Chapter 47

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The next morning I woke early as usual and set about collecting our breakfast and preparing it with the wooden stove. I gave Arrow his share of eggs and hoped that we'd get some fresh meat sometime today. I had to admit I liked having the indoor bathroom and the wood stove, but I was already beginning to miss the forest outside the gates, I wasn't one for community life. Last night I'd almost been tempted to sleep in one of the trees outside by the cottages, but I wasn't about to leave Jess on her own. I had seen the looks the men in the community sent our way, some overlooked Jess to focus on me but she still had her fair share of admirers, I didn't like it one bit. 

I had seen some with looks that seemed more desperate than hopeful, and from my experience desperate looks could quickly turn deadly. There were others however that seemed more flirtatious and hopeful, I found them easier to tolerate. Jess was even friends with some of the nicer men, and she introduced me to a few. Bryce was a middle aged builder that worked with Silas and North sometimes, he was quiet mostly but he looked out for Jess so I liked him. Then there was Jay he was around my age and worked in the gardens mostly, he was fun and friendly. 

I was a bit uncertain of him at first until I saw him get protective of Jess when one of the more desperate boys named Greg was leering at her. I had been a second away from shooting him when Jay had got between them and shepherded her away from the leering boy. I decided in that moment, I liked Jay even more than Bryce before leaving him to guard her while I went to take care of my animals. I made sure they were all good before letting them out into their little pasture and heading for the Toma yard to train with Raven. When I arrived both North and Raven were waiting for me, even though I'd arrived an hour early.

 The twins Brandon and Corey were sitting outside on the porch with Kayli, and after quick greetings it was time to get down to business. I explained that what I knew I had learned from books and experimentation when defending myself or my pets. So we started off with me showing how much I knew, what I could do, and what I had difficulty with. I ended up getting pinned down by Raven just as much as I pinned him, I was finding training with him fun even if it was a bit challenging. North had pinned me once but I broke free easily from his hold and won by keeping his face pinned to the dirt, our little audience found that hilarious. 

After our two hours of working on how well I knew my own moves and trying out a few new ones it was time to call it quits for today. We all agreed upon the same time tomorrow before I told them I had to get ready to go hunting, Arrow was quick to perk up at the thought of food. "You are not going hunting alone!" North growled out. "Here we go again." I muttered as I rolled my eyes at him. "North you have construction right now so you can't go, besides I already made plans to head out with Nate this morning." I sighed out, after sparing with the boy for the last two hours I didn't feel like arguing at the moment. 

"You should at least have someone else there to watch your backs besides Arrow, even if he is some super mutt." North grumbled out, I swear he was practically pouting at this point. "Alright fine. Hey B twin, you any good with that gun of yours?!" I called up the porch at Brandon. "Yeah, and I have some free time right now." Brandon shrugged. " "There, Brandon can be our backup watchdog. Happy now?" I huffed at the pouting and grumpy North Taylor. "Fine." North grunted back as I nodded in return. "Alright Brandon, that gun of yours does not go off unless absolutely necessary. I don't need you firing bullets and scaring all my prey away, so unless I tell you to shoot, don't." I state clearly as we make our way to the East gate where Nathan is waiting for us.

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