Chapter 42

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Dr. Robert's seemed to be at a loss for words after Sang's statement as was I, but the other 7 men with him had no such reserves. "What the h*** are you talking about little girl!?" Jeffrey's the blond haired elder scientist of our community was the loudest of them all. "My father was a horrible man to have created this thing in the first place but for years he tried to fix it by studying a cure, and before he died he left his notes to me so that I could continue his work. I understand some of what he wrote down, but to really work towards a cure I'm going to need all of you to help." Sang stated her words were precise and even. Although she was far younger than many in this room not to mention the only female present, she commanded the situation almost naturally. 

"But how can we be certain what you say is true, after all you are a stranger here?" Miller the only other redhead in the room besides Nathan quipped, he was in his latter 20s and one of the few remaining doctors in the community. "Well you tell me what these say, then ask me if I'm lying to you." Sang said firmly as she pulled out her bag of notes and laid the papers out in front of them, Dr. Robert's was studying her silently while the others inspected the notes for themselves. "These formulas are, well they're not like anything I've ever seen, you got these from your father?" Phillips the black haired middle aged scientist was one of the nicer of the bunch, he stared down at the papers in his hands in shock.

"Most of them yes, except for the ones we extracted from the building itself yesterday." Her words draw the men's attention up from the papers to stare at her in surprise. "You went to the research building?" Ramirez the 25 year old brunette doctor asked in awe, I had noticed he hadn't been able to take his eyes off our bird since she arrived. "My team and I all went in with her." I state clearly as he glances our way, he has a look of surprise on his face as I stare him down. He needs to realize that she is ours when she's ready and we won't share her with anyone outside our team. "But no one ever came back from there on the expeditions!" Foster crows out his bald head a clear beacon when he's not wearing his hat. "How did you make it out, what was it like?" Cox the youngest scientist of the group asked as he nervously ran his hands through his short brown hair.

 "The building was f***ing booby trapped with deadly acid bullets and mines, Arrow saved my a** from getting melted!" Gabe exclaimed, I glared at him at the language with our elders but of course he didn't care. "Who is Arrow?" Jeffrey's asked as we all pointed to the wolf dog standing by the little birds side and silently watching the room. "So you found some of these notes inside?" Brooks the other blond scientist of the group voiced as we nodded to his question. "Yes and were hoping that you can make more sense of them than we could." Sean states to the room. "That may take some time are you willing to wait and see what we come up with?" Robert's voiced curiously. 

"Of course sir, any amount of time it takes." I agree quickly. "No offense Blackbourne but I was asking the bird, she seems quite clear on her wanting to leave as quickly as possible." Robert's states as he sends a questioning look towards Sang, he isn't wrong about her not wanting to be here. "I've never been fond of communities myself so yes I do want to leave as quickly as possible. So the quicker you can all make sense of these formulas and equations the better, but I will stay until it is done. We do have another issue however that might be a bit more pressing than my aversion to your compound." She stares down Robert's easily and I can't help remembering how she views me as one of the least threatening of our group, right now she's a terrifying beauty. 

"What issue?" Phillips quizzes warily. "When we were in the building we came in contact with the setter of those traps, he was a scientist that had been working on the cure himself, Nathan shot him when he threatened to shoot us. Sang and the Doc tried to save him and he gave us some information before he died." Victor asserts as all eyes turn to the bird once more, showing just how easily they accepted the fact she's running this little show. "He mentioned the only way we have a chance to make the cure is by finding the three ingredients we need, all of which he could not obtain. The first is an experimental prevention against the virus, the second is a mutated faster acting form of the virus itself, both of which my father hid away somewhere that no one has yet found." Her words have murmuring going through the group.

 "And the third?" Ramirez asked curiously. "A host of some sort, he mentioned something about the host needing a certain DNA before we lost him, at the moment there's no way of knowing what DNA he was speaking of, but maybe we can find the answers in his notes." Sang states with a frown. "So will you help us work to save what's left of humanity or are we on our own?" Her question was curt as she scanned the table of men. "Yep I really like her." Raven murmured off to the side but he was ignored as we awaited the answers of the men we needed to understand this.

 "I would be happy to help with anything I can little bird." Phillips smiled as Sang thanked him with a nod. "Count me in!" Ramirez was quick to add with a smirk, he was followed quickly by Brooks and Foster, then Miller and anxious Cox. "I don't want anything to do with this, enough people have already died what's the use of listening to the bird who keeps beasts as pets!" Jeffrey's growled out before storming from the room, probably for the best considering the murderous look Sang sent after him. 

"Don't worry about that, he'll come around eventually, and I would be honored to help in any way that I can." Robert's said as he shook her hand strongly and she smiled slightly back at him. "Phillips since Jeffrey's is so against the task I'm putting you in charge, and Blackbourne try to show the bird around maybe she'll change her mind about staying?" Robert's said softly as he sent a look to our bird. "I doubt it but you're welcome to try." She snorted in response as we were all dismissed to go about our business, as we headed out I caught sight of a familiar little brunette bird and was glad to see her doing well after our absence.


"Kota, you're back!" I was momentarily stunned as a brown haired girl some years younger than I was ran forward to wrap her arms around Kota in a tight hug that he was quick to return. "Hey Jess, you doing okay?" Kota asked gently, just who was this girl to him? "Yeah I'm great, I was more worried about you, is she a friend of yours?" the girl suddenly turned her attention to me energetically grinning my way as I stood there awkwardly, uncertain how to respond to her exuberant attitude. "Yeah she is, Jess I want you to meet Sang, Sang this is my little sister Jessica." Kota said and I couldn't help but smile at the introduction, I didn't know he had a sister and she was adorable. 

"Hi, and this lovable boy is Arrow in case you were wondering." I smiled as I scratched Arrow's ears. "Awwww he's so cute." She squealed as she came forward to shower him with attention that he happily enjoyed as the other sstared on in shock. "Yeah wait till you meet her horse and goats." Nate chuckled out as the girl gasped up at me in awe. "I like her Kota." Jessica grinned at her brother and I knew I caught his face flushing this time. 

"Whatever, Jess do you think you can do us a favor and show Sang around, we have some stuff to take care of then we can meet you at the Toma's place?" Kota asked as the boys sent a look between the younger girl and I, it was fine with me if I got to know Kota's sister a bit better through the tour. "Sure, see you later then. Come on Sang, you're going to love it here!" She said and suddenly she was pulling me along as I frowned at that phrase again. I might be forced to cooperate but that didn't mean I had to enjoy being trapped here, even if the people were nice.

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