Cԋαρƚҽɾ Tԋιɾƚყ Nιɳҽ

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Cԋαρƚҽɾ Tԋιɾƚყ Nιɳҽ: Lightning in a Bottle(or a jar).

Cԋαρƚҽɾ Tԋιɾƚყ Nιɳҽ: Lightning in a Bottle(or a jar)

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"What the hell were you two doing?" 

Kayla rolled her eyes at Jim’s “overprotective brother” attitude, never mind the fact that she was technically his aunt, “We were just talking,” she answered him, continuing on with making the marmite sandwich. 

““Just talking”?” Jim echoed, crossing his arms, “It certainly didn’t look like you were “just talking” when you came out.”

“Jim, Jim, Jim,” Kayla shook her head as she looked at him, “Shouldn’t you know that I like to keep certain aspects of my life from you.”

“But we’re family,” Jim protested, it was a weak protest and they both knew it.

“Whatever, Jim,” Kayla sighed, grabbing her sandwich, “Don’t we have lightning to catch?”

Jim sighed as well, following his friend/aunt out into the backyard of Claire’s house. 

Tobias grinned when he saw Jim, “Okay, so I’ve got the kite, and the jar, all we need is a little lightning.”

“Great,” Jim gave his friend a smile, “Thanks, Tobes.”

“You might need to head up to the roof,” Kayla suggested through bites of her sandwich, and Jim glared at her for a moment, before letting out a resigned sigh and doing so.

It didn't take long for Arill and his cousins to wander outside to see what Jim, Tobias, and Kayla were doing. Claire having to chase after them as she turned to stop them.

"We're not babies," Arill muttered, standing beside Kayla who had finished off her sandwich awhile ago, and was previously being entertained by her friend/nephew and his friend.

"Wasn't my idea," Kayla allowed herself to say, shrugging her shoulder as she stuffed her hands onto her jean pockets. She, not-so subtly watched his from the corner of her eyes, and Arill flushed under her gaze, avoiding looking at her.

Krel muttered something to Aja who grumbled something back to her brother. Kayla caught the female Tarron giving her the slightest of glares as a warning not to mess with her cousin - Kayla had gotten really good at reading glares over the years - or Kayla would have to face her.

"Did I hear you say that you're trying to capture lightning in a bottle?" Aja called up to Jim who glanced down from the roof at her with a confused frown.

Krel gave an awkwardly enthusiastic grin that had Arill muttering away furiously beside Kayla, "Oh, yeah, we used to play that game as children!"

"I'm sorry," Kayla blinked, mouth dropping slightly, "But, do your cousins know what the fuck they're doing?"

Arill sighed beside her, "Unfortunately," he grumbled.

"No, no, you don't understand," Jim stook his head at the siblings, his eyes wide, "Lightning. Like a thousand volts of electricity in a jar."

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