Bonus Chapter

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*5 Years After the Epilogue*


"Okay now calm your breathing and steady your hands, when you're ready, let it loose." I whispered out softly and a moment later two rubber tipped safety arrows were sent sailing into the targets ahead, followed by two equal squeals of joy. "I did it auntie Sang, I did it!" Wren shouted joyfully to my grin. Kayli's five year old daughter was a handful but I adored her and her twin brother equally. "Hey, I did it too, tell her I did a good job too!" West pouted and I snickered softly. "You both did great, you two are going to be my apprentice bow hunters before you know it." I praised to their proud smiles. 

I still found it amusing that Kayli had taken to calling them after a bird and a familiar compass position, it drove North to another round of shouting until he melted at the little tyke named after his hated nickname. Raven insisted it wasn't after him even though we all knew it was, Kayli had insisted after North had played a great helpful part during her labor. He had been the only one able to reach Raven while the team was out on a mission and had gotten a car fixed up enough to rush them back for the twins birth. 

"Alright you two that's enough fire practice for today, get on inside, you've got school." Kayli ordered out as she strolled outside with her year old baby girl Holly perched on her hip blowing bubbles at seeing me. The twins did their grumbling but headed inside with their proud Russian father to get today's school lesson from Marc. "How you got the board to agree to let citizens arm themselves is beside me, but at least the training arrows won't kill anyone." Kayli huffed at me. "The board learned to understand my viewpoint and take into consideration my position as overseer, it was only a matter of time that I win that argument." I smirked back at her.

 I had convinced them that with more women showing up they should have a way to defend themselves just in case. It was a bit sombre that the agreement had only been accepted after one of the current residential girls was raped, the b****ard got his though, I made sure of it personally. Now Raven and I were teaching both self defense and marksmanship to any and all who wanted to learn. I also made sure each woman or girl had a blade to defend herself with if needed, it had proved useful on a few occasions.

 "Yeah whatever miss overseer... don't you have a date planned with your boys?" She smirked back at me and I grinned sheepishly. "Sort of?" I winced out. "I still don't see why you haven't agreed to marry them already, you all act married as it is. I mean even Jess is married to her boys now, Kota took that a bit rougher than I thought but they lived." She snickered. Kota had been a bit upset when Jess got married a few years ago, I wasn't sure if it was because she was his little sister, or if it annoyed him more than his little sister got married before him. I mean we had been in a relationship for all this time and I still hadn't done my vows with them, and not for their lack of trying. 

We had waited a 2 years after the cure had been made before our relationship had gotten more intimate than the make out sessions we were used to. I could still vividly remember the month after losing my virginity, it had been a wild and very interesting time, I considered it a bonus that we lived outside the gates with no nearby neighbors. "It just hadn't been the right time, but I never said... Okay you can't say a word but... I'm having them all meet me at the main house in an hour to have Uncle do the marriage ceremony." I whispered the words softly and she squealed as she pulled me into a hug, nearly squishing Holly between us. 

"About time girl, now get going don't want to be late now do you, shoo, shoo!" She urged me on as I started walking down the path, Arrow slowly following beside me. He was getting older now I'd guess he was around 11 or a bit older so he wasn't as fast as he once had been but he still enjoyed a good hunt and he always loved his cuddles. Rosie had sadly been killed before she could have Arrow's pups all those years ago, a freak accident that I still mourned over on occasion, but I still had her and old Max's grown pups. They were all healthy and a few had pups of their own now, in their homes inside the community. 

Pepper had one last litter with Arrow and ended up dying from complications during the birth, luckily I saved the two male pups she'd had. It was a great thing having all the goats and milk to raise those pups up and I loved them both. Their older siblings had found homes with the three girls that originally joined after the cure was made but I couldn't part with Spark and Lobo. Luke had insisted on calling the pup Lobo when he came out looking even more wolf than his father, with Arrow's coloring and his mothers snappy attitude. Spark on the other hand was a bigger version of his mother, with a personality like his dad, loyal but vicious when needed. 

They were running circles around Arrow and I as I made my way up the main house stairs and snuck my way back to one of the back rooms where Lilly had set up my dress. Jess and her helped get me cleaned up and clothed to look as presentable as possible before I finally heard Uncle shouting a greeting, the cue that my boys were here. "You've got this, here's the bouquet." Lilly handed me the bundle of flowers as I gave the signal for the three dogs to sit still and behave themselves, they easily obeyed.

 I focused my gaze on the door as Uncle swung it wide open, and I smiled at the awed look on my men's faces. "Pookie?" Sean looked ready to burst into tears. "I think I've kept you idiots waiting long enough, what do you say we put that ring on my finger?" I smiled happily towards them and then Sean really was crying tears of joy. "F***ing FINALLY!" Gabe cheered as Roberts led my ring bearing black stallion into the room with his two year old colts. Nightmare had made a nice herd of sons and daughters to gift one or two to my friends here, but I kept my favorites for myself, the 6 year old red Stallion I'd named Spitfire even had a few.

 The boys got their rings from the colts and I accepted mine from Nightmare as Uncle walked us through the ceremony, we said our vows and exchanged happy and somewhat tearful kisses. "I now pronounce you husband's and wife, you've already kissed the bride." Uncle chuckled out as out friends and extended family gave us a round of applause. "Well as amazing as this day is Sang, I have to know what made you finally change your mind?" Owen voiced curiously on a grin of pure joy. "Simple really, I wanted to be married to you now so that when the little bundles of joy arrive I'm married to their fathers." I hummed out as the room went dead silent.

 "After all if my timing is right which it usually is, six more months and our family's going to be growing again." I whispered as I placed a soft hand over my stomach as more cheers and shouts at my declaration went around the room, many with congratulations. I had been nervous about becoming a mother and I still was to a degree since I didn't want my kids put into any plans of saving the human race, but I had nine amazing guys to help me make sure that didn't happen anytime soon, and I loved every single one of them.

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