Iron Will - Bea x Reader (Pokemon Sword and Shield)

Start from the beginning

Bea: "What do you want...?"

Y/N: "You can't keep doing this! You're over exerting yourself again! You've already gotten hurt badly and you wanna keep going, and I cannot let you do that because I don't want something bad to happen to you!"

Bea kept her eyes away from mine, trying to face me and probably give me a reason as to why she needs to keep going, trying to find the strength to tell me that I'm wrong but all she could do was stand there and, she sniffled.

Bea: "I... need... to get stronger. You might be a great trainer but I still have a lot to learn, so I'll go back out there..."

She grabbed her backpack with such ferocity, it almost frightened me. Her voice tried to threaten me with that serious tone, but I kept my head up and faced her.

Bea: "...And I'll do it myself."

As she started to walk out of the cave, some rocks started to shake on top of us and the cave ceiling was collapsing.

Y/N: "Watch out!"

The Pokemon all fled deeper into the cave as I pushed Bea out of the way of the rain of rocks and managed to get her with the Pokemon, but I wasn't so lucky.

Y/N: "Shit! Ah..."

The lower part of my body was stuck underneath all the rocks.

Bea: "Y/N!"

Bea dropped her backpack to the floor and ran to where I lied, trying to get me out of there by pulling my arms towards her.

Bea: "I have to get you out..."

She pulled and pulled, and even with the help of her Pokemon, the rocks would not budge because of how many boulders and rocks were stacked on top of another.

Bea: "I need my phone."

She grabbed her backpack and started rummaging through her things, her face showing a clear sign of distress meaning that...

Bea: "It's not here! I need to... get you... Are you okay?"

She choked on her words. Seeing her sad hurt me more than anything else could, her eyes looked like they just wanted to let out all of the tears that they could. I wanted to reassure her that everything was okay, that I am okay but, I wasn't. I couldn't move my legs, I couldn't feel them.

Y/N: "I'm fine... don't worry."

She frantically put her hands on her head.

Bea: "You're not! This is my fault, it's all my fault..."

Y/N: "Bea, hey, look at me."

She looked away from me.

Y/N: "Bea, please."

Bea kneeled down and I held her hand, she tried her best not to cry.

Y/N: "This is not... your fault, none of it is."

Bea: "But maybe if I was strong enough than I could probably get you out of there—"

I gently placed ny hand on her cheek, wiping a tear off and looking at her eyes that now shined from the tears. I smiled through my pain.

Y/N: "You are strong Bea. You are one of the strongest person I've ever met and you still manage to find a way to become even stronger every time I go train with you, every time I see you, you are there standing tall and strong, like a tree. I'm proud of who you've become but I don't want you to over exert yourself because I don't want to see you get hurt."

Pain coursed through my body but I tried to ignore as I kept on talking, Bea held onto my hand that was on her cheek.

Y/N: "I need you to promise me... that you won't hurt yourself anymore... please..."

She could not hold her tears back as Bea started crying on my chest, and I simply comforted her. I hated seeing her sad, but I couldn't do much about it.

She suddenly stopped, trying to wipe her tears off with her arms and trying to pull me off, using every little bit of strength that her body allowed her to use. She groaned and pulled, and kept on pulling. The Pokemon were helping as well, trying to break the boulders on top of me. After a couple of seconds, somehow, Bea managed to pull me out of there with the help of her Pokemon, who broke the rocks that were on top of me, and ran away just in time before more boulders came crashing down, blocking the exit even more. Bea hugged me tightly, and continued to cry.

Bea: "I promise..."

I lay there, trying my best not to pass out, but then I look at the trail of blood my legs left behind when I was dragged by Bea. I tried my best for her not to see it.

Y/N: "Let's get out of here."

And, to confirm my suspicions, I could not stand up.

Bea: "Are you okay?"

Y/N: "Yeah, Im fine. Just exhausted. Machamp, can you help me?"

Machamp carried me on his back as we all walked deeper into the cave, and as we did so, Bea accidentally slipped and fell into a very peculiar place in the cave.

Y/N: "Bea! Are you alright?"

Bea: "Yeah, I'm fine...."

She was just as amazed as I was, because there were minerals producing light all around us. It was a beautiful sight to see, like stars on the night sky.

Bea: "Wow..."

Machamp grabbed me and sat me down next to Bea, accidentally making our hands touch, causing Bea to blush a little.

Bea: "You are okay, right?"

Y/N: "You're here, so I feel great."

Bea giggles.

Y/N: "Now..."

Machamp lifts me up.

Y/N: "A way out of here."

I pointed to a source of light, which came from above. Bea and the other Pokemon followed her and we all managed to get out of the cave. The place we were on was quite peaceful, the only sound coming from the nearby waterfall. Bea and I simply rested on the grass, staring at each other as time passed.

Y/N: "Hey Bea..."

Bea: "Yeah?"

Y/N: "You wanna go eat something once we return to the city?"

Bea: "That'd be great."

She smiled. This is my friend and she truly was strong.


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