Chapter 18

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The two mile walk back to camp was a long one, I didn't mind the exercise but I kept slowing my stride to make sure Nathan wouldn't pass out and fall off my horse. When we got back Gabe was pacing like mad while Luke and Sean shuffled out to meet us as I had North and Silas get Nathan down easily enough. "What the f*** happened out there?!" Gabe paled at his shirtless and bloody friend. "Well this bunch drew enough attention to themselves that a bunch of thieving scoundrels decided to have a go at them, thus resulting in Nate here getting shot and the car being ruined among other things." I summed up with a shrug as Sean rushed to check his wounded buddy over. 

"What is this stuff anyway Pookie, I don't think I've seen it before?" Sean quizzed as he studied the little paste I had applied to the wound. "It's a natural remedy to stop the bleeding and help numb the pain, I make a lot of different things to help with any injuries I get." I answered as he seemed even more intrigued by my answer. "Where did you learn all of that if you don't mind my asking?" Kota blushed to the side as he fiddled with his glasses. "I read up on it from books actually considering I've got a pretty good memory, the rest was trial and error. I guess you could say it was wilderness school 101, learn or die trying." I chuckled out as I avoided their heavy gazes. 

"And you should see what Peanut here can do, she's a fearless warrior on the battlefield." Nate's grin had unwanted color flooding my cheeks at the compliment but I fought it away with a shrug. "I just helped pick off some of the leftovers, you had the problem decently handled with how greatly they outnumbered you." I muttered out as I studied the dried blood on my knife blade, I needed to clean it and my arrows ASAP. "Aggele mou if you had not arrived when you did some if not all of us would have lost our lives out there, we all owe you." Silas rumbled out kindly and I snapped my eyes up to meet those of the big sultry Greek.

 "None of you owe me anything for what happened out there." I gritted out, I didn't want payment for killing even if it was for the survival of myself and my newfound comrades. "Sang, Kota was getting strangled to death and you saved him with a single shot, I think we owe..." I cut Victor off with a scowl. "I said you don't owe me anything. What happened today was a choice, my choice to help you or let you die. All I did was make a choice no one owes me for that, honestly I would like to forget about what happened out there if I can." I clenched my fists to stop the shudders that wanted to overcome the calm of everything. 

"Alright Ms. Sang we will drop the subject if that is what you wish." Owen broke the tense silence as I nodded to him. "It is, thank you. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go rub Nightmare down after all that and then I'll see if I can find us something to eat." I forced a smile onto my face as I grabbed Night's reins. "The rest of you should clean up a bit, you look like someone ran you through a shredder and spewed you back out." I chuckled at their expressions as I led Night away to a private area of the nearby stream.

 I got to work cleaning my arrows off before putting them back with the others, then I turned my attention back to the crusted blood on my knife. I shook slightly as I roughly scrubbed the blade clean, trying and failing to keep the memory of the blade cutting through flesh and the lifeless eyes out of my mind. I had killed plenty of times but it was always the hardest when I had to use my blade up close, the fact that I could feel the life leave their bodies had often brought nightmares in its own right.

 I could handle explosives, arrows and even throwing my blade into the chest of an opponent so much easier but an up close fight to the death by blade, I hated it even when it was necessary. I was working on rubbing out Nightmare's legs when I heard the leaves rustle slightly from behind, the fact that Arrow seemed fine told me it was one of the guys. "You know it's not polite to sneak up on someone, especially if that someone could kill you accidentally if startled." I huffed as I ran my hand along the stallions side.

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