Part 56 ( The End )

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Yibo placed a bucket of fresh flowers on his parents' grave. He rubbed the tomb stone of his mother's grave.

"Mom.... Dad... You always told me to bring my lover to you when I got one. That time I was thinking about to bring you a most beautiful girl to introduce to you as my future wife. But life tells me that I have a soulmate that will keeps me from being hurt and guides me to walk in a path. The path is indeed wrong in the society's eyes. But it is the one I need, the one which helps me to find my trueself. Please, don't be upset with me. You used to say, whatever makes me happy, it will keeps you in happiness, too. And... Xiao Zhan ge makes me happy. Please, accept him. He is the love of my life..." Yibo talked to his parents' grave. He looked up at Xiao Zhan who standing beside him.

Xiao Zhan crouched down and squatted next to Yibo. He placed his hand around the boy's shoulder. He looked at the boy and smiled. Yibo smiled too.

Then the two of them moved to the other side of the graves. The bottom side. Yibo passed Xiao Zhan three pieces of joss sticks and he kept the other three for himself. He burned the top of his joss sticks and did the same thing to Xiao Zhan's. Then they bowed three times in front of the graves to give their respect to the elders. After that they planted the bottom of the joss sticks on the ground of the graves. They sat on their folded legs on the ground, then they did three times of kowtow to ask for a bless from the elders.

After they finished, they got up on their feet and looked at the graves, where the burnt joss sticks released the fragrance smoke from its tops and brushed the tomb of the graves.

"Let's go! It's getting colder out here..." Said Xiao Zhan, hugged Yibo by shoulders.

Yibo glanced at him and smiled. Before he left, he took a last glance at his parents' tombs then walked away, leaving the cemetery area.


"With this. the High Court declared that Geraldyn Lai Qi Su is... GUILTY!And she will serve the a punishment for 15 years in Shanghai women Prison, and eligible for parole after 5 years!" The Judge hit the table with a Court's hammer.

Yibo closed his eyes. He gripped the railing bar in front of his seat. Then he opened his eyes to see Geraldyn was crying in the suspect's box. A police woman brought her out of the box and and escorted her to exited the court room.

"Geraldyn!" Yibo shouted with eyes shed with tears.

Geraldyn looked at her and smiled faintly.

"Yibo, honey... I'm sorry ...!" Said Geraldyn. Her handcupped hands was about to touch Yibo's face when the officer pushed her to keep go on.

Yibo lowered his head and his shoulders were shaking. Su Nian who stood by him grabbed him and brought him into his arms.

"I have no family left now...." Wailed Yibo.

"We are your family here, silly boy...!" Su Nian soothed him.

"Yibo honey.... You are our son, too...! Come to our house whenever you need us. Hmh?" Pei Xin's miyther stroke Yibo's back.

Yibo released himself from Su Nian's embrace and turned to Qi couple.

"Thank you so much..." He said, snot.

"Hey! Your boyfriend and your father-in-law are waiting outside!" Informed Pei Xin.

"They are here?" Yibo's face turned delight.

Pei Xin nodded and pushed Yibo's back to the entrance's direction.

"Go see them, Bro!" Said Pei Xin.

Reluctantly, Yibo walked to the entrance. He found Xiao Zhan was standing behind his father's wheelchair. There were Paul and Xiao Ying too.

"Heyy, Hotshot!" greeted Xiao Ying, smiling at Yibo.

Yibo smiled a little, then his eyes turned to his boyfriend who spreading his arms, inviting him to throw himself into his embrace. With no hesitation, Yibo ran to him and hugged the man, the love of his life.

"We're going home, Baby..." Xiao Zhan whispered in Yibo's ear.

Yibo shut his eyes tightly and tightened his embrace.

"When are you gonna marry him, Son?" Asked Xiao Zhan's father, breaking the two's hug.

Xiao Zhan looked at his father, then smiling turned to Yibo who had his face blush madly.

"I think he is too young to get marry now...!" replied Xiao Zhan.

"Ge! If you're keep waiting, you'll become too old for him. Which teenager wants to marry an old man?" Xiao Ying butt in and pouted, earned the laughter from others.

Xiao Zhan pushed his sister's bandaged head.

"Hey! I'm injured, yet you still so harsh at me!" cried Xiao Ying.

"Hey! Talk nicely! Here is your student watching you, Ms. Dean!" sneered Xiao Zhan.

"He'll be my brother in-law soon, ma?" glared Xiao Ying.

"Ok, ok! Stop bickering! Let's we go for dinner. I'm starving already! I want a big meal! I didn't eat the good food for so long, and now I'm starving!" Their father meddling their bickering.

Xiao Zhan smiled and nodded. He pushed his father's wheelchair and left the Court building with Yibo clung on his arm. Behind them Paul supported Xiao Ying who walked with the help of crutches.

Finally the obstacles and the problems that kept getting on their way had been gotten rid with the faith and beliefs which made their bond even stronger with the people who love them surrounded them.

Hatred only brings people to a self destruction and make them stay away from the reality they supposed to face of.

Xiao Zhan and Yibo found their happiness after they had been raised and fell on their way to get together in peace. The bloodshed and tears had been paid off with the strong bind between them, based on love, trust and faith.

Watch this clip, guys. How they showing that they are real from this chanel's analysis.

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