Chapter 73

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The large black stallion was hovering over Sang as if he was standing guard over her, that theory proved true when he charged towards the doctors stepping towards them. "How are we supposed to help her if the horse won't let us near her!?" Ramirez growled out as the stallion charged him with his teeth bared, he was quick to dodge out of the angry horses way. "He's defending her, we have to show we aren't a threat." I raised slowly, that might be a bit more difficult than it sounded. "Night my handsome boy? What are you doing in the lab?" Her soft strangled cough had the horse standing by her side as he nuzzled her gently compared to his aggression with us. 

"Sang your father left clues to a sort of puzzle in his notes that leads us to believe the third ingredient is horse DNA. We brought him in here to run the tests and hopefully make the cure that's going to save a lot of lives." Jeffreys said urgently as Sang frowned. She was probably wondering when he'd shown up at all but she didn't question his appearance like I thought she would. "These tests won't hurt or kill him, will they?" Her question was weak but her care and worry for the huge horse was evident. "No little bird it won't kill him, after all he is the only horse we have so readily available here. We just need to draw some of his blood and run a few tests first." Phillips said as he stepped forward with a needle, the stallion pinned his ears back and went to bite at him.

 "Except that d*** horse keeps doing THAT!" Ramirez exclaimed. "Nightmare, easy boy. You have to be nice to them they want to help, like they did before when I got sick. You have to be a good boy for me and help me out too, okay my handsome devil horse." She was talking to the horse softly as she stroked his neck hovering over her. 

"They have to take some of your blood but it's just going to be a little prick of the skin, like a bug bite and then it will be done. You have to be good for them Nighty, do it for me huh?" Her eyes started to flutter closed again but she fought to keep them open. Phillips slowly approached again and this time the horse stayed still as he watched over his owner but allowed the lab team near. He snorted once and stomped his hoof when they drew the blood, but he behaved himself just like Sang told him to, it made me wonder how much he really understood of what we were saying. 


The blood was drawn and now came the tests, I found myself hovering around the testing area as the lab team worked. Pookie had passed out again and knowing she was hooked up to the machines, it was more useful for me to help the lab team at the moment. I watched on anxiously with Owen as they put some of Sang's blood in a sterile petri dish then introduced some of the old vaccine in with it to make a new vaccine mixture. Considering we knew her blood was proving more resilient it was a better start than starting out plain fresh with the horse. Then they added the horses DNA into the dish and waited a few minutes, now came the agonizing part of seeing what would happen when the virus was introduced. 

With great care Phillips introduced the diluted blue mix into the dish and it was an instant war zone beneath our eyes. The virus started to kill off the living cells it could find and my gut sank, then suddenly the cells seemed to be fighting back. Phillips added a tiny bit more of Nightmares blood to the dish and the healthy cells attacked the virus generously, soon the deadly disease was no longer living in the petri dish at all. "It worked?" I voiced uncertain and was quickly agreed with. "A few more tests and we'll have ourselves a cure." Miller grinned, and I allowed myself a strained smile, hopefully it wouldn't be too late for Pookie by then.

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