Sessions Paid Off

Start from the beginning

"Ali passed the test. She's coming back after vacation." Emily announced.

"No way! That's awesome!" Aria exclaimed.

"Wooooo!" Hanna cheered.

"Well I see Hanna's very excited, but how about you Spence?" Emily questioned.

"I'm speechless." Spencer smiled.

"Spencer Hastings is speechless?" I smirked.

"Don't let it go to your head. Alison your head is big enough." She retorted.

"Hey! She has a perfectly normal sized head Spencer!" Emily defended.

"It's just an expression, although that was pretty cute. You're still my killer, I love you Em."

"Are we gonna see a kiss?" Hanna smirked.

"Didn't you see enough of us a few weeks ago?" I challenged.

Emily went bright red. "Can we not talk about that?"

"I caught them doing it...well sort of, Emily was on t-" Hanna started

"HANNA!" Emily shouted.

"Why are you so embarrassed, you have like the best body ever." Hanna said.

"I don't like thinking about my friends seeing me naked." Emily insisted.

"Hanna!" Spencer shouted.

"Wow. Why doesn't everyone gang up on me today." She stated sarcastically.

"We're not ganging up on you, Han. We just think it's a little unreasonable to expose their sex life. Right guys?" Aria reasoned.

"Yeah, even I thought it was a little inappropriate." I said. "Maybe privately we can discuss some things, but Emily doesn't like to be asked. As long as it's okay with you, Em."

She nodded her head.

"Well, now that that's over with, let's party!" Hanna yelled.

Hanna brought whiskey and movies to Spencer's barn. I'm a heavyweight so it's not really a big deal, but I'm worried about Emily. She has the worst alcohol tolerance like, ever. In fact I'd go as far to say she has no alcohol tolerance. She's so cute though. It was pretty damn strong whiskey too.

"Jeez Hanna, how strong is this?" Spencer asked "I feel like I have heartburn."

"I dunno. I got it outta my mom's liquor cabinet." She laughed. "I found this hysterical drinking game where the most sober person wins. Should we play Ali?"

"Dunno why you're asking me, but does everyone else wanna play?"

"I'm in." Spencer said quirking an eyebrow. "I'm so gonna win this."

"Pretty sure Emily is gonna lose!" Hanna teased.

"Oh it's on Hanna!" Emily challenged.

"Okay everyone come here. The rules are basic, "If you answer yes to any of the following questions: DRINK. "Em you owe us a kiss if you lose." She smirked. "With tongue"

"Well, at least I don't lose either way!" I laughed.

"Oh shut up. What's the first question Han?" Aria asked.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

"Okay that was lame, we have all had boyfriends." Spencer said dryly.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?" Hanna's smirk appeared.

Emily laughed as we both took a shot.

"Have you ever gotten a bad grade on your report card"

Everyone but Spencer took a shot. This went on and on and Emily was swaying her head with the drunkest smile plastered on her face. I'm pretty wasted too.

"I'm winning." Spencer said in a sing song voice.

"Shaddup Spence. Alright last question, how many of you have actually been to the kissing rock?" Hanna slurred.

"That can't possibly be a question on there Hanna." I hiccuped.

"It never said you couldn't improvise!" Hanna shouted. "How many of you have actually been to the kissing rock?"

I looked at Emily "Well, cheers Em." We clinked glasses and downed the final shot.

"Haaaaa Emily loses! Kiss her ya loser!" Hanna teased.

"I loooove you Ali," her breath smells powerfully like whiskey as she leaned her head against mine.

"I love you too."

"Ewwwwww mushy squash just kiss already!" Hanna shouted.

Emily gently ran her fingers to the back of my head and pulled me close until out lips touched, apparently Emily gets more excited when she's drunk she had her hand up my shirt by the time Hanna was yelling at us to stop.

Well, you wanted a kiss." I said breathlessly. "You got it."

Emily was grinning stupidly at Hanna and laid her head in my lap. Her long hair just begging for me to touch it, maybe it's because I'm drunk. I can't stop touching Emily.

"Hey, want the couch? I'll try my best to help Emily up." Aria offered a helpful smile.

"Yeah, sure. Ready? One..two..three" I pushed as Aria pulled. Successfully getting Emily off me. Aria was staggering under the size of Emily and I guess I was somewhat amused by it, since she's 5'2 on her best day and my Emily is 5'8.

"Ali, a little help please! I don't wanna drop Emily." She said warily.

I pushed myself off the ground and my knees buckled a little "Woah," I said as I stumbled until finding my footing "okay Ar I'm coming, relax."

I took the rest of the weight on my shoulder as we dragged her to the couch. "Jesus Em, deadweight much?"

"Hahahaha" tears came, out of her eyes she was laughing so hard. So I started to laugh too.


"You guys are weiiiird." Hanna slurred.

"Awwww Hanna! You can be our third spoon!" Emily teased.

"Ugh. You guys are so cute together it's almost gross." I'm taking the floor. I get sick in the morning after a night of drinking, remember?"

"Yeahhh I remember now." I said. "Spence!"

No answer. Maybe she didn't hear me...

"Spencerrrr!" I said much louder.


"Do you have stuff for a hangover smoothie and coffee for tomorrow?" I shouted.

"Yes, a Hastings is always prepared!" She shouted back.

I laughed. Of course I thought

"Thanks!" We'll be fine tomorrow Han, after you get sick that is." I assured.

"Ugh, goodnight guys, this was awesome." Hanna yawned.

We all agreed. Emily had her arms wrapped around my waist and her head on my stomach.

"I love you" she whispered.

"I love you too."

I bent down to kiss her gently on the forehead.

"Goodnight Em."

EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now