Part 52 ( An Oath )

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Det. Luo came to Geraldyn's house to questioned her about her whereabouts on the day where Wan Zhao Ying has been shot by the unknown shooter.

"why do you asking me that, Detective?" asked geraldyn, showing her toothy smile.

"It's based on the witness testify, Miss. Lai...! said Det. luo.

"Witness? What witness?" Geraldyn forced a smile.

"Do you know Diane Wu?" asked Det. Luo.

"i don't know her. And why should I? Who is she?' asked back Geraldyn.

"She's Xiao Zhan's ex girlfriend. Do you remember her now?"

Geraldyn's brows were creased. She knew Xiao Zhan's ex girlfriend, but she didn't know her name since Diane didn't tell her about her name.

"Now do you remember her?" asked Det. Luo.

"Yeah! YEah..! I  guess so..!" replied Geraldyn.

"Where did you meet her? And when?" asked Det. Luo.

"In the street. The day Wan Zhao Ying been killed."

"after that, where did you go with her?"

"I- I didn't go with her. But.. But she asked to where Xiao Zhan gone. So I told her!"

"Are you dure you didn't tag along with her?" det. Luo creased his brows.


"then why there is your finger prints on her steering wheel. And the car key was missing. Do  you have it?"

Geraldyn looked nervous. Of course this kind of things didn't go unnotice by the detective.

"Were you at the scene when Wan Zhao Ying being shot?" Asked Det. Luo.

Geraldyn didn't know what to say.

"Ok, fine! I drove that girl to the forest. But I wasn't there when wan Zhao Ying being killed!" Geraldyn gave up.

"So where were you?" Asked Det. Luo.

"I was... i was gone when that happened. I was on my way home..!"

"Why did you go home in the middle of incident? Did you come to save your nephew that was being held by Wan Zhao Ying or intended to shot Wan Zhao Ying?"

"No! I don't have any plans to kill her though she has ruined my life!"

"Why should she ruin your life?"

"Because she will do everything to hurt my nephew! And she knows that I'm the only family that Yibo have. She hates Yibo because she didn't like and didn't want to accept that her son is a gay!"

"Ok. Let's we leave your grudge at her. Let me ask you... If you weren't at the scene when Wan Zhao Hing being killed, then who kill her?"

"How do I know? Why do you ask me?"

"Because you know the culprit, ms. Lai!"

"Why do you assume that I know the culprit?"

Det. Luo heaved a sigh. He had no idea that Geraldyn was a very tough and stubborn woman.

"Ms. Lai... This culprit had shot Madam Wan. And she knew that she didn't die. After that she knew where she's being treated for her coma. And she killed her on the spot. This murder is very dangerous. Now this murder attempted to kill Xiao Zhan. He almost killed a few days ago. And I'm sure this murder will be back to finish their job. Will you let it happen? He is your nephew boyfriend,ms. Lai!"

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