Chapter 70

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I kept focused on hauling in as many rats as I could to the research lab, I stayed up all night making trips back and forth to give them more test subjects. I could feel the inkling of hunger but the very thought of Jess and Arrow tucked away in quarantine wiped away any appetite I had. As the sun came up I dropped another bag full of rats off to Phillips as I looked to where the Blackbourne team was camped out on the floor outside Jessica's room. I could see everyone was sleeping but I honestly couldn't figure out how, if I even tried to rest my eyes horrifying nightmares consumed me. I thought I'd put most of them back in my past but the squirrel attack brought back memories and gave me new horrors to worry over.

 I couldn't watch another girl I cared about crumble to death in front of me, I couldn't fathom a world without my loyal and life saving Arrow in it. "Sang, we've got enough rats to run tests on right now and we can always tell you when we need more. Have you tried getting some sleep?" Ramirez asked softly. "I'll sleep when we've got a cure." I grunted back. "Let me guess the same goes for eating too?" Ramirez raised back. "Don't you dare judge me for caring about them, I'll eat when I have to but it's not important right now." I shrugged. "You have to eat to stay healthy." Miller commented from his observations of the rat subjects. 

"I've gone a week without eating before, I'll live, but if we don't figure out this cure, they won't. So just don't worry about me and my health, worry about how you're going to make this cure and save their lives." I murmured before sending a glance to the quarantine room. "I'll be back in an hour or two, I've got to go take care of the animals. Is there anything you need while I'm out?" I voiced softly. "No little bird, we'll keep busy here while you're gone. We won't sleep until we get this cure made." Phillips assured me as I headed for the door. I didn't stop even when I heard Cox mutter a 'if it's not too late', I wouldn't let that happen, I couldn't. I went to the barn to take care of Nightmare and the goats, then I stopped by the kitchen to get meat for the dogs before heading to the cottages.

 I let all of them out to use the bathroom, filled their water and lured them back inside with breakfast. I made sure they were safe and secure inside before heading back to the research lab, I was about to enter the main lab when something I heard froze me in place just outside. "It's no use the tests on the rats are all failing, at this point we won't have a cure for weeks." I heard Cox mumble out and my heart sank, we didn't have weeks. "Maybe one of you guys could talk her into letting us do some testing on the mutt, it might get us closer than the rats?" Ramirez voiced and although the thought infuriated me that they were even thinking of harming him, I wondered who he was asking. 

"No she loves him too much she won't agree to that." I had my answer as Kota responded lowly, d*** right I wouldn't let them kill my four legged baby with their testing, I'd seen what happened to those rats. They had gotten them to stop dying immediately but they quickly turned into sick beasts, before slowly and painfully dying. "Kota we need stronger test subjects, it might be the only way to save your sister." And here I thought I liked Foster, that guilt trip just changed my mind. "We'll have to find another way, there's still time to figure all of this out." Kota stated coldly. I was torn between being thankful he'd stood up for my pup, and feeling horrible that I couldn't sacrifice my boy for his little sister.

 "That's just it we're running out of time, the virus is progressing faster than we thought." Phillips said softly and I had to hold back my sob at that, I gripped my medical bag tighter as I waited until I'd calmed down again. I had grabbed my bag of herbs in hopes of helping ease any of the side effects Jess and Arrow might be having, but if they were as bad as everyone said I wasn't sure I was ready to see them again. I stepped into the lab and all conversation ceased as they turned to look at me, I hid the fact that I'd heard every word they just said. "I got my chores taken care of, I'm going to go check in with Jess and see if Arrow's hungry, just let me know if you need anything." I nodded over to their group before heading for the quarantine room. 

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