when she left, and cried when she came back. Her older siblings cared about her too much in Kayla's option.

Her father would yell at her before wrapping her in a fearful hug. Her mother was much the same. 

Anything could've happened to Kayla while she ran away from home; almost everybody and their pet rock knew about the Di Angelos in the Troll-kind world. If any troll realized that Kayla consistently ran away from home - the place where every-troll knew was out of bounds - she would be in grave danger.

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