Part 46 ( A Mind Game )

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The eerie hour in a hospital. It was quite surrounded every corner of the hospital. Only a few medical staff passing through the empty corridor and there were some of armed men in camouflage uniform patrolling.

At the time, a male doctor and a female in a camo uniform came up. They walked side by side. From the badge that decorated her uniform, she wasn't an ordinary officer. She had a high rank as a Sergeant Major.

"So the bullet didn't kill her?" The female asked the doctor.

"Fortunately it didn't. The bullet missed an inch only from her heart... Still, we don't know when will she wakes up.." said the doctor.

I will make her sleep forever. She's not supposed to survive if she doesn't want to suffer more... The female smirked secretly.

The two officer who guarded a room saluted the female when they came up. The Sergeant and the doctor entered a room. The sergeant signalling the two officers to not follow them when one of them made a move to enter the room, as well. There was Wan Zhao Ying laid motionless on the bed. The ECG monitor showing that her heart rate was steady even it was very slow And weak. The doctor checked the progression on Wan Zhao Ying.

"Doctor!" The sergeant called the doctor.

The doctor turned around and found the sergeant face was next to his. The sergeant smiled wickedly.

"Look at my eyes doctor..." The sergeant said, half whispering.

"Sergeant Hsu... What are you doing?"the doctor was surprise and fear at the same time.

"Look at my eyes...." The sergeant whispered again.

"I'm... I'm looking..." The doctor replied.

"Good... After tonight, you don't remember anything about what happened this night..."

"I- I don't remember anything..'


The sergeant helped the doctor who loosing his mind to sit on the chair. Then she came back to the bed where Wan Zhao Ying was. He took out a srynge and a small bottle of clear fluid. She jabbed the rubber bottle cap with the needle she just attached to the srynge and sucked all the fluid into the srynge. Her eyes scanning Wan Zhao Ying with flame flashing in them. She walked up to the bed and looked at Wan Zhao Ying with full of hatred.

"No one can makes my love cries. She cries because she's hurt. And you hurt her so much, Bitch!" The sergeant hissed. Then she stabbed the the fluid into the IV wire that connected to Wan Zhao Ying hand.

"It will very pain. Your death will be very pain, Bitch! But you are lucky I want you to reach Hell soon. So the pain won't last long. You'll reach Hell in a few hours!"

She smirked. Then she turned to the doctor who still sitting on the chair with blank gazing.

"Let's go, Doctor... She'll wake up soon. But not here. On the Hell...!"  The sergeant smirked. She snapped her fingers in front of the doctor's face.

"Remember, doctor.. You didn't hear or see anything..."

"I didn't hear and see anything..." The doctor mumbled.

The sergeant smiled wickedly. Then she signaling him to follow her exited the room.


Xiao Zhan still sleeping when his phone was blaring an incoming call's ringtone.

"Zhan geee...! Today I got no morning class..!" Yibo whined. He flipped and burried his head under the pillow.

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