Chapter 45

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I woke early and went to collect some eggs from the chickens and fruit from the garden before heading back to the cottage where I'd left Arrow guarding a still sleeping Jess. I got the wood stove going and started cooking up the eggs and boiling some herbal tea I'd made, I carefully divided the bit of fruit I'd collected onto two platters I'd found on a shelf. "Something smells good." Jess yawned as she stumbled out of the little bedroom and into one of the chairs as she sleepily watched me dish out the eggs and tea. "Breakfast." I grinned as she took a bite of the egg I added to her plate, before proceeding to stuff her mouth eagerly with the rest.

 "Easy now, don't make yourself choke." I teased as I tossed a bit of egg and even some jerky to Arrow for his breakfast before settling down to eat my own. "It's so gooood, I haven't had a good hot breakfast like this one since before mom died. Whenever I get to the dinning hall all the eggs are either cold or gone." Jess mumbled out through the mouthful of food. "Well that's not gonna happen with me around." I chuckled out before digging into my own plate full of deliciousness. Once we finished eating I was quick to head up to the barn to take care of my pets, and after setting up a makeshift fence with some netting I let them all out to browse or graze the nearby area. 

When they were all taken care of I checked on Jess who was working in the gardens and gave her a hand for a little bit until I had to head over to the Toma household. I arrived a little early and got to talk with Marc and Kayli who were home while the others went to the dining hall. I quickly learned that Marc was a fun and interesting man who often was a sidekick in Luke's pranking wars, and once he warmed up to Arrow I really started to like him. "Yeah you should have been here earlier Sang, North showed up early and refused to let Raven out of his sight in fear you two would end up alone." Marc chuckled out. 

"North was being all huffy puffy about it, he must really like you if he's so worried like that." Kayli agreed as I frowned uncertainly but shrugged in response. "Speak of the devils and they shall appear." Marc smirked as he nodded out the window to where Raven and North were walking up, they seemed to be arguing about something, as usual. I went out to meet them as they stopped to shout at each other in a spot of the yard, they were so occupied with each other that they didn't even notice Arrow and I approaching. "So what are we shouting about today boys?" I hummed out loud enough to reach through their shouting match as they both turned towards me. 

"Little bird you're here!" Raven grinned at me as North scowled back at him. "Yeah I've been here for an hour talking with Marc and Kayli, you boys are late." I crossed my arms over my chest as I looked between both of them. "You probably have other things to do right now Sang Baby, it's okay if you can't train today." North grunted out, as Raven frowned at him. "So that's what this is about, they mentioned that you wouldn't leave Raven alone this morning, North were you tying to stall him so he would be late?" I raised in annoyance. "Da, he was!" Raven confirmed with a firm nod as North sputtered and spat angrily. 

"She doesn't need any more training, she already puts herself in more danger than she should!" North growled out as Marc and Kayli came out on the porch to watch our exchange. "North what I do with myself and my belongings is none of your business, whether I put myself in danger or not. The choice to work on training with Raven is my own choice, I'm not being forced into it. Also if you're so worried then train with us, like I've said before." I huff in annoyance. "You are not busy now?" Raven asked, his tone seemed hopeful. "No, I got up early to do my chores as well as have breakfast with Jess so I'm free until lunch." I smiled back at his beaming grin. 

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