Chapter 14

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I watched with my gun raised as this tiny toothpick of a kid stepped out of the drivers seat with his arms raised over his head. "Who are you, and where are Sean and Luke?!" I called out as his eyes landed on me, I held my breath as his piercing green eyes stared into mine a moment before he answered. "I'm the one that owns the stallion and shot the boar draped over his back after he attacked your two buddies." the toothpick stated, I suddenly felt my stomach sink at the thought of Doc and Luke catching the virus. 

"Relax it wasn't sick, it's breeding season and they must have run into him by accident. I fixed them up a bit and brought them here, check the back if you don't believe me." Toothpick nodded to the car with arms raised, Kota and I stepped forward to open up the back and drag the two 'sleeping' fools out on the grass. I didn't know what had happened between them and toothpick but for the time being I was just glad they were both still breathing.


I glared daggers at this poorly fashioned pip-squeak as I watched my best buddy drop to the dirt, without his pants. "Oy, what the f*** happened to his pants?!" I growled as the kid sighed, bloody sighed as those f***ing eyes of his turned towards me. "The boar tore them up, I had him take them off so I could sew up the gash in his thigh." Pip-squeak answered as I noticed the wound he mentioned and blanched, I could have lost my best friend today. I was a little ticked off about the pants considering clothes were hard to come by but for now there were more pressing matters, like who the f*** was this green eyed kid?


I was eyeing the strange kid when a snarl came from the car and a wild looking dog jumped out as I trained my gun on him. "Easy there fire eyes hurt my pet and we WILL have a problem." The kid growled at me, I had to admit he had guts considering the weaponry trained on him and his... pet. "Does he bite?" I asked curtly as the kid raised a brow my way. "Only if I want him to, or by the off chance someone is trying to threaten me." I got the message and took a step back to see the mutt stop his growling and sit himself down between us and the kid as we eyed him warily. Just what kind of kid runs around with wolves and rides wild stallions?


I alternated between counting Luke and Sean's breaths to looking over at the kid with the startling green eyes, and the rapid fire mouth. Had he not stepped in to help there would be no knowing what might have happened to Luke and Sean. The kid had no reason to help them, yet put his own safety on the line to not only help them but also returned them back to us, I couldn't tell if the kid was extremely brave or just downright crazy. I was counting the guys breaths when I noticed the difference in them and the fact that neither of them had woken up yet, whatever the kid was I strongly doubted he was stupid.


I eyed the wolfish mutt as I looked between my injured brothers and the scrawny scrap of a kid that had helped get them back safely. I couldn't imagine this kid trying to harm anyone, but you never could tell anymore and that was why North had split off from the group to come around behind the stranger in case of trouble. I caught movement in the trees not far behind the kid and noted my brother was in position and most likely worried out of his mind with Luke passed out in the dirt without his pants. 

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